path: root/542/CH11
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '542/CH11')
20 files changed, 993 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.1/Example_11_1.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.1/Example_11_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..03c1ad153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.1/Example_11_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Example 11.1
+printf("\tExample 11.1\n");
+p0_A=106; //Vapour pressure of n-heptane in kN/m^2
+p0_B=73.7; //Vapour pressure of toluene in kN/m^2
+P=101.3; //Total pressure in kN/m^2
+printf("\nMole fraction in liquid phase is : %.3f",xA);
+printf("\nMole fraction in vapour phase is : %.3f\n",yA);
+//End \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.10/Example_11_10.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.10/Example_11_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5a1984ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.10/Example_11_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Example 11.10
+printf("\tExample 11.10\n");
+//From material balance
+ // D+W=1
+ // 0.995D+0.1W=1*3
+A=[1 1;0.995 0.1];
+Rm = (1952-1547)/(1547-295);
+printf("\n Rm = %.3f",Rm);
+NA = 1.08*405;
+printf("\n Since the actual reflux is 8 pre cent above the minimum NA = 1.08*NmA = %.3f",NA);
+N = 5/0.6;
+printf("\n Number of plates to be required are %.3f",5/0.6);
+Qb_W = 582 - (-209);
+printf("\n Heat input to the boiler per unit mass of bottom product is %.3f",Qb_W);
+printf("\n Heat input to the boiler = %.3f kW",791*0.78);
+printf("\n Condenser duty = %d kW",(1984-296)*0.22);
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.11/Example_11_11.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.11/Example_11_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c26314980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.11/Example_11_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+//Example 11.11
+printf("\tExample 11.11\n");
+// F is feed
+// D is distillate
+// W is waste
+// S is sidestream
+//Mass fractions of CCl4 in various streams
+// D + W = 100-10
+// 0.95D + 0.00W = 50-8
+printf("\nD = %.1f W = %.1f\n",x(1),x(2));
+disp("From the enthalpy data and the reflux ratio, the upper pole point M is located as shown in Figure.");
+disp("Points F and S are located,such that FS/FF = 10.");
+disp("MF is Joined and extended to cut NS^A at O, the immediate pole point.");
+disp("The number of stages required is then obtained from the figure and");
+printf("13 theoretical stages are required");
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.12/Example_11_12.sci b/542/CH11/EX11.12/Example_11_12.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..595fd3c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.12/Example_11_12.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+printf("\n Example 11.12");
+R = [0.85 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0]; //Reflux ratio
+xd = 0.75; //top concentration of alcohol
+xs = [0.55 0.50 0.37 0.20 0.075 0.05];//From the graph fig.11.35 page-596
+Db(1) = 0;
+printf("\n R Fi xs Db ");
+while i<=6
+ Fi(i) = xd/(R(i) + 1);
+ if i>1 then
+ Db(i) = 100*(xs(1)-xs(i))/(xd-xs(i));
+ end
+ printf("\n %.2f %.3f %.2f %.1f",R(i),Fi(i),xs(i),Db(i));
+ i=i+1;
+xtitle("","Reflux ratio(R)","Product Db (kmol)");
+printf("\n The area under the Db vs R curve is given by 96 kmol");
+Hav = 4000; //average latent heat in kJ/kmol
+Qr = 96*Hav/1000;
+printf("\n Heat to be supplied to provide the reflux,Qr is approximately %.1f MJ",Qr);
+printf("\n Heat to be supplied to provide the reflux per kmol of product is then %.2f MJ",380/71.4);
+printf("\n Total heat = %.2f MJ/kmol product",5.32+4.0);
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.13/Example_11_13.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.13/Example_11_13.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6c6fb5cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.13/Example_11_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+//Example 11.13
+printf("\tExample 11.13\n");
+for i=1:6
+ reci(i)=1/(xd(i)-xs(i));
+m=[xs xd differ reci];
+printf("\n xs xd (xd-xs) 1/(xd-xs)\n");
+xtitle('Graphical integration','xs','1/xd-xs)');
+//Area under the curve is calculated and is found to be 1.1
+//logdiv = S1/S2 = area under the curve
+S1=100; //Assume
+Db=S1-S2; //Product obtained
+printf("\nAverage composition is %.2f kmol\n",avg);
+L=4000; //latent heat
+printf("Heat required to produce reflux per kmol : %d kJ\n",h);
+//End \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.14/Example_11_14.sci b/542/CH11/EX11.14/Example_11_14.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d9972423f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.14/Example_11_14.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+xdo = 0.98; //per cent of ortho top product
+xwo = 0.125; //per cent of ortho bottom product
+ f(1) = 100 - x(1) - x(2); //x(1) is D and x(2) is W
+ f(2) = 60 - x(1)*xdo - x(2)*xwo;
+ funcprot(0);
+x = [0,0];
+y = fsolve(x,product)
+printf("\n D = %.2f kmol & W = %.2f kmol",y(1),y(2));
+printf("\n Let us assume that the distillate contains 0.6 mole per cent meta and 1.4 mole per cent para");
+printf("\n Component Feed Distillate Bottoms ");
+printf("\n (kmol) (mole per cent) (kmol) (mole per cent) (kmol) (mole per cent) ");
+printf("\n Ortho %.3f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f ",60,60,y(1)*0.98,98,y(2)*0.125,12.5);
+printf("\n Meta %.3f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f ",4,4,y(1)*0.006,0.6,y(2)*0.083,8.3);
+printf("\n Para %.3f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f ",36,36,y(1)*0.014,1.4,y(2)*0.792,79.2);
+ao = 1.7; //relative volatility of ortho relative to para
+am = 1.16; //relative volatility of meta relative to para
+ap =1; //relative volatility of para w.r.t. to itself
+xso = 0.125;
+xsm = 0.083;
+xsp = 0.792;
+xwo = 0.125;
+xwp = 0.083;
+xwm = 0.792;
+yso = ao*xso/(ao*xso+ap*xsp+am*xsm);
+ysm = am*xsm/(ao*xso+ap*xsp+am*xsm);
+ysp = ap*xsp/(ao*xso+ap*xsp+am*xsm);
+//Equations of operating lines
+//Above the feed point
+Ln = 5*y(1); //Liquid downflow
+Vn = 6*y(1); //Vapour up
+//Assuming the feed is liquid at its boiling point
+F = 100; //feed
+Lm = Ln+F; //liquid downflow
+Vm = Lm-y(2); //Vapour up
+x1o = poly([0],'x1o');
+x11 = roots(yso - (Lm/Vm)*x1o + (y(2)/Vm)*xwo);
+x1p = poly([0],'x1p');
+x12 = roots(ysp - (Lm/Vm)*x1p + (y(2)/Vm)*xwp);
+x1m = poly([0],'x1m');
+x13 = roots(ysm - (Lm/Vm)*x1m + (y(2)/Vm)*xwm);
+x1 = [x11 x13 x12];
+ax1 = [ao*x11 am*x13 ap*x12];
+y1 = [ax1(1)/(ax1(1)+ax1(2)+ax1(3)) ax1(2)/(ax1(1)+ax1(2)+ax1(3)) ax1(3)/(ax1(1)+ax1(2)+ax1(3))];
+x2o = poly([0],'x2o');
+x21 = roots(y1(1) - (Lm/Vm)*x2o + (y(2)/Vm)*xwo);
+x2p = poly([0],'x2p');
+x22 = roots(y1(3) - (Lm/Vm)*x2p + (y(2)/Vm)*xwp);
+x2m = poly([0],'x2m');
+x23 = roots(y1(2) - (Lm/Vm)*x2m + (y(2)/Vm)*xwm);
+x2 = [x21 x23 x22];
+printf("\n plate compositions below the feed plate");
+printf("\n Component xs axs ys x1 ax1 y1 x2");
+printf("\n o %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",xso,ao*xso,yso,x1(1),ax1(1),y1(1),x2(1));
+printf("\n m %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",xsm,am*xsm,ysm,x1(2),ax1(2),y1(2),x2(2));
+printf("\n p %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",xsp,ap*xsp,ysp,x1(3),ax1(3),y1(3),x2(3));
+printf("\n %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",xso+xsm+xsp,ao*xso+am*xsm+ap*xsp,yso+ysm+ysp,x1(1)+x1(2)+x1(3),ax1(1)+ax1(2)+ax1(3),y1(1)+y1(2)+y1(3),x2(1)+x2(2)+x2(3));
+ax2 = [ao*x2(1) am*x2(2) ap*x2(3)];
+y2 = [ax2(1)/(ax2(1)+ax2(2)+ax2(3)) ax2(2)/(ax2(1)+ax2(2)+ax2(3)) ax2(3)/(ax2(1)+ax2(2)+ax2(3))];
+x3o = poly([0],'x3o');
+x31 = roots(yso - (Lm/Vm)*x3o + (y(2)/Vm)*xwo);
+x3p = poly([0],'x3p');
+x32 = roots(ysp - (Lm/Vm)*x3p + (y(2)/Vm)*xwp);
+x3m = poly([0],'x3m');
+x33 = roots(ysm - (Lm/Vm)*x3m + (y(2)/Vm)*xwm);
+x3 = [x31 x33 x32];
+ax3 = [ao*x3(1) am*x3(2) ap*x3(3)];
+y3 = [ax3(1)/(ax3(1)+ax3(2)+ax3(3)) ax3(2)/(ax3(1)+ax3(2)+ax3(3)) ax3(3)/(ax3(1)+ax3(2)+ax3(3))];
+x4o = poly([0],'x4o');
+x41 = roots(yso - (Lm/Vm)*x4o + (y(2)/Vm)*xwo);
+x4p = poly([0],'x4p');
+x42 = roots(ysp - (Lm/Vm)*x4p + (y(2)/Vm)*xwp);
+x4m = poly([0],'x4m');
+x43 = roots(ysm - (Lm/Vm)*x4m + (y(2)/Vm)*xwm);
+x4 = [x41 x43 x42];
+ax4 = [ao*x4(1) am*x4(2) ap*x4(3)];
+y4 = [ax4(1)/(ax4(1)+ax4(2)+ax4(3)) ax4(2)/(ax4(1)+ax4(2)+ax4(3)) ax4(3)/(ax4(1)+ax4(2)+ax4(3))];
+x5o = poly([0],'x5o');
+x51 = roots(yso - (Lm/Vm)*x5o + (y(2)/Vm)*xwo);
+x5p = poly([0],'x5p');
+x52 = roots(ysp - (Lm/Vm)*x5p + (y(2)/Vm)*xwp);
+x5m = poly([0],'x5m');
+x53 = roots(ysm - (Lm/Vm)*x5m + (y(2)/Vm)*xwm);
+x5 = [x51 x53 x52];
+ax5 = [ao*x5(1) am*x5(2) ap*x5(3)];
+y5 = [ax5(1)/(ax5(1)+ax5(2)+ax5(3)) ax5(2)/(ax5(1)+ax5(2)+ax5(3)) ax5(3)/(ax5(1)+ax5(2)+ax5(3))];
+x6o = poly([0],'x6o');
+x61 = roots(yso - (Lm/Vm)*x6o + (y(2)/Vm)*xwo);
+x6p = poly([0],'x6p');
+x62 = roots(ysp - (Lm/Vm)*x6p + (y(2)/Vm)*xwp);
+x6m = poly([0],'x6m');
+x63 = roots(ysm - (Lm/Vm)*x6m + (y(2)/Vm)*xwm);
+x6 = [x61 x63 x62];
+ax6 = [ao*x6(1) am*x6(2) ap*x6(3)];
+y6 = [ax6(1)/(ax6(1)+ax6(2)+ax6(3)) ax6(2)/(ax6(1)+ax6(2)+ax6(3)) ax6(3)/(ax6(1)+ax6(2)+ax6(3))];
+x7o = poly([0],'x7o');
+x71 = roots(yso - (Lm/Vm)*x7o + (y(2)/Vm)*xwo);
+x7p = poly([0],'x7p');
+x72 = roots(ysp - (Lm/Vm)*x7p + (y(2)/Vm)*xwp);
+x7m = poly([0],'x7m');
+x73 = roots(ysm - (Lm/Vm)*x7m + (y(2)/Vm)*xwm);
+x7 = [x71 x73 x72];
+printf("\n Component ax2 y2 x3 ax3 y3 x4 ax4");
+printf("\n o %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",ax2(1),y2(1),x3(1),ax3(1),y3(1),x4(1),ax4(1));
+printf("\n m %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",xsm,am*xsm,ysm,x1(2),ax1(2),y1(2),x2(2));
+printf("\n p %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",xsp,ap*xsp,ysp,x1(3),ax1(3),y1(3),x2(3));
+printf("\n Component y4 x5 ax5 y5 x6 ax6 y6");
+printf("\n o %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",y4(1),x5(1),ax5(1),y5(1),x6(1),ax6(1),y6(1));
+printf("\n m %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",y4(2),x5(2),ax5(2),y5(2),x6(2),ax6(2),y6(2));
+printf("\n p %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",y4(3),x5(3),ax5(3),y5(3),x6(3),ax6(3),y6(3));
+ax7 = [ao*x7(1) am*x7(2) ap*x7(3)];
+y7 = [ax7(1)/(ax7(1)+ax7(2)+ax7(3)) ax7(2)/(ax7(1)+ax7(2)+ax7(3)) ax7(3)/(ax7(1)+ax7(2)+ax7(3))];
+x8o = poly([0],'x8o');
+x81 = roots(yso - (Ln/Vn)*x8o + (y(2)/Vn)*xwo);
+x8p = poly([0],'x8p');
+x82 = roots(ysp - (Ln/Vn)*x8p + (y(2)/Vn)*xwp);
+x8m = poly([0],'x8m');
+x83 = roots(ysm - (Ln/Vn)*x8m + (y(2)/Vn)*xwm);
+x8 = [x81 x83 x82];
+ax8 = [ao*x8(1) am*x8(2) ap*x8(3)];
+y8 = [ax8(1)/(ax8(1)+ax8(2)+ax8(3)) ax8(2)/(ax8(1)+ax8(2)+ax8(3)) ax8(3)/(ax8(1)+ax8(2)+ax8(3))];
+x9o = poly([0],'x9o');
+x91 = roots(yso - (Ln/Vn)*x9o + (y(2)/Vn)*xwo);
+x9p = poly([0],'x9p');
+x92 = roots(ysp - (Ln/Vn)*x9p + (y(2)/Vn)*xwp);
+x9m = poly([0],'x9m');
+x93 = roots(ysm - (Ln/Vn)*x9m + (y(2)/Vn)*xwm);
+x9 = [x91 x93 x92];
+printf("\n Component x7 ax7 y7 x8 ax8 y8 x9");
+printf("\n o %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",x7(1),ax7(1),y7(1),x8(1),ax8(1),y8(1),x9(1));
+printf("\n m %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",x7(2),ax7(2),y7(2),x8(2),ax8(2),y8(2),x9(2));
+printf("\n p %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",x7(3),ax7(3),y7(3),x8(3),ax8(3),y8(3),x9(3));
+printf("\n Component x7 ax7 y7 x8 ax8 y8 x9");
+printf("\n o %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",y4(1),x5(1),ax5(1),y5(1),x6(1),ax6(1),y6(1));
+printf("\n m %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",y4(2),x5(2),ax5(2),y5(2),x6(2),ax6(2),y6(2));
+printf("\n p %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",y4(3),x5(3),ax5(3),y5(3),x6(3),ax6(3),y6(3));
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.15/Example_11_15.sci b/542/CH11/EX11.15/Example_11_15.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a879b7ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.15/Example_11_15.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+clear all;
+printf("\n Example 11.15");
+printf("\n Dew point calculation");
+xd1 = 0.975; //n-C4 light distillate
+xd2 = 0.025; //C5 heavy key distillate
+Td = 344; //temperature in kelvins
+K1 = 1.05; //Eqillibrium constant calculation for n-C4 at 344 K
+K2 = 0.41; //Equillibrium constant calculation for C5 at 344K
+//By a dew point calculation
+//sum( xd)=sum(xd/K)
+printf("\n Component xd Td = 344 K");
+printf("\n K xd/K ");
+printf("\n n-C4 %.3f %.2f %.3f",xd1,K1,xd1/K1);
+printf("\n C5 %.3f %.2f %.3f",xd2,K2,xd2/K2);
+printf("\n %.1f %.3f",xd1+xd2,(xd1/K1)+(xd2/K2));
+K11 = 1.04;
+K21 = 0.405;
+//Calculation for xd at 343 K
+x = poly([0],'x');
+x1 = roots(x/K11 + (1-x)/K21);
+printf("\n Td = 343 K");
+printf("\n K xd/K");
+printf("\n %.3f %.3f",K11,x1/K11);
+printf("\n %.3f %.3f",K21,(1-x1)/K21);
+printf("\n %.3f",x1/K11+(1-x1)/K21);
+printf("\n At 343 K K1 = 1.04 K2 = 0.405 from fig.11.39");
+printf("\n\n\n Estimation of still temperature Ts");
+//sum(xw) = sum(K*xw)
+K31 = 3.05; //equillibrium const at 419 K
+K32 = 1.6; //equillibrium const at 419 K
+K33 = 0.87; //equillibrium const at 419 K
+K34 = 0.49; //equillibrium const at 419 K
+xw1 = 0.017; //mass fraction of n-C4
+xw2 = 0.367; //mass fraction of C5
+xw3 = 0.283; //mass fraction of C6
+xw4 = 0.333; //mass fraction of C7
+printf("\n At Ts = 416 K equillibrium constants are from fig.11.39");
+printf("\n n-C4 C5 C6 C7");
+printf("\n %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f",K31,K32,K33,K34);
+printf("\n\n at Ts = 416 K");
+printf("\n n-C4 C5 C6 C7");
+printf("\n %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",xw1*K31,xw2*K32,xw3*K33,xw4*K34);
+printf("\n Sum of Kxw = %d",xw1*K31+xw2*K32+xw3*K33+xw4*K34);
+printf("\n Hence the still temperature Ts = 416 K");
+printf("\n\n\n Calculation of feed condition");
+printf("\n Component xf Tb = 377K Tb = 376 K");
+printf("\n K Kxf K Kxf ");
+xf1 = 0.40;
+xf2 = 0.23;
+xf3 = 0.17;
+xf4 = 0.20;
+Kb1 = 1.80; //equillibrium constants at 377 K for n-C4
+Kb2 = 0.81; //equillibrium constants at 377 K for C5
+Kb3 = 0.39; //equillibrium constants at 377 K for C6
+Kb4 = 0.19; //equillibrium constants at 377 K for C7
+Kb11 = 1.78; //equillibrium constants at 377 K for n-C4
+Kb21 = 0.79; //equillibrium constants at 377 K for C5
+Kb31 = 0.38; //equillibrium constants at 377 K for C6
+Kb41 = 0.185; //equillibrium constants at 377 K for C7
+printf("\n n-C4 %.2f %.2f %.3f %.2f %.3f",xf1,Kb1,xf1*Kb1,Kb11,xf1*Kb11);
+printf("\n C5 %.2f %.2f %.3f %.2f %.3f",xf2,Kb2,xf2*Kb2,Kb21,xf2*Kb21);
+printf("\n C6 %.2f %.2f %.3f %.2f %.3f",xf3,Kb3,xf3*Kb3,Kb31,xf3*Kb31);
+printf("\n C7 %.2f %.2f %.3f %.2f %.3f",xf4,Kb4,xf4*Kb4,Kb41,xf4*Kb41);
+printf("\n %.3f %.3f",xf1*Kb1+xf2*Kb2+xf3*Kb3+xf4*Kb4,xf1*Kb11+xf2*Kb21+xf3*Kb31+xf4*Kb41);
+//Calculation of pinch temperatures
+printf("\n\n\n The upper pinch temperature,Tn = %d K",343+0.33*(416-343));
+printf("\n The lower pinch temperature,Tm = %d K",343+0.67*(416-343));
+//Calculation of approximate minimum reflux ratio.
+printf("\n Component Tn = 367 K Tm = 391 K xfh axfh");
+printf("\n a a ");
+printf("\n n-C4 %.2f %.2f ",2.38,2.00);
+printf("\n C5 %.2f %.2f ",1.00,1.00);
+printf("\n C6 %.3f %.3f %.2f %.3f",0.455,0.464,0.17,0.077);
+printf("\n C7 %.3f %.3f %.2f %.3f",0.220,0.254,0.20,0.044);
+printf("\n %.3f",0.077+0.044);
+rf = xf1/xf2;
+printf("\n rf = %.3f",rf);
+xn4 = rf/[(1+rf)*(1+0.121)];
+printf("\n xn4 = %.3f",xn4);
+xn5 = xn4/rf;
+printf("\n xn5 = %.3f",xn5);
+Rm = [1/(2.38-1)]*(0.975/0.563)-2.38*(0.025/0.325);
+printf("\n Rm = %.2f",Rm);
+//The streams in the column
+D = 40;
+Ln = D*Rm;
+Vn = Ln+D;
+F = 100;
+Lm = Ln + F;
+W = 60;
+Vm = Lm - W;
+Ratio = Lm/W;
+printf("\n Ln = %.1f kmol",44.8);
+printf("\n Vn = %.1f kmol",84.8);
+printf("\n Lm = %.1f kmol",144.8);
+printf("\n Vn = %.1f kmol",84.4);
+printf("\n Lm/W = %.2f",Ratio);
+//Check on minimum reflux ratio
+//xn = xd/(a-1)Rm
+xn = xd1/[(2.38-1)*Rm];
+printf("\n For n-C4......xn = %.3f",xn);
+xn1 = 1-xn;
+printf("\n For n-C5...xn = %.3f",xn1);
+printf("\n Temperature check for upper pinch gives sum of K*xn = ");
+sumKxn = 1.62*xn +0.68*xn1;
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.16/Example_11_16.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.16/Example_11_16.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7d2fa37ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.16/Example_11_16.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+//Example 11.16
+printf("\tExample 11.16\n");
+//Mole fractions
+xf=[0.40 0.35 0.25];
+xd=[0.534 0.453 0.013];
+xw=[0 0.04 0.96];
+//Amount of feed, product, bottom in kmol
+F=[40 35 25];
+D=[40 34 1];
+W=[0 1 24];
+//roots of equation
+theta=[1.15 1.17];
+//relative volatility
+alpha=[2.7 2.22 1];
+//Underwoods 1st equation for q=1
+sums=[0 0];
+for i=1:2
+ for j=1:3
+ sums(i)=sums(i)+(alpha(j)*xf(j)/(alpha(j)-theta(i)));
+ end
+printf("\nFrom Underwoods 1st eq\n");
+printf("The value of 1-q at theta = 1.15 and 1.17 are");
+//Underwoods 2nd equation for minimum reflux ratio
+for l=1:3
+ sum2=sum2+(alpha(l)*xd(l)/(alpha(l)-theta(2)));
+printf("\nMinimum Reflux ratio is %.3f\n",Rm);
+//End \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.17/Example_11_17.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.17/Example_11_17.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..987ccf055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.17/Example_11_17.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//Example 11.17 Fenske's Equation
+printf("\tExample 11.17\n");
+//From previous question data
+//By Fenske Equation for no. of plates
+printf("\nMinimum no. of plates are %f or %d\n",n,n);
+//End \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.18/Example_11_18.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.18/Example_11_18.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cf349bac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.18/Example_11_18.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+//Example 11.18
+printf("\tExample 11.18\n");
+R=[1 2 5 10];
+//X are points on X-axis of graph
+for i=1:4
+ X(i)=(R(i)-Rm)/(R(i)+1);
+//Values at Y-axis for corresponding values of X-axis in graph are given by
+Y=[0.55 0.32 0.15 0.08];
+//where Y=(n+1)-(nm+1)/(n+2)
+for i=1:4
+ n=poly([0],'x');
+ N(i)=roots(((n+1)-(nm+1))-(Y(i)*(n+2)));
+printf("\nThe values of R and n are\n");
+for i=1:4
+ printf("\n\t%d \t %.2f",R(i),N(i));
+printf("\n\nThe change in R and n can be seen as above\n");
+//End \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.19/Example_11_19.sci b/542/CH11/EX11.19/Example_11_19.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a78fb62cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.19/Example_11_19.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+clear all;
+printf("\n Example 11.19");
+//Data from fig. 11.42
+a = [0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0];
+b = [0.75 0.62 0.60 0.57 0.55 0.52 0.45 0.30 0.18 0.09 0];
+//a = (R-Rm)/(R+1)
+//b = [(n+1)-(nm+1)]/(n+2)
+R = [0.92 1.08 1.25 1.75 2.5 3.5 5.0 7.0 9.0];
+n = [28.6 22.8 16.9 13.5 11.7 10.5 9.8 9.2 8.95];
+xtitle("Plot of R vs n","n","R");
+printf("\n Derivative calculated from the graph");
+d = [110.0 34.9 9.8 3.8 1.7 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.05];
+while i <=9
+ s = R(i)+1 - (n(i)+7.72)/d(i);
+ if s <=0.0001 then
+ Ropt = R(i);
+ printf("\n Ropt = %.2f",Ropt);
+ break;
+ end
+ i=i+1;
+printf("\n R is approximately %.1f percent of the minimum reflux condition",1.25/0.866666666*100);
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.2/Example_11_2.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.2/Example_11_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dc171b60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.2/Example_11_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+//Example 11.2
+printf("\tExample 11.2\n");
+Pc=4700; //Critical pressure in kN/m^2
+Tc=508.1; //critical temperature in K
+p1=100.666; //in kN/m^2
+T1=329.026; //in K
+T=350.874; //in K
+printf("\nTr1 = %f \nPr1 = %f\n",Tr1,Pr1);
+printf("\nc5 = %.4f \nc2 = %.4f \nc1 = %.4f\n",c5,c2,c1);
+printf("\nk9 = %.3f \nk10 = %.3f \nk11 = %.4f",k9,k10,k11);
+printf("\nk12 = %.5f\n",k12);
+printf("\nPr = %f \n\nP0 = %.2f kN/m^2\n",Pr,p0);
+//End \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.20/Example_11_20.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.20/Example_11_20.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..da128fda9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.20/Example_11_20.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//Example 11.20
+printf("\tExample 11.20\n");
+//Mole fraction
+xf=[0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3];
+//Viscosity at mean tower temp. in mNs/m^2
+uL=[0.048 0.112 0.145 0.188];
+//Viscosity of water in mNs/m^2
+for i=1:4
+ sums=sums+(xf(i)*uL(i)/uw);
+//Efficiency by DRICKAMER and BRADFORD
+printf("\nEfficiency is %.2f",E);
+//End \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.3/Example_11_3.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.3/Example_11_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ed48d98b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.3/Example_11_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+//Exaple 11.3
+printf("\tExample 11.3\n");
+t=338-273; //in Degree celsius
+P=101.3; //in kN/m^2
+ p0=10^(k1-(k2/(T+k3)));
+ funcprot(0)
+printf("\nP0_B = %.1f kN/m^2\nP0_T = %.1f kN/m^2\n",p0_B,p0_T);
+printf("\npB = %.2f kN/m^2 \npT = %.3f\n",pB,pT);
+printf("\nyB = %.3f \nyT = %.3f\n",yB,yT);
+//End \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.4/Example_11_4.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.4/Example_11_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5d513fa47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.4/Example_11_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+//Example 11.4
+printf("\tExample 11.4\n");
+ p0=10^(k1-(k2/(T+k3-273)));
+ funcprot(0)
+T=[373 353 363 365 365.1];
+while i<6
+ p0_B(i)=antoine(k1_B,k2_B,k3_B,T(i))*101.325/760;
+ p0_T(i)=antoine(k1_T,k2_T,k3_T,T(i))*101.325/760;
+ pB(i)=xB*p0_B(i);
+ pT(i)=xT*p0_T(i);
+ p(i)=pB(i)+pT(i);
+ i=i+1;
+printf("\n\tp0 B")
+printf("\n\tp0 T");
+//since total pressure at 365.1 K is nearly same as 101.3 kPa
+printf("\nBoiling temperature is %f K",T(5));
+//End \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.5/Example_11_5.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.5/Example_11_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..00904143f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.5/Example_11_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+//Example 11.5
+printf("\tExample 11.5\n");
+ p0=10^(k1-(k2/(T+k3-273)));
+ funcprot(0)
+//Since total pressure is 101.3 kPa, pB=pT
+T=[373.2 371.2 371.7 371.9 372];
+while i<6
+ p0_B(i)=antoine(k1_B,k2_B,k3_B,T(i))*101.325/760;
+ p0_T(i)=antoine(k1_T,k2_T,k3_T,T(i))*101.325/760;
+ xB(i)=pB/p0_B(i);
+ xT(i)=pT/p0_T(i);
+ x(i)=xB(i)+xT(i);
+ i=i+1;
+printf("\n\tp0 B")
+printf("\n\tp0 T");
+printf("\n\tx = xB+xT");
+//Since last value is closer to 1, 372 K is the required dew point
+printf("\nDew point can be taken as %f K",T(5));
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.6/Example_11_6.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.6/Example_11_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..80331d5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.6/Example_11_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+//Example 11.6
+printf("\tExample 11.6\n");
+//Fractional vapourisation f=V/F
+//from fig 11.9, a construction is made
+printf("\nFor slope = %d",slope);
+printf("\nx=0.42 \t y=0.63\n");
+//from fig. 11.10,temperature corresponding to x=0.42 is noted
+printf("\nfor x=0.42 \t T=366.5");
+//End \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.7/Example_11_7.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.7/Example_11_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..818883bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.7/Example_11_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+printf('Example 11.7'); //Example 11.7
+// Find Number of theoretical plates needed and the position of entry for the feed
+F = 100; //Feed [kmol]
+ f(1)=x(1)+x(2)-100; //Overall mass Balance
+ f(2)=0.9*x(1)+.1*x(2)-(100*.4); //A balance on MVC,benzene
+ funcprot(0)
+x = [50 50];
+product = fsolve(x,Feed);
+//Using notation of figure 11.13
+Ln = 3*product(1);
+Vn = Ln + product(1);
+//Reflux to the plate
+Lm = Ln + F;
+Vm = Lm - product(2);
+//Equilibrium Composition
+xt = .79; yt = .9;
+//From Top eqm line
+yt1 = (Ln/Vn)*xt + (product(1)/Vn);
+xt1=.644; //Thus from Eqm curve for yt1
+//From Top eqm line
+yt2 = (Ln/Vn)*xt1 + (product(1)/Vn);
+xt2=.492; //Thus from Eqm curve for yt2
+//From Top eqm line
+yt3 = (Ln/Vn)*xt2 + (product(1)/Vn);
+xt3=.382; //Thus from Eqm curve for yt3
+//From II Eqm Line
+yt4 = (Lm/Vm)*xt3 - (product(2)/Vm)*.1;
+xt4=.2982; //Thus from Eqm curve for yt4
+//From II Eqm Line
+yt5 = (Lm/Vm)*xt4 - (product(2)/Vm)*.1;
+xt5=.208; //Thus from Eqm curve for yt5
+//From II Eqm Line
+yt6 = (Lm/Vm)*xt5 - (product(2)/Vm)*.1;
+xt6=.120; //Thus from Eqm curve for yt6
+//From II Eqm Line
+yt7 = (Lm/Vm)*xt6 - (product(2)/Vm)*.1;
+xt7=.048; //Thus from Eqm curve for yt7
+//Equilibrium Data
+y=[0 yt7 yt6 yt5 yt4 yt3 yt2 yt1 yt];
+x=[0 xt7 xt6 xt5 xt4 xt3 xt2 xt1 xt];
+//Top Equilibrium Line equation 11.35
+x1 = linspace(0,.79,100);
+y1 = (Ln/Vn)*x1 + (product(1)/Vn);
+//Equilibrium Line equation 11.37
+x2 = linspace(0.048,.44,100);
+y2 = (Lm/Vm)*x2 - (product(2)/Vm)*.1;
+xtitle("Lewis-Sorel Method", "Mole fraction of C6H6 in Liquid (x)", "Mole Fraction C6H6 in Vapor (y)");
+legend ("Equilirium Plot", "Top Eqm Line", "Bottom Eqm Line");
+printf("\n\n As the least point on equilibrium Line xt-7 correspond to reboiler, and there will be seven plates");
+//END \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.8/Example_11_8.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.8/Example_11_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..24f7f12eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.8/Example_11_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+printf('Example 11.8'); //Example 11.8
+// Find Number of theoretical plates needed and the position of entry for the feed by mccabe thiele method
+F = 100; //Feed [kmol]
+ f(1)=x(1)+x(2)-100; //Overall mass Balance
+ f(2)=0.9*x(1)+.1*x(2)-(100*.4); //A balance on MVC,benzene
+ funcprot(0)
+x = [50 50];
+product = fsolve(x,Feed);
+//Using notation of figure 11.13
+Ln = 3*product(1);
+Vn = Ln + product(1);
+//Reflux to the plate
+Lm = Ln + F;
+Vm = Lm - product(2);
+//Equilibrium Data
+y=[0 .127 .252 .379 .498 .594 .708 .818 .9 1];
+x=[0 .048 .12 .208 .298 .382 .492 .644 .79 1];
+//Diagnol Line
+y3 = [0 1];
+x3 = [0 1];
+//Top Equilibrium Line equation 11.35
+x1 = linspace(0,.985,100);
+y1 = (Ln/Vn)*x1 + (product(1)/Vn);
+//Equilibrium Line equation 11.37
+x2 = linspace(0.048,.44,100);
+y2 = (Lm/Vm)*x2 - (product(2)/Vm)*.1;
+//Setting initial point A x = .985 at top eqm line
+xm = [.985 .965 .965 .92 .92 .825 .825 .655 .655 .44 .44 .255 .255 .125 .125 .048];
+ym = [.985 .985 .965 .965 .92 .92 .825 .825 .655 .655 .44 .44 .255 .255 .125 .125];
+xp = [.985 .965 .92 .825 .655 .44 .255 .125 .048];
+yp = [.985 .965 .92 .825 .655 .44 .255 .125 .048];
+xtitle("Mccabe Thiele Method", "Mole fraction of C6H6 in Liwuid (x)", "Mole Fraction C6H6 in Vapor (y)");
+legend ("Equilirium Plot", "Diagnol Line","Top Eqm Line", "Bottom Eqm Line",5);
+xtitle("Equilibrium plot","mole fraction C6H6 in liquid(x)","mole fractionC6H6 in vapour(y)");
+printf("\n\n The Number of stages are then counted highlighted points that is number of plates required as 7");
+//END \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/542/CH11/EX11.9/Example_11_9.sce b/542/CH11/EX11.9/Example_11_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f0e4edef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/542/CH11/EX11.9/Example_11_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//Example 11.9
+printf("\tExample 11.9\n");
+printf("\nNo. of theoretical plates in column is : %d",n);
+printf("\nMinimum reflux ratio is %.2f\n",Rm);
+printf("\nUsing Graphical construction with yf=0.61\n");
+printf("Minimum reflux ratio is %.2f\n",Rmin);
+//End \ No newline at end of file