path: root/3831/CH13/EX13.8
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Diffstat (limited to '3831/CH13/EX13.8')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3831/CH13/EX13.8/Ex13_8.sce b/3831/CH13/EX13.8/Ex13_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3792d7079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3831/CH13/EX13.8/Ex13_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// Example 13_8
+// Given data
+p_1=5000.0;// psia
+T_1=1200.0;// °F
+p_3=1000.0;// psia
+p_5=300.0;// psia
+p_6s=0.400;// psia
+mdot=1.50*10^6;// lbm/h
+W_netout=325;// MW
+// Calculation
+// Station 1-Turbine 1 inlet
+p_1=5000.0;// psia
+T_1=1200.0;// °F
+h_1=1530.8;// Btu/lbm
+s_1=1.5068;// Btu/lbm.R
+// Station 2s-Turbine 1 exit
+p_2s=1000;// psia
+s_2s=s_1;// Btu/lbm.R
+h_2s=1316.9;// Btu/lbm
+// (by interpolation in Table C.3a)
+// Station 3-Turbine 2 inlet
+p_3=1000.0;// psia
+T_3=1000.0;// °F
+h_3=1505.9;// Btu/lbm
+s_3=1.6532;// Btu/lbm.R
+// (by interpolation in Table C.3a)
+// Station 4s-Turbine 2 exit
+p_4s=1000;// psia
+s_4s=s_3;// Btu/lbm.R
+h_4s=1343.8;// Btu/lbm
+// Station 5-Turbine 3 inlet
+p_5=300.0;// psia
+T_5=1000.0;// °F
+h_5=1526.4;// Btu/lbm
+s_5=1.7966;// Btu/lbm.R
+// Station 6s-Turbine 3 exit
+p_6s=0.400;// psia
+s_6s=s_5;// Btu/lbm.R
+s_f6s=0.0799;// Btu/lbm.R
+s_fg6s=1.9762;// Btu/lbm.R
+x_6s=(s_6s-s_f6s)/s_fg6s;// The dryness fraction
+h_f6s=40.9;// Btu/lbm
+h_fg6s=1052.4;// Btu/lbm
+h_6s=h_f6s+(x_6s*h_fg6s);// Btu/lbm
+// Station 7-Condenser exit
+p_7=0.400;// psia
+x_7=0.00;// The dryness fraction
+h_7=40.9;// Btu/lbm
+v_7=0.01606;// ft^3/lbm
+// Station 8s-Boiler inlet
+// s_8s=s_7;
+h_8s=h_7+((v_7*(p_8s-p_7))*(144/778.16));// Btu/lbm
+// (a)
+n_s_p=1.0;// The isentropic thermal efficiency of this Rankine cycle power plant
+n_s_pm2=n_s_p;// The isentropic thermal efficiency of this Rankine cycle power plant
+n_s_pm1=n_s_pm2;// The isentropic thermal efficiency of this Rankine cycle power plant
+N=(h_1-h_2s)+(h_3-h_4s)+(h_5-h_6s)-(v_7*(p_8s-p_7)*(144/778.16));// The numerator in Btu/lbm
+D=(h_1-h_8s)+(h_3-h_2s)+(h_5-h_4s);// The denominator in Btu/lbm
+n_T=(N/D)*100;// The isentropic thermal efficiency in %
+// (b)
+W_netout=(W_netout*10^3)*3412;// Btu/h
+W_isen=mdot*[(h_1-h_2s)+(h_3-h_4s)+(h_5-h_6s)-(v_7*(p_8s-p_7*(144/778.16)))];// Btu/h
+printf("\n(a)The isentropic thermal efficiency of this power plant,(n_T)_s=%2.1f percentage \n(b)The isentropic efficiency of the turbine-generator power unit,(n_s)_turbine generator=%2.1f percentage",n_T,n_s_tg);
+// The answer vary due to round off error