path: root/2.3-1/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenerateMakefile.sci
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-06-30merged main repo with localJorawar Singh
2017-06-30Help files, modified Raspberry Pi code conversionJorawar Singh
2017-06-20Bug fixed for GSL librarysiddhu8990
2017-05-04Basic functions and image processing working with MSVC on windows x64Siddhesh Wani
2017-04-24Fixed float.h issue. OpenCV with built libraries working for linux x64siddhu8990
2016-08-29OpenCV interface changed from c to c++siddhu8990
2016-08-25Basic image prcessing working for RPisiddhu8990
2016-08-18RPi-PWM and basic imaage processingsiddhu8990
2016-07-25WiringPi used for RaspberryPi (Gpio, serial, Threads, ISRs)siddhu8990
2016-06-27test commitsiddhu8990
2016-06-06File handling functions addedsiddhu8990
2016-05-27Support for basic ODE function addedsiddhu8990
2016-03-02Intermediate commitsiddhu8990
2016-02-01Merged RPi and bit operatorssiddhu8990
2016-02-01Support for RPi gpios addedsiddhu8990
2016-01-15added -L./ -lblasplus for windows and removed Makefile.mak generationMushirahmed
2015-09-28Extension compatible with both - standalone and Arduino outputs.siddhu8990
2015-08-20Support for disp addedsiddhu8990
2015-05-25Original VersionSiddhesh Wani