path: root/764/CH7/EX7.15.b
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '764/CH7/EX7.15.b')
2 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/764/CH7/EX7.15.b/result7_15.txt b/764/CH7/EX7.15.b/result7_15.txt
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..257e970c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/764/CH7/EX7.15.b/result7_15.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+-->//(Threaded Joints) Example 7.15
+-->//Refer Fig.7.30 on page 247
+-->//Vertical force acting on the rigid bracket P (kN)
+-->P = 10
+ P =
+ 10.
+-->//Maximum permissible shear stress in any bolt tauMax (N/mm2)
+-->tauMax = 50
+ tauMax =
+ 50.
+-->//Number of bolts N
+-->N = 4
+ N =
+ 4.
+-->//Eccentricity value when secondary shear is considered e (mm)
+-->e = 250
+ e =
+ 250.
+-->//Distance between two bolts dist (mm)
+-->dist = 100 + 100
+ dist =
+ 200.
+-->//Angle made by the secondary shear forces with the vertical theta (degree)
+-->theta = 45
+ theta =
+ 45.
+-->//Eccentricity value when bracket tilting is considered et (mm)
+-->et = 300
+ et =
+ 300.
+-->//Distance between bolts 1 and 3 from edge CC l1 (mm)
+-->l1 = 50 + 200
+ l1 =
+ 250.
+-->//Distance between bolts 2 and 4 from edge CC l2 (mm)
+-->l2 = 50
+ l2 =
+ 50.
+Area at the core cross-section(A) = 141.035110 mm2
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/764/CH7/EX7.15.b/solution7_15.sce b/764/CH7/EX7.15.b/solution7_15.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..17ac33c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/764/CH7/EX7.15.b/solution7_15.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+//Obtain path of solution file
+path = get_absolute_file_path('solution7_15.sce')
+//Obtain path of data file
+datapath = path + filesep() + 'data7_15.sci'
+//Clear all
+//Execute the data file
+//Calculate the primary shear force on bolts Pshear (N)
+Pshear = (P * 1000)/N
+//Distance between bolt and centre of gravity r (mm)
+r = (((dist/2)^2) + ((dist/2)^2))^(1/2)
+//Calculate the secondary shear force on bolts Sshear (N)
+Sshear = (P * 1000 * e * r)/(4 * (r^2))
+//Calculate the resultant shear force on bolts Ps (N)
+Ps = (((Pshear + (Sshear * sind(theta)))^2) + ((Sshear * cosd(90 - theta))^2))^(1/2)
+//Calculate the resisting force set up in appropriate bolts due to bracket tilting Pt (N)
+if (l1 > l2) then
+ Pt = (P * 1000 * et * l1)/(2*((l1^2) + (l2^2)))
+ Pt = (P * 1000 * et * l2)/(2*((l1^2) + (l2^2)))
+//Assume the core cross-section area of the bolts to be 1mm2 A
+A = 1
+//Calculate the tensile stress sigmat (N/mm2)
+sigmat = Pt/A
+//Calculate the shear stress Stau (N/mm2)
+Stau = Ps/A
+//Calculate the maximum shear stress in the bolts tau (N/mm2)
+tau = (((sigmat/2)^2) + (Stau^2))^(1/2)
+//Calculate the actual core cross-section area of the bolts A (mm2)
+A = tau/tauMax
+//Choose proper diameter from Table 7.1
+//Print results
+printf('\nArea at the core cross-section(A) = %f mm2\n',A)