path: root/3773/CH23
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3773/CH23')
6 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3773/CH23/EX23.1/Ex23_1.sce b/3773/CH23/EX23.1/Ex23_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dec2df237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH23/EX23.1/Ex23_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 23: Ground Wave Propagation
+//Example 23-1.1
+//Variable Initialization
+f1 = 0.1 //Frequency (MHz)
+f2 = 1.0 //Frequency (MHz)
+f3 = 10.0 //Frequency (MHz)
+d1 = 50/(f1**(1.0/3)) //Distance for f1 (miles)
+d2 = 50/(f2**(1.0/3)) //Distance for f2 (miles)
+d3 = 50/(f3**(1.0/3)) //Distance for f3 (miles)
+mprintf( "The distance for 100kHz is %.2f miles",d1)
+mprintf( "\nThe distance for 1MHz is %d miles", d2)
+mprintf( "\nThe distance for 10MHz is %.2f miles", d3)
diff --git a/3773/CH23/EX23.2/Ex23_2.sce b/3773/CH23/EX23.2/Ex23_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4374b85e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH23/EX23.2/Ex23_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//Chapter 23: Ground Wave Propagation
+//Example 23-2.1
+//Variable Initialization
+f = 3e6 //Frequency (Hz)
+sigma = 0.5 //Standard deviation of surface irregularities (unitless)
+theta = 30 //Angle of incidence as measured from normal angle (degrees)
+c = 3e8 //Speed of light (m/s)
+wave_lt = c/f //Wavelength (m)
+R = 4*%pi*sigma*sin(theta*%pi/180)/wave_lt //Roughness factor (unitless)
+mprintf("The roughness factor is %.6f",R)
diff --git a/3773/CH23/EX23.3/Ex23_3.sce b/3773/CH23/EX23.3/Ex23_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9517c2d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH23/EX23.3/Ex23_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Chapter 23: Ground Wave Propagation
+//Example 23-2.2
+//Variable Initialization
+f = 10e6 //Frequency (Hz)
+sigma = 5 //Standard deviation of surface irregularities (unitless)
+theta1 = 30 //Angle of incidence as measured from normal angle (degrees)
+theta2 = 45 //Angle of incidence as measured from normal angle (degrees)
+theta3 = 60 //Angle of incidence as measured from normal angle (degrees)
+c = 3e8 //Speed of light (m/s)
+wave_lt = c/f //Wavelength (m)
+R1 = 4*%pi*sigma*sin(theta1*%pi/180)/wave_lt //Roughness factor for theta1 (unitless)
+R2 = 4*%pi*sigma*sin(theta2*%pi/180)/wave_lt //Roughness factor for theta2 (unitless)
+R3 = 4*%pi*sigma*sin(theta3*%pi/180)/wave_lt //Roughness factor for theta3 (unitless)
+mprintf( "The roughness factor for 30 degrees is %.4f", R1)
+mprintf( "\nThe roughness factor for 45 degrees is %.3f", R2)
+mprintf( "\nThe roughness factor for 60 degrees is %.4f", R3)
diff --git a/3773/CH23/EX23.4/Ex23_4.sce b/3773/CH23/EX23.4/Ex23_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3cd78765e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH23/EX23.4/Ex23_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Chapter 23: Ground Wave Propagation
+//Example 23-2.3
+//Variable Initialization
+f1 = 0.3 //Frequency (MHz)
+f2 = 1 //Frequency (MHz)
+f3 = 3 //Frequency (MHz)
+sigma = 4e-5 //Standard deviation of surface irregularities (unitless)
+x1 = (18e3)*sigma/f1 //Parameter x for f1 (unitless)
+x2 = (18e3)*sigma/f2 //Parameter x for f2 (unitless)
+x3 = (18e3)*sigma/f3 //Parameter x for f3 (unitless)
+mprintf( "The parameter x for 0.3MHz is %.1f", x1)
+mprintf( "\nThe parameter x for 1MHz is %.2f", x2)
+mprintf( "\nThe parameter x for 3MHz is %.2f", x3)
diff --git a/3773/CH23/EX23.5/Ex23_5.sce b/3773/CH23/EX23.5/Ex23_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ca7f473e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH23/EX23.5/Ex23_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//Chapter 23: Ground Wave Propagation
+//Example 23-5.1
+//Variable Initialization
+f1 = 5e3 //Frequency (Hz)
+f2 = 50e3 //Frequency (Hz)
+f3 = 500e3 //Frequency (Hz)
+sigma = 5e-5 //Standard deviation of surface irregularities (unitless)
+eps_r = 15.0 //Relative permittivity (unitless)
+mu = %pi*4e-7 //Absolute Permeability (H/m)
+w1 = 2*%pi*f1 //Angular frequency (rad/s)
+w2 = 2*%pi*f2 //Angular frequency (rad/s)
+w3 = 2*%pi*f3 //Angular frequency (rad/s)
+Zs1 = sqrt((w1*mu)/sqrt(sigma**2 + (w1**2)*eps_r)) //Surface impedence for f1 (ohm)
+Zs2 = sqrt((w2*mu)/sqrt(sigma**2 + (w2**2)*eps_r)) //Surface impedence for f2 (ohm)
+Zs3 = sqrt((w3*mu)/sqrt(sigma**2 + (w3**2)*eps_r)) //Surface impedence for f3 (ohm)
+mprintf( "The surface impedence for 5kHz is %.5f ohms",Zs1)
+mprintf( "\nThe surface impedence for 50kHz is %.5f ohms", Zs2)
+mprintf( "\nThe surface impedence for 500kHz is %.5f ohms", Zs3)
+//An error has been made in calculation/substitution of square root of
+//(sigma**2 + (w1**2)*eps_r) and in the second case, the mistake in the calculation of (w2*mu)/sqrt(sigma**2 + (w2**2)*eps_r)
diff --git a/3773/CH23/EX23.6/Ex23_6.sce b/3773/CH23/EX23.6/Ex23_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b52e441d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3773/CH23/EX23.6/Ex23_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//Chapter 23: Ground Wave Propagation
+//Example 23-7.1
+//Variable Initialization
+f = 2.0 //Frequency (MHz)
+sigma = 5e-5 //Standard deviation of surface irregularities (unitless)
+eps_r = 15.0 //Relative permittivity (unitless)
+d = 20e3 //Distance (m)
+eff = 0.5 //Antenna efficiency (unitless)
+c = 3e8 //Speed of light (m/s)
+E1 = 0.5e-3 //Ground wave electric field strength (V/m)
+wave_lt = c/(f*10**6) //Wavelength (m)
+x = (18e3)*sigma/f //Parameter x (unitless)
+b = atan((eps_r + 1)/x) //Phase constant (unitless)
+p = (%pi/x)*(d/wave_lt)*cos(b) //Numerical distance (unitless)
+A = (2 + 0.3*p)/(2 + p + 0.6*(p**2)) //Reduction factor (unitless)
+E_t = E1 * d/A
+mprintf("The Electric field strength at the transmitted end is %.2f V/m", E_t)