path: root/632/CH5/EX5.8/example5_8.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '632/CH5/EX5.8/example5_8.sce')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/632/CH5/EX5.8/example5_8.sce b/632/CH5/EX5.8/example5_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a0901dff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/632/CH5/EX5.8/example5_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+P = 6000;//kPa
+T = 325;//K
+xn2 = 0.4;
+xethane = 0.6;
+an2 = 0.1365;//N m^4 / mol^2
+bn2 = 3.86 * 10^-5;//m^3/mol
+aethane = 0.557;//N m^4 / mol^2
+bethane = 6.51 * 10^-5;//m^3/mol
+Pcn2 = 3394;//kPa
+Tcn2 = 126.2;//K
+Pcethane = 4880;//kPa
+Tcethane = 305.4;//K
+R = 8.314;
+V = R * T / (P*1000);
+disp("m^3/mol",V,"(a)Molar volume by ideal gas equation =")
+a = (xn2 * (an2^0.5) + xethane * (aethane^0.5))^2;
+b = (xn2*bn2 + xethane*bethane);
+//substituting the above values in van der waals equation, and solving, we get
+V1 = 3.680 * 10^-4;//m^3/mol
+disp("m^3/mol",V1,"(b)Molar volume by van der waals equation =")
+Prin2 = P/Pcn2;
+Trin2 = T/Tcn2;
+Priethane = P/Pcethane;
+Triethane = T/Tcethane;
+// using compressibilty chart,
+Zn2 = 1;
+Zethane = 0.42;
+Z = xn2 * Zn2 + xethane * Zethane;
+V2 = Z * R * T / P;
+disp("m^3/mol",V2,"(c)Molar volume based on compressibilty factor =")
+Pri1n2 = xn2*P/Pcn2;
+Tri1n2 = T/Tcn2;
+Pri1ethane = xethane*P/Pcethane;
+Tri1ethane = T/Tcethane;
+// using compressibilty chart,
+Zn21 = 1;
+Zethane1 = 0.76;
+Z1 = xn2 * Zn21 + xethane * Zethane1;
+V3 = Z1 * R * T / P;
+disp("m^3/mol",V3,"(c)Molar volume based on daltons law =")
+Tc = xn2 * Tcn2 + xethane * Tcethane;
+Pc = xn2 * Pcn2 + xethane * Pcethane;
+Zc = 0.83;
+V4 = Zc * R *T / P;
+disp("m^3/mol",V4,"(d)Molar volume by kays method =")