path: root/3845/CH2/EX2.14/Ex2_14.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '3845/CH2/EX2.14/Ex2_14.sce')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3845/CH2/EX2.14/Ex2_14.sce b/3845/CH2/EX2.14/Ex2_14.sce
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index 000000000..609f7d356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3845/CH2/EX2.14/Ex2_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+//Example 2.14
+y_0=0;//Initial position (m)
+v_0=13;//Initial velocity (m/s)
+g=9.80;//Acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
+a=-g;//Acceleration (it is negative as the rock is thrown upwards), (m/s^2)
+table=repmat(' ',[3 4]);//Matrix of strings to store table values
+for t=1:1:3
+table(t,1)=sprintf('%0.2f',t);//Time (s)
+table(t,2)=sprintf('%0.2f',y_0+v_0*t+(1/2)*a*t^2);//Position at time t (m)
+table(t,3)=sprintf('%0.2f',v_0+a*t);//Velocity at time t (m/s)
+table(t,4)=sprintf('%0.2f',a);//Acceleration at time t (m/s^2)
+table_header=['Time,t' 'Position,y' 'Velocity,v' 'Acceleration,a';'s' 'm' 'm/s' 'm/s^2'];
+table1=string(table);//Convert to matrix of strings
+//To accomodate data points for t=0 and extra data points for the plot of Position vs. Time
+time=[0;strtod(table(:,1))];//strtod() converts string to double
+velocity=[13;strtod(table(:,3))];//strtod() converts string to double
+acceleration=[a;strtod(table(:,4))];//strtod() converts string to double
+for t=0:0.5:3
+ position(i,1)=y_0+v_0*t+(1/2)*a*t^2;//Position at time t (m)
+ time2(i,1)=t;
+ i=i+1;
+//To plot the graphs
+a=gca();//Get the current axes
+a.x_location= "origin";//Set x-axis position
+a.data_bounds=[0,-6;4,10];//Set data bounds (as seen in the textbook plot)
+plot(time2,position,'-rd');//Plotting the graph with a red, solid line with diamond markers at data points
+title('Position vs. Time','position',[1.7 9]);//Title and its position
+xlabel('Time (s)');//x-axis label
+ylabel('Vertical Position (m)');//y-axis label
+a=gca();//Get the current axes
+a.x_location= "origin";//Set x-axis position
+a.data_bounds=[0,-20;4,15];//Set data bounds (as seen in the textbook plot)
+plot(time,velocity,'-gd');//Plotting the graph with a green, solid line with diamond markers at data points
+title('Velocity vs. Time','position',[1.7 12]);//Title and its position
+xlabel('Time (s)','position', [1.8 -18]);//x-axis label and its position
+ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');//y-axis label
+a=gca();//Get the current axes
+a.x_location= "origin";//Set x-axis position
+a.data_bounds=[0,-12;4,0];//Set data bounds (as seen in the textbook plot)
+plot(time,acceleration,'-bd');//Plotting the curve with a blue, solid line with diamond markers at data points
+title('Acceleration vs. Time','position',[1.6 2]);//Title and its position
+xlabel('Time (s)','position',[1.8 -13]);//x-axis label and its position
+ylabel('Acceleration (m/s^2)');//y-axis label
+//Openstax - College Physics
+//Download for free at