path: root/409/CH22
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '409/CH22')
5 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/409/CH22/EX22.1/Example22_1.sce b/409/CH22/EX22.1/Example22_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9d4ba7844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/409/CH22/EX22.1/Example22_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Example 22.1
+printf('Example 22.1\n\n');
+//page no. 651
+// Solution
+//Assume that properties of water can be used to substitute properties of solution
+// Given
+V = 1.673 ;// Volume of closed vessel-[cubic metre]
+m = 1 ;// mass of saturated liquid vaporized-[kg]
+Pi = 1 ;// Initial pressure -[atm]
+Ti = 10 ;// Initial temperature -[degree C]
+Pf = 1 ;// final pressure -[atm]
+Tf = 100 ;// final temperature -[degree C]
+// Use steam table to obtain additional information at given condition
+Ui = 35 ;// Initial enthalpy-[kJ/kg]
+Uf = 2506.0 ;// Final enthalpy -[kJ/kg]
+// Use eqn. 22.2 after modifiying it using given conditions(W = 0,del_KE = 0 and del_PE = 0 )
+Q = m*(Uf - Ui) ;// Heat transferred to the vessel - [kJ]
+printf('\nHeat transferred to the vessel is %.1f kJ .\n ',Q); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/409/CH22/EX22.2/Example22_2.sce b/409/CH22/EX22.2/Example22_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..70cbd545f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/409/CH22/EX22.2/Example22_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+clear ;
+// Example 22.2
+printf('Example 22.2\n\n');
+//page no. 652
+// Solution
+// Given
+T1 = 80 ;// Initial temperature -[degree F]
+T1 = 40 ;// final temperature -[degree F]
+// Additional data obtained from steam table at given temperatures and corresponding vapour pressures
+p1 = 0.5067 ;// Initial saturation pressure-[psia]
+p2 = 0.1217 ;// Final saturation pressure-[psia]
+V1 = 0.01607 ;// Initial specific volume - [cubic feet/lb]
+V2 = 0.01602 ;// Final specific volume - [cubic feet/lb]
+H1 = 48.02 ;//Initial specific enthalpy -[Btu/lb]
+H2 = 8.05 ;// Final specific enthalpy -[Btu/lb]
+del_P = p2 - p1 ;// Change in pressure -[psia]
+del_V = V2 - V1 ;// Change in specific volume -[cubic feet/lb]
+del_H = H2 - H1 ;// Change in specific enthalpy -[Btu/lb]
+del_pV = p2*144*V2/778 - p1*144*V1/778 ;// Change in pv-[Btu]
+del_U = del_H - del_pV ;// Change in specific internal energy - [Btu/lb]
+del_E = del_U ;// Change in specific total energy(since KE=0,PE=0 and W=0) -[Btu/lb]
+printf('\nChange in pressure is %.3f psia .\n ',del_P);
+printf('\nChange in specific volume is %.5f cubic feet/lb (negligible value) .\n ',del_V);
+printf('\nChange in specific enthalpy is %.2f Btu/lb .\n ',del_H);
+printf('\nChange in specific internal energy is %.2f Btu/lb .\n ',del_U);
+printf('\nChange in specific total energy is %.2f Btu/lb .\n ',del_E); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/409/CH22/EX22.3/Example22_3.sce b/409/CH22/EX22.3/Example22_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..75f37e64c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/409/CH22/EX22.3/Example22_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+clear ;
+// Example 22.3
+printf('Example 22.3\n\n');
+//page no. 662
+// Solution fig.E22.3a
+//Lets take tank to be system
+// Given
+T = 600 ; // Temperature of steam -[K]
+P = 1000 ;// Pressure of steam -[kPa]
+// Additional data for steam obtained from CD database at T and P
+U = 2837.73 ;// Specific internal energy-[kJ/kg]
+H = 3109.44 ;// Specific enthalpy -[kJ/kg]
+V = 0.271 ;// Specific volume -[cubic metre/kg]
+// Use eqn. 22.6 to get change in specific internal energy,by simplifing it with following assumption:
+//1. Change in KE and PE of system = 0, therefore change in total energy = change in internal energy
+//2. W = 0,work done by or on the system
+//3. Q = 0 , system is well insulated
+//4. Change in KE and PE of entering steam = 0
+//5. H_out = 0, no stream exits the system
+//6. Ut1 = 0, initially no mass exists in the system
+// By the reduced equation
+Ut2 = H ;// Internal energy at final temperature-[kJ/kg]
+printf('\nThe specific internal energy at final temperature is %.2f kJ/kg. \nNow use two properties of the steam (P = %i kPa and Ut2 = %.2f kJ/kg) to find final temperature (T) from steam table. \nFrom steam table we get T = 764 K.',Ut2,P,Ut2); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/409/CH22/EX22.4/Example22_4.sce b/409/CH22/EX22.4/Example22_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fba795617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/409/CH22/EX22.4/Example22_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Example 22.4
+printf('Example 22.4\n\n');
+//page no. 669
+// Solution
+// Take milk plus water in tank to be system
+// Given
+T1_water = 70 ;// Temperature of entering water -[degree C]
+T2_water = 35 ;// Temperature of exiting water -[degree C]
+T1_milk = 15 ;//Temperature of entering milk -[degree C]
+T2_milk = 25 ;//Temperature of exiting milk -[degree C]
+// Get additional data from steam table for water and milk,assuming milk to have same properties as that of water.
+H_15 = 62.01 ;//Change in specific internal energy-[kJ/kg]
+H_25 = 103.86 ;//Change in specific internal energy-[kJ/kg]
+H_35 = 146.69 ;//Change in specific internal energy-[kJ/kg]
+H_70 = 293.10 ;//Change in specific internal energy-[kJ/kg]
+// Assumptions to simplify Equation 22.8 are:
+printf('\nAssumptions to simplify Equation 22.8 are:\n');
+printf('1. Change in KE and PE of system = 0.\n');
+printf('2. Q = 0 ,because of way we picked the system,it is is well insulated.\n');
+printf('3. W = 0,work done by or on the system.\n');
+//Basis m_milk = 1 kg/min , to directly get the answer .
+m_milk = 1 ;// Mass flow rate of milk-[kg/min]
+// By applying above assumtions eqn. 22.8 reduces to del_H = 0 .Using it get m_water-
+m_water = (m_milk*(H_15 - H_25))/(H_35 - H_70) ; // Mass flow rate of water-[kg/min]
+m_ratio = m_water/m_milk ;// Mass flow rate of water per kg/min of milk-[kg/min]
+printf('\nMass flow rate of water per kg/min of milk is %.2f (kg water/min )/(kg milk/min).',m_ratio); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/409/CH22/EX22.5/Example22_5.sce b/409/CH22/EX22.5/Example22_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7d686fce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/409/CH22/EX22.5/Example22_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+clear ;
+// Example 22.5
+printf('Example 22.5\n\n');
+//page no. 670
+// Solution
+// Take pipe between initial and final level of water
+// Given
+h_in = -20 ;// Depth of water below ground-[ft]
+h_out = 5 ;// Height of water level above ground-[ft]
+h = h_out - h_in ;// Total height to which water is pumped-[ft]
+V = 0.50 ;// Volume flow rate of water - [cubic feet/s]
+ef = 100; // Efficiency of pump - [%]
+g = 32.2; // Acceleration due to gravity -[ft/square second]
+gc = 32.2 ;//[(ft*lbm)/(second square*lbf)]
+M = V * 62.4 ;// mass flow rate - [lbm/s]
+PE_in = 0 ;// Treating initial water level to be reference level
+PE_out = (M*g*h*1.055)/(gc*778.2) ;// PE of discharged water -[lbm*(square feet/square second)]
+// Assumptions to simplify Equation 22.8 are:
+//1. Change in KE = 0.
+//2. Q = 0 -By given assumption
+//3. Let us assume that temperature of water is same in well and when it is discharged, therefore del_H = 0
+// Reduced equation is W = del_PE, using this:
+W = PE_out - PE_in ;//Work done on system = power delivered by pump, (since we are using mass flow rate and pump efficiency is 100 % , so W = Power) -[kW]
+printf('The electric power required by the pump is %.2f kW. \n', W); \ No newline at end of file