path: root/905/CH2/EX2.14/2_14.sce
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1 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/905/CH2/EX2.14/2_14.sce b/905/CH2/EX2.14/2_14.sce
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/905/CH2/EX2.14/2_14.sce
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+// Illustration 2.14
+// Page: 138
+printf('Illustration 2.14 - Page: 138\n\n');
+// solution
+// a-oxygen b-water
+// To design the deaerator, We will use commercially available microporous polypropylene hollow fibers in a module
+// Given data:
+m = 40000; // [kg/hr]
+Twater = 298; // [K]
+v = 0.1; // [superficial velocity, m/s]
+P = 101.3; // [kPa]
+V = 40*10^-3; // [Flow rate of nitrogen, cubic m/min]
+d = 2.90*10^-4; // [Outside diameter of fibres, m]
+pf = 0.4; // [Packing factor]
+a = 46.84*100; // [surface area per unit volume, m^-1]
+R = 8.314; // [cubic m.Pa/mole.K]
+// *****//
+dw = 1000; // [density of water, kg/cubic m]
+Ql = m/(3600*1000); // [volumetric water flow rate, cubic m/s]
+// Shell diameter
+D = (4*Ql/(%pi*v))^0.5; // [Shell diameter, m]
+// the properties of dilute mixtures of oxygen in water at 298 K
+u = 0.9; // [cP]
+// Diffusivity from equation 1.53
+D_ab = 1.93*10^-9; // [square m/s]
+Sc = 467; // [Schmidt number]
+Re = d*v*dw/(u*10^-3); // [Renoylds number]
+// Substituting in equation (2-97) gives
+Sh = 0.53*(1-1.1*pf)*((1-pf)/pf)^-0.47*(Re^0.53*Sc^0.33);
+kl = Sh*D_ab/d; // [mass-transfer coefficient on the shell side, m/s]
+// From the specified BFW flow rate
+L = m/(3600*18); // [kmole/s]
+// From ideal gas law
+V1 = V*P/(Twater*R*60); // [kmole/s]
+// From the solubility of oxygen in water at 298 K,
+M = 4.5*10^4;
+A = L/(M*V1); // [Absorption factor]
+printf("Absorption factor is %f\n",A);
+// For 99% removal of the dissolved oxygen
+// x_in/x_out = b = 100
+b = 100;
+c = 55.5 // [molar density, kmole/cubic m]
+// Substituting in equation 2.99 yields
+V_T = (L*log(b*(1-A)+A))/(kl*a*c*(1-A)); // [cubic m]
+// The module length, Z is
+Z = V_T/(%pi*D^2/4);
+printf("The shell diameter and module length is %f m and %f m respectively\n\n",D,Z); \ No newline at end of file