path: root/83/CH11/EX11.6
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Diffstat (limited to '83/CH11/EX11.6')
2 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/83/CH11/EX11.6/example_11_6.sce b/83/CH11/EX11.6/example_11_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..125aac586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/83/CH11/EX11.6/example_11_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+//Chapter 11
+//Example 11.6
+//page 420
+//To find bus voltages and currents
+v_pf=1; //prefault voltage
+//according to the fig.11.26
+printf('\nY-Bus and Z-Bus matrix can be written as:\n')
+Y1_bus=[Y1dd Y1de Y1df Y1dg;Y1ed Y1ee Y1ef Y1eg;Y1fd Y1fe Y1ff Y1fg;Y1gd Y1ge Y1gf Y1gg];
+Y0_bus=[Y0dd Y0de Y0df Y0dg;Y0ed Y0ee Y0ef Y0eg;Y0fd Y0fe Y0ff Y0fg;Y0gd Y0de Y0gf Y0gg];
+//finding Z-bus matrix
+//to find fault current with LG fault on bus e ---case(i)
+printf('\n\n\nFault current with LG fault on bus e is If_e= -j%0.5f\n',abs(imag(If_e)));
+//to find fault current with LG fault on bus f ---case(ii)
+printf('Fault current with LG fault on bus f is If_f= -j%0.5f\n',abs(imag(If_f)));
+//to find bus voltages and line currents in case(i)
+printf('\n\n\nBus voltages and currents are given below:\n\n');
+If2_fe=-Y1fe*(Vf2_f-Vf2_e);disp('If2_fe=');disp(If2_fe); //Y2fe=Y1fe
diff --git a/83/CH11/EX11.6/result_example_11_6.txt b/83/CH11/EX11.6/result_example_11_6.txt
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3ec225f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/83/CH11/EX11.6/result_example_11_6.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+Y-Bus and Z-Bus matrix can be written as:
+ - 17.42236i 12.42236i 0 0
+ 12.42236i - 18.519921i 6.097561i 0
+ 0 6.097561i - 18.519921i 12.42236i
+ 0 0 12.42236i - 16.770186i
+ - 17.42236i 12.42236i 0 0
+ 12.42236i - 18.519921i 6.097561i 0
+ 0 6.097561i - 18.519921i 12.42236i
+ 0 0 12.42236i - 16.770186i
+ - 0.6218905i 0 0 0
+ 0 - 14.446652i 2.0242915i 0
+ 0 2.0242915i - 14.446652i 0
+ 0 0 0 - 0.5841121i
+ 0.1470199i 0.1256954i 0.0822517i 0.0609272i
+ 0.1256954i 0.1762877i 0.1153579i 0.0854503i
+ 0.0822517i 0.1153579i 0.1828043i 0.1354106i
+ 0.0609272i 0.0854503i 0.1354106i 0.1599338i
+ 0.1470199i 0.1256954i 0.0822517i 0.0609272i
+ 0.1256954i 0.1762877i 0.1153579i 0.0854503i
+ 0.0822517i 0.1153579i 0.1828043i 0.1354106i
+ 0.0609272i 0.0854503i 0.1354106i 0.1599338i
+ 1.608i 0 0 0
+ 0 0.0706065i 0.0098935i 0
+ 0 0.0098935i 0.0706065i 0
+ 0 0 0 1.712i
+Fault current with LG fault on bus e is If_e= -j7.08915
+Fault current with LG fault on bus f is If_f= -j6.87734
+Bus voltages and currents are given below:
+ Vf1_d=
+ 0.7029756
+ Vf1_e=
+ 0.5834233
+ Vf1_f=
+ 0.7274035
+ Vf1_g=
+ 0.7980766
+ Vf2_d=
+ - 0.2970244
+ Vf2_e=
+ - 0.4165767
+ Vf2_f=
+ - 0.2725965
+ Vf2_g=
+ - 0.2019234
+ Vf0_d=
+ 0
+ Vf0_e=
+ - 0.1668466
+ Vf0_f=
+ - 0.0233789
+ Vf0_g=
+ 0
+ If1_fe=
+ - 0.8779277i
+ If1_de=
+ - 1.4851219i
+ Ia1=
+ - 2.3630496i
+ If1_gf=
+ - 0.8779277i
+ If2_fe=
+ - 0.8779277i
+ If0_fe=
+ - 0.2914578i
+ If_fe=
+ - 2.0473131i