path: root/905/CH8/EX8.4/8_4.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '905/CH8/EX8.4/8_4.sce')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/905/CH8/EX8.4/8_4.sce b/905/CH8/EX8.4/8_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5bb40e52a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/905/CH8/EX8.4/8_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Illustration 8.4
+// Page: 484
+printf('Illustration 8.4 - Page: 484\n\n');
+// Solution
+// a - water vapor b - air
+T_G1 = 356; // [K]
+P_total = 101.325; // [kPa]
+Y_1 = .03; // [kg water/kg dry air]
+C_pa = 1.884; // [kJ/kg.K]
+C_pb = 1.005; // [kJ/kg.K]
+C_s1 = C_pb + Y_1*C_pa;// [kJ/kg.K]
+T_1 = 373.15; // [K]
+T_c = 647.1; // [K]
+M_a = 18.02; // [gram/mole]
+M_b = 28.97; // [gram/mole]
+lambda_1 = 2256; // [Latent Heat of Vaporizarion at T_1, kJ/kg]
+// Using equation 8.10
+// T_as = T_G1- (Y_as - Y_l)*lambda_as/C_s1
+// where lambda_2 = lambda_1*((1-T_as/T_c)/(1-T_1/T_c))^.38
+// Y_as = P_a/(P_total-P_a)*M_a/M_b
+// and P_a = exp(16.3872-(3885.7/(T_as-42.98))) - Antoine equation for component 'a'
+deff('[y] = f12(T_as)',' y = T_as - T_G1 + ((exp(16.3872 - (3885.7/(T_as - 42.98)))/(P_total - (exp(16.3872 - (3885.7/(T_as - 42.98))))))*(M_a/M_b) - Y_1)*(lambda_1*((1-T_as/T_c)/(1-T_1/T_c))^.38/C_s1)');
+T_as = fsolve(310,f12); // [K]
+printf("Adiabatic Saturation Temperature is %f K\n",T_as);
+// Now using equation 8.2
+P_a = exp(16.3872-(3885.7/(T_as-42.98))); // [kPa]
+Y_as = P_a/(P_total-P_a)*M_a/M_b; // [kg water/kg dry air]
+printf("Absolute humidity is %f kg water/kg dry air\n",Y_as); \ No newline at end of file