path: root/3773/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '3773/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3773/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce b/3773/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce
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+++ b/3773/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce
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+//Chapter 7: Loop, Slot and Horn Antennas
+//Example 7-11.2
+//Variable Initialization
+n = 10 //Number of turns (unitless)
+dia = 1e-3 //Diameter of copper wire (m)
+dia_rod = 1e-2 //Diameter of ferrite rod (m)
+len_rod = 10e-2 //Length of ferrite rod (m)
+mu_r = 250 - 2.5*%i //Relative permeability (unitless)
+mu_er = 50 //Effective relative permeability (unitless)
+f = 1e6 //Frequency (Hz)
+c = 3e8 //Speed of light (m/s)
+mu_0 = %pi*4e-7 //Absolute permeability (H/m)
+wave_lt = c/f //Wavelength (m)
+radius = dia_rod/2
+C_l = (2*%pi*radius)/(wave_lt) //Circumference of loop (m)
+Rr = 197*(mu_er**2)*(n**2)*(C_l**4) //Radiation resistance (ohm)
+Rf = 2*%pi*f*mu_er*(imag(mu_r)/real(mu_r))*mu_0*(n**2)*(%pi*radius**2)/len_rod //Loss resistance(ohm)
+conduc = 1/((7e-5**2)*f*%pi*mu_er) //Conductivity (S/m)
+delta = 1/(sqrt(f*%pi*mu_er*conduc)) //Depth of penetration(m)
+RL = n*(C_l/dia)*sqrt((f*mu_0)/(%pi*conduc)) //Ohmic resistance (ohm)
+k = Rr/(RL+abs(Rf)) //Radiation efficiency (unitless)
+L = mu_er*(n**2)*(radius**2)*mu_0/len_rod //Inductance (H)
+Q = 2*%pi*f*L/(abs(Rf) + Rr + RL) //Ratio of energy stored to energy lost per cycle (unitless)
+fHP = f/Q //Bandwidth at half power (Hz)
+mprintf("The radiation efficiency is %.2e",k)
+mprintf("\nThe value of Q is %.3f",Q)
+mprintf("\nThe half-power bandwidth is %d Hz",fHP)