path: root/3765
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Diffstat (limited to '3765')
30 files changed, 1056 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3765/CH1/EX1.1/Ex1_1.sce b/3765/CH1/EX1.1/Ex1_1.sce
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index 000000000..f67b55304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH1/EX1.1/Ex1_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Example
+// Consider the low-speed flow of air over an airplane wing at standard
+// sea level conditions the free-stream velocity far ahead of the wing
+// is 100 mi/h. The flow accelerates over the wing, reaching a maximum
+// velocity of 150 mi/h at some point on the wing. What is the percentage
+// pressure change between this point and the free stream//
+// Variable declaration
+rho = 0.002377 // density at sea level (slug/ft^3)
+p_1 = 2116.0 // pressure at sea level (lb/ft^2)
+v_1 = 100.0 // velocity far ahead of the wing (mi/h)
+v_2 = 150.0 // velocity at some point on the wing (mi/h)
+// Calculations
+u_1 = v_1 * 88.0/60.0 // converting v_1 in ft/s
+u_2 = v_2 * 88.0/60.0 // converting v_2 in ft/s
+delP = 0.5*rho*(u_2*u_2 - u_1*u_1) // p_1 - p_2 from Bernoulli's equation
+fracP = delP/p_1 // fractional change in pressure with respect to freestream
+// Result
+printf("\n Fractional change in pressure is %.3f or %.1f percent", fracP, fracP*100)
diff --git a/3765/CH1/EX1.2/Ex1_2.sce b/3765/CH1/EX1.2/Ex1_2.sce
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index 000000000..0f158e3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH1/EX1.2/Ex1_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Example
+// A pressure vessel that has a volume of 10 m^3 is used to store high
+// pressure air for operating a supersonic wind tunnel. If the air pressure
+// and temperature inside the vessel are 20 atm and 300 K, respectively,
+// what is the mass of air stored in the vessel//
+// Variable declaration
+V = 10 // volume of vessel (m^3)
+p = 20.0 // pressure (atm)
+T = 300 // temperature (K)
+R = 287.0 // gas constant (J/Kg/K)
+// Calculations
+p = p * 101000.0 // units conversion to N/m^2
+rho = p/R/T // from ideal gas equation of state
+m = V * rho // total mass volume * density
+// Result
+printf("\n Total mass stored is %.1f Kg", m)
diff --git a/3765/CH1/EX1.3/Ex1_3.sce b/3765/CH1/EX1.3/Ex1_3.sce
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index 000000000..d1ce816a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH1/EX1.3/Ex1_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Example
+// Calculate the isothermal compressibility for air at a pressure of 0.5 atm.
+// Variable declaration
+p = 0.5 // pressure (atm)
+p_si = 0.5*101325 // pressure (N/m^2)
+p_eng = 0.5*2116 // pressure (lb/ft^2)
+// Calculations
+tau_atm = 1/p // isothermal compressibility in atm^-1
+tau_si = 1/p_si // isothermal compressibility in m^2/N
+tau_eng = 1/p_eng // isothermal compressibility in ft^2/lb
+// Result
+printf("\n Isothermal compressibility for air at %.1f atm is %.2f atm^-1 or %.2e m^2/N or %.2e ft^2/lb", p, tau_atm, tau_si, tau_eng)
diff --git a/3765/CH1/EX1.4/Ex1_4.sce b/3765/CH1/EX1.4/Ex1_4.sce
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index 000000000..775b45071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH1/EX1.4/Ex1_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Example
+// For thre pressure vessel in Example 1.2, calculate the total internal
+// energy of the gas stored in the vessel.
+// Variable declaration from example 1.2
+V = 10 // volume of vessel (m^3)
+p = 20.0 // pressure (atm)
+T = 300 // temperature (Kelvin)
+R = 287.0 // gas constant (J/Kg/K)
+gamma1 = 1.4 // ratio of specific heats for air
+// Calculations
+cv = R / (gamma1-1) // specific heat capacity at constant volume(J/Kg K)
+e = cv * T // internal energy per Kg (J/Kg)
+p = p * 101000.0 // units conversion to N/m^2
+rho = p/R/T // from ideal gas equation of state (Kg/m^3)
+m = V * rho // total mass = volume * density (Kg)
+E = m*e // total energy in J
+// Result
+printf("\n Total internal energy is %.2e J", E)
diff --git a/3765/CH1/EX1.5/Ex1_5.sce b/3765/CH1/EX1.5/Ex1_5.sce
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index 000000000..e6906bcad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH1/EX1.5/Ex1_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Example
+// Consider the air in the pressure vessel in Example 1.2. Let us now heat
+// the gas in the vessel. Enough heat is added to increase the temperature
+// to 600 K. Calculate the change in entropy of the air inside the vessel.
+// Variable declaration from example 1.2
+V = 10 // volume of vessel (m^3)
+p = 20.0 // pressure (atm)
+T = 300.0 // initial temperature (K)
+T2 = 600.0 // final temperature (Kelvin)
+R = 287.0 // gas constant (J/Kg/K)
+gamma1 = 1.4 // ratio of specific heats for air
+// Calculations
+p2_by_p = T2/T // p2/p, at constant volume p/T = constant
+cv = R / (gamma1-1) // specific heat capacity at constant volume (J/Kg K)
+cp = cv + R // specific heat capacity at constant pressure (J/Kg K)
+p = p * 101000.0 // units conversion to N/m^2
+rho = p/R/T // from ideal gas equation of state (Kg/m^3)
+m = V * rho // total mass = volume * density (Kg)
+del_s = cp*log(T2/T) - R*log(p2_by_p) // change in entropy per unit mass (J/ Kg K)
+total_del_s = m*del_s // total change in entropy (J/K)
+// Result
+printf("\n Total change in entropy is %.3e J/K", total_del_s)
diff --git a/3765/CH1/EX1.6/Ex1_6.sce b/3765/CH1/EX1.6/Ex1_6.sce
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index 000000000..de5edc931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH1/EX1.6/Ex1_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Example
+// Consider the flow through a rocket engine nozzle. Assume that the gas flow
+// through the nozzle in an isentropic expansion of a calorically perfect gas.
+// In the combustion chamber, the gas which results from the combustion of the
+// rocket fuel and oxidizer is at a pressure and temperature of 15 atm and
+// 2500 K, respectively, the molecular weight and specific heat at constant
+// pressure of the combustion gas are 12 and 4157 J/kg K, respectively. The gas
+// expands to supersonic speed through the nozzle, with temperature of 1350 K at
+// the nozzle exit. Calculate the pressure at the exit.
+// Variable declaration
+pc = 15.0 // pressure combustion chamber (atm)
+Tc = 2500.0 // temperature combustion chamber (K)
+mol_wt = 12.0 // molecular weight (gm)
+cp = 4157.0 // specific heat at constant pressure (J/Kg/K)
+Tn = 1350.0 // temperature at nozzle exit (K)
+// Calculations
+R = 8314.0/mol_wt // gas constant = R_prime/mo_wt, R_prime = 8314 J/K
+cv = cp - R // specific heat at constant volume (J/Kg/K)
+gamma1 = cp/cv // ratio of specific heat
+pn_by_pc = (Tn/Tc** gamma1/(gamma1-1)) // ratio of pressure for isentropic process** pn/pc
+pn = pc * pn_by_pc // pn = pc * pn/pc
+// Result
+printf("\n Pressure at the exit is %.3f atm", pn)
diff --git a/3765/CH1/EX1.7/Ex1_7.sce b/3765/CH1/EX1.7/Ex1_7.sce
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index 000000000..db4a9b507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH1/EX1.7/Ex1_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Example
+// A flat plate with a chord length of 3 ft and an infinite span(perpendicular to
+// the page in fig 1.5) is immersed in a Mach 2 flow at standard sea level
+// conditions at an angle of attack of 10 degrees. The pressure distribution
+// over the plate is as follows: upper surface, p2=constant=1132 lb/ft^2 lower
+// surface, p3=constant=3568 lb/ft^2. The local shear stress is given by tau_w =
+// 13/xeta^0.2, where tau_w is in pounds per square feet and xeta is the distance
+// in feet along the plate from the leading edge. Assume the distribution of
+// tau_w over the top and bottom surfaces is the same. Both the pressure and
+// shear disributions are sketched qualitatively in fig. 1.5. Calculate the lift
+// and drag per unit span on the plate.
+// Variable declaration
+M1 = 2.0 // mach number freestream
+p1 = 2116.0 // pressure at sea level (in lb/ft^2)
+l = 3.0 // chord of plate (in ft)
+alpha = 10.0 // angle of attack in degrees
+p2 = 1132.0 // pressure on the upper surface (in lb/ft^2)
+p3 = 3568.0 // pressure on the lower surface (in lb/ft^2)
+// Calculations
+// assuming unit span
+pds = -p2*l + p3*l // integral p.ds from leading edge to trailing edge (in lb/ft)
+L = pds*cos(alpha*%pi/180.0) // lift per unit span (in lb/ft), alpha is converted to radians
+Dw = pds*sin(alpha*%pi/180.0) // pressure drag per unit span (in lb/ft), alpha is converted to radians
+Df = 16.25 * (l** 4.0/5.0) // skin friction drag per unit span (in lb/ft)
+ // from integral tau.d(xeta)
+Df = 2 * Df * cos(alpha*%pi/180.0) // since skin friction acts on both the side
+D = Df + Dw // total drag per unit span (in lb/ft)
+// Result
+printf("\n Total Lift per unit span = %.0f lb", L)
+printf("\n Total Drag per unit span = %.0f lb", D)
diff --git a/3765/CH3/EX3.10/Ex3_10.sce b/3765/CH3/EX3.10/Ex3_10.sce
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index 000000000..4becf3099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH3/EX3.10/Ex3_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Example
+// In example 3.9, how much heat per unit mass must be added to choke the flow//
+// Variable declaration from example 3.9
+To1 = 840 // upstream total temperature (in K)
+M1 = 3.0 // upstream mach number
+To1_by_Tostar = 0.6540 // To1/Tostar from Table A3
+cp = 1004.5 // specific heat at constant pressure for air (in J/Kg K)
+// Calculations
+Tostar = To1 / To1_by_Tostar // Tostar = To1 * Tostar/To1 (in K)
+M2 = 1.0 // for choked flow
+To2 = Tostar // since M2 = 1.0
+q = cp * (To2 - To1) // required heat = cp(To2 - To1) (in J/kg)
+// Result
+printf("\n Heat require to choke the flow is %.2e J/kg", q)
diff --git a/3765/CH3/EX3.13/Ex3_13.sce b/3765/CH3/EX3.13/Ex3_13.sce
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index 000000000..f4d3590d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH3/EX3.13/Ex3_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Example
+// In example 3.12, what is the length of the duct required to choke the flow//
+// Variable declaration from example 3.12
+M1 = 3.0 // mach number
+C1 = 0.5222 // C1 = 4*f*L1star/D
+f = 0.005 // friction coefficient
+D = 0.4 // diameter of pipe (in ft)
+// Calculations
+L1star = 0.5222 * D/4.0/f
+// Result
+printf("\n Length required to choke the flow is %.2f ft", L1star)
diff --git a/3765/CH3/EX3.2/Ex3_2.sce b/3765/CH3/EX3.2/Ex3_2.sce
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index 000000000..b845282e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH3/EX3.2/Ex3_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Example
+// Return to Example 1.6, Calculate the Mach Number and velocity at the exit of the rocket
+// nozzle.
+// Variable declaration from example 1.6
+pc = 15.0 // pressure combustion chamber (atm)
+Tc = 2500.0 // temperature combustion chamber (K)
+mol_wt = 12.0 // molecular weight (gm)
+cp = 4157.0 // specific heat at constant pressure (J/Kg/K)
+Tn = 1350.0 // temperature at nozzle exit (K)
+// Calculations
+R = 8314.0/mol_wt // gas constant = R_prime/mo_wt, R_prime = 8314 J/K
+cv = cp - R // specific heat at constant volume (J/Kg k)
+gamma1 = cp/cv // ratio of specific heat
+pn_by_pc = (Tn/Tc** gamma1/(gamma1-1)) // ratio of pressure for isentropic process** pn/pc
+Mn = (2/(gamma1-1)*((1/pn_by_pc**(gamma1-1)/gamma1) - 1)** 0.5) // Mach number at exit** from isentropic flow relation
+an = (gamma1*R*Tn** 0.5) // Speed of sound at exit (m/s)
+Vn = Mn*an // Velocity at exit (m/s)
+// Result
+printf("\n Mach number at the exit of the rocket nozzle is %.3f",(Mn))
+printf("\n Velocity at the exit of the rocket nozzle is %.1f m/s",(Vn))
diff --git a/3765/CH3/EX3.3/Ex3_3.sce b/3765/CH3/EX3.3/Ex3_3.sce
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index 000000000..91e85eaf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH3/EX3.3/Ex3_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Example
+// Return to Example 1.1, calculate the percentage density change between the given point
+// on the wing and the free-stream, assuming compressible flow.
+// Variable declaration from example 1.1
+rho_1 = 0.002377 // density at sea level (slug/ft^3)
+T_1 = 519.0 // temperature at sea level (R)
+v_1 = 100.0 // velocity far ahead of the wing (mi/h)
+v_2 = 150.0 // velocity at some point on the wing (mi/h)
+gamma1 = 1.4 // ratio of specific heat capacity for air
+R = 1716.0 // gas constant (ft lbf/slug/R)
+// Calculations
+cp = gamma1*R/(gamma1-1) // specific heat capacity at constant pressure (ft lb/ slug / R)
+u_1 = v_1 * 88.0/60.0 // converting v_1 in ft/s
+u_2 = v_2 * 88.0/60.0 // converting v_2 in ft/s
+T_2 = T_1 + (u_1*u_1 - u_2*u_2)/cp/2.0 // temperature at a point from energy equation (R)
+rho_2_by_rho_1 = ((T_2/T_1)** 1/(gamma1-1))// density ratio from isentropic flow relation
+rho_2 = rho_2_by_rho_1 * rho_1 // density at the point (slug/ ft^3)
+delrho = rho_1 - rho_2 // change in density (slug/ ft^3)
+fracrho = delrho/rho_1 // fractional change in density
+// Result
+printf("\n Percentage change in density is %.1f",(fracrho*100))
diff --git a/3765/CH3/EX3.4/Ex3_4.sce b/3765/CH3/EX3.4/Ex3_4.sce
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index 000000000..3f4dc9308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH3/EX3.4/Ex3_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Example
+// A normal shock wave is standing in the test section of a supersonic wind tunnel.
+// Upstream of the wave, M1 = 3, p1 = 0.5 atm, and T1 = 200 K. Find M2, p2, T2 and
+// u2 downstream of the wave
+// Variable declaration from example 1.1
+M1 = 3.0 // upstream mach number
+p1 = 0.5 // upstream pressure (atm)
+T1 = 200.0 // upstream temperature (K)
+R = 287.0 // gas constant (J/Kg/K)
+gamma1 = 1.4 // ratio of specific heats for air
+// Calculations
+// from shock relation (Table A2) for M1 = 3.0
+// subscript 2 means downstream of the shock
+p2_by_p1 = 10.33 // p2/p1
+T2_by_T1 = 2.679 // T2/T1
+M2 = 0.4752 // M2
+p2 = p2_by_p1 * p1 // downstream pressure (atm)
+T2 = T2_by_T1 * T1 // downstream temperature (K)
+a2 = (gamma1*R*T2** 0.5) // speed of sound downstream of the shock (m/s)
+u2 = M2*a2 // downstream velocity (m/s)
+// Result
+printf("\n M2 = %.4f",(M2))
+printf("\n p2 = %.3f atm",(p2))
+printf("\n T2 = %.1f K",(T2))
+printf("\n u2 = %.1f m/s",(u2))
diff --git a/3765/CH3/EX3.6/Ex3_6.sce b/3765/CH3/EX3.6/Ex3_6.sce
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index 000000000..0ad8c2aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH3/EX3.6/Ex3_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Example
+// Consider a point in a supersonic flow where the static pressure is 0.4 atm. When
+// a pitot tube is inserted in the at this point, the pressure measured by the
+// pitot tube is 3 atm. Calculate the mach number at this point.
+// Variable declaration
+p1 = 0.4 // static pressure (in atm)
+po2 = 3.0 // pressure measured by the pitot tube (in atm)
+// from table A2 for po2/p1 = 7.5
+M1 = 2.35
+// Results
+printf("\n Mach number is %.2f",(M1))
diff --git a/3765/CH3/EX3.7/Ex3_7.sce b/3765/CH3/EX3.7/Ex3_7.sce
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index 000000000..72afdaa62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH3/EX3.7/Ex3_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Example
+// For the normal shock that occurs in front of the pitot tube in Example 3.6,
+// calculate the entropy change across the shock.
+// Variable declaration
+M1 = 2.34 // mach number from example 3.6
+R = 1716.0 // gas constant (ft lbf/slug/R)
+// Calculations
+// subscript 2 means downstream of the shock
+po2_by_po1 = 0.5615 // from shock table A2 for mach M1
+dels = -R*log(po2_by_po1) // s2 - s1 (in lb/slug R)
+// Result
+printf("\n Change is entropy is %.1f lb/slug R", dels)
diff --git a/3765/CH4/EX4.1/Ex4_1.sce b/3765/CH4/EX4.1/Ex4_1.sce
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index 000000000..2f60855cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH4/EX4.1/Ex4_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// Example
+// A uniform supersonic stream with M1 = 3.0, p1 = 1 atm, T1 = 288 K encounters
+// a compression corner which deflects the stream by an angle theta = 20 deg.
+// Calculate the shock wave angle, and p2, T2, M2, po2 and To2 behind the shock
+// wave.
+// Variable declaration
+M1 = 3.0 // upstream mach number
+p1 = 1.0 // upstream pressure (in atm)
+T1 = 288 // upstream temperature (in K)
+theta = 20 // deflection (in degrees)
+// Calculations
+// subscript 2 means behind the shock
+// from figure 4.5 from M1 = 3.0, theta = 20.0 deg.
+beta1 = 37.5 // shock angle (in degress)
+// degree to radian conversion is done by multiplying by %pi/180
+Mn1 = M1 * sin(beta1*%pi/180) // upstream mach number normal to the shock
+// from Table A2 for Mn1 = 1.826
+p2_by_p1 = 3.723 // p2/p1
+T2_by_T1 = 1.551 // T2/T1
+Mn2 = 0.6108
+po2_by_po1 = 0.8011 // po2/po1
+p2 = p2_by_p1 * p1 // p2 (in atm) = p2/p1 * p1
+T2 = T2_by_T1 * T1 // T2 (in K) = T2/T1 * T1
+M2 = Mn2/(sin((beta1-theta)*%pi/180)) // mach number behind the shock
+// from A1 for M1 = 3.0
+po1_by_p1 = 36.73
+To1_by_T1 = 2.8
+po2 = po2_by_po1 * po1_by_p1 * p1 // po2 (in atm) = po2/po1 * po1/p1 * p1
+To1 = To1_by_T1 * T1 // To2 (in atm) = To2/To1 * To1/T1 * T1
+To2 = To1_by_T1 * T1 // To2 (in atm) = To2/To1 * To1/T1 * T1
+// Result
+printf("\n Shock wave angle %.2f degrees",(beta1))
+printf("\n p2 = %.2f atm", p2)
+printf("\n T2 = %.2f K", T2)
+printf("\n M2 = %.2f ", M2)
+printf("\n po2 = %.2f atm", po2)
+printf("\n To2 = %.2f K", To2)
diff --git a/3765/CH4/EX4.10/Ex4_10.sce b/3765/CH4/EX4.10/Ex4_10.sce
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index 000000000..caf6406b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH4/EX4.10/Ex4_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Example
+// Consider an infinitely this flat plate at 5 degrees angle of attack in a Mach
+// 2.6 free stream. Calculate the lift and drag coefficients.
+// Variable declaration
+alpha = 5.0 // angle of attack in degrees (in degrees)
+M1 = 2.6 // freestream mach number
+gamma1 = 1.4 // ratio of specific heats
+// Calculations
+// from table A5 for M1 = 2.6
+v1 = 41.41 // (in degrees)
+v2 = v1 + alpha // (in degrees)
+// from table A5 for v2 = 46.41 deg
+M2 = 2.85
+// from A1 for M1 = 2.6
+po1_by_p1 = 19.95
+// from A1 for M2 = 2.85
+po2_by_p2 = 29.29
+p2_by_p1 = 1/po2_by_p2 * po1_by_p1 // p2/p1 = p2/po2 * po2/po1 * po1/p1 and po2 = po1
+// from theta-beta1-M diagram for M1 = 2.6
+theta = 5.0 // deflection (in degrees)
+beta1 = 26.5 // shock angle (in degrees)
+Mn1 = M1*sin(beta1*%pi/180) // mach number normal to the shock
+// from table A2 for Mn1 = 1.16
+p3_by_p1 = 1.403 // p3/p1
+cl = 2.0/(gamma1*M1*M1)*(p3_by_p1 - p2_by_p1)*cos(alpha*%pi/180) // coefficient of lift
+cd1 = 2.0/(gamma1*M1*M1)*(p3_by_p1 - p2_by_p1)*sin(alpha*%pi/180) // coefficient of drag
+// Results
+printf("\n Lift coefficient : %.3f",(cl))
+printf("\n Drag coefficient : %.4f",(cd1))
diff --git a/3765/CH4/EX4.2/Ex4_2.sce b/3765/CH4/EX4.2/Ex4_2.sce
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index 000000000..69d0dc82d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH4/EX4.2/Ex4_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Example
+// In Example 4.1, the deflection angle is increased to theta = 30 degrees.
+// Calculate the pressure and Mach number behind the wave, and compare these
+// results with those of Example 4.1.
+// Variable declaration
+M1 = 3.0 // upstream mach number
+p1 = 1.0 // upstream pressure (in atm)
+T1 = 288 // upstream temperature (in K)
+theta = 30 // deflection (in degrees)
+// Calculations
+// subscript 2 means behind the shock
+// from figure 4.5 from M1 = 3.0, theta = 30.0 deg.
+beta1 = 52.0 // shock angle (in degrees)
+// degree to radian conversion is done by multiplying by %pi/180
+Mn1 = M1 * sin(beta1*%pi/180) // upstream mach number normal to the shock
+// from Table A2 for Mn1 = 2.364
+p2_by_p1 = 6.276 // p2/p1
+Mn2 = 0.5286
+p2 = p2_by_p1 * p1 // p2 (in atm) = p2/p1 * p1
+M2 = Mn2/(sin((beta1-theta)*%pi/180)) // mach number behind the shock
+printf("\n Shock wave angle %.2f degrees",(beta1))
+printf("\n p2 = %.3f atm", p2)
+printf("\n M2 = %.2f ", M2)
+printf("\n comparison")
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+++ b/3765/CH4/EX4.3/Ex4_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Example
+// In Example 4.1, the free stream mach number is increased to 5.0.
+// Calculate the pressure and Mach number behind the wave, and compare these
+// results with those of Example 4.1.
+// Variable declaration
+M1 = 5.0 // upstream mach number
+p1 = 1.0 // upstream pressure (in atm)
+T1 = 288 // upstream temperature (in K)
+theta = 20.0 // deflection (in degrees)
+// Calculations
+// subscript 2 means behind the shock
+// from figure 4.5 from M1 = 5.0, theta = 20.0 deg.
+beta1 = 30.0 // shock angle (in degrees)
+// degree to radian conversion is done by multiplying by %pi/180
+Mn1 = M1 * sin(beta1*%pi/180) // upstream mach number normal to the shock
+// from Table A2 for Mn1 = 2.5
+p2_by_p1 = 7.125 // p2/p1
+Mn2 = 0.513
+p2 = p2_by_p1 * p1 // p2 (in atm) = p2/p1 * p1
+M2 = Mn2/(sin((beta1-theta)*%pi/180)) // mach number behind the shock
+printf("\n Shock wave angle %.2f degrees",(beta1))
+printf("\n p2 = %.3f atm", p2)
+printf("\n M2 = %.2f ", M2)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98586c4ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH4/EX4.5/Ex4_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Example
+// Consider a 15 deg half angle wedge at zero angle of attack. Calculate the
+// pressure coefficient on the wedge surface in a Mach 3 flow of air.
+// Variable declaration
+M1 = 3.0 // upstream mach number
+theta = 15.0 // deflection (in degrees)
+gamma1 = 1.4 // ratio of specific heats
+// Calculations
+// subscript 2 means behind the shock
+// from figure 4.5 from M1 = 3.0, theta = 15.0 deg.
+beta1 = 32.2 // shock angle (in degress)
+// degree to radian conversion is done by multiplying by %pi/180
+Mn1 = M1 * sin(beta1*%pi/180) // upstream mach number normal to the shock
+// from Table A2 for Mn1 = 1.6
+p2_by_p1 = 2.82 // p2/p1
+Cp = 2/(gamma1*M1*M1) * (p2_by_p1 - 1)
+// Results
+printf("\n Coefficient of pressure is %.3f",(Cp))
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2390aa68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Example
+// Consider a 15 deg half angle wedge at zero angle of attack in a Mach 3 flow of
+// air. Calculate the drag coefficient. Assume that the pressure exerted over the
+// base of the wedge, the base pressure, is equal to the free stream pressure.
+// Variable declaration
+M1 = 3.0 // upstream mach number
+theta = 15.0 // deflection (in degrees)
+gamma1 = 1.4 // ratio of specific heats
+// Calculations
+// subscript 2 means behind the shock
+// from figure 4.5 from M1 = 3.0, theta = 15.0 deg.
+beta1 = 32.2 // shock angle (in degress)
+// degree to radian conversion is done by multiplying by %pi/180
+Mn1 = M1 * sin(beta1*%pi/180) // upstream mach number normal to the shock
+// from Table A2 for Mn1 = 1.6
+p2_by_p1 = 2.82 // p2/p1
+cd1 = 4/(gamma1*M1*M1)*(p2_by_p1 - 1)*tan(theta*%pi/180)
+// Results
+printf("\n Coefficient of drag is %.3f",(cd1))
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f1ccab98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH4/EX4.7/Ex4_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// Example
+// Consider a horizontal supersonic flow at Mach 2.8 with a static pressure and
+// temperature of 1 atm and 519 R, respectively. This flow passes over a compr-
+// ession corner with deflection angle of 16 degrees. The oblique shock generated
+// at the corner propagates into the flow, and is incident on a horizontal wall,
+// as shown in Fig. 4.15. Calculate the angle phi made by the reflected shock wave
+// with respect to the wall, and the Mach number, pressure and temperature behind
+// the reflected shock.
+// Variable declaration
+M1 = 2.8 // upstream mach number
+p1 = 1.0 // upstream pressure (in atm)
+T1 = 519.0 // upstream temperature (in R)
+theta = 16.0 // deflection (in degrees)
+// Calculations
+// subscript 2 means behind the shock
+// from figure 4.5 from M1 = 2.8, theta = 16.0 deg.
+beta1_1 = 35.0 // shock angle (in degress)
+// degree to radian conversion is done by multiplying by %pi/180
+Mn1 = M1 * sin(beta1_1*%pi/180) // upstream mach number normal to the shock
+// from Table A2 for Mn1 = 1.606
+p2_by_p1 = 2.82 // p2/p1
+T2_by_T1 = 1.388 // T2/T1
+Mn2 = 0.6684
+p2 = p2_by_p1 * p1 // p2 (in atm) = p2/p1 * p1
+T2 = T2_by_T1 * T1 // T2 (in R) = T2/T1 * T1
+M2 = Mn2/(sin((beta1_1-theta)*%pi/180)) // mach number behind the shock
+// from figure 4.5 from M2 = 2.053, theta = 16.0 deg.
+beta1_2 = 45.5 // shock angle of reflected(in degress)
+// degree to radian conversion is done by multiplying by %pi/180
+Mn2 = M2 * sin(beta1_2*%pi/180) // upstream mach number normal to the shock
+// from Table A2 for Mn1 = 1.46
+p3_by_p2 = 2.32 // p3/p2
+T3_by_T2 = 1.294 // T3/T2
+Mn3 = 0.7157
+p3 = p3_by_p2 * p2 // p3 (in atm) = p3/p2 * p2
+T3 = T3_by_T2 * T2 // T3 (in R) = T3/T2 * T2
+phi = beta1_2 - theta // (in degrees)
+M3 = Mn3/(sin((beta1_2-theta)*%pi/180)) // mach number behind the reflected shock
+// Result
+printf("\n phi %.2f degrees", phi)
+printf("\n Pressure behind reflected shock, p3 = %.2f atm", p3)
+printf("\n Temperature behind reflected shock, T3 = %.2f R", T3)
+printf("\n Mach behind reflected shock, M3 = %.2f ", M3)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..782768802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH4/EX4.8/Ex4_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Example
+// A uniform supersonic stream with M1 = 1.5, p1 = 1700 lb/ft^2, and T1 = 460.0 R
+// encounters an expansion corner which deflects the stream by and angle theta_2
+// = 20 degrees. Calculate M2, p2, T2, po2, To2, and the angles the forward and
+// rearward Mach lines make with respect to the upstream flow direction.
+// Variable declaration
+M1 = 1.5 // upstream mach number
+p1 = 1700.0 // upstream pressure (in lb/ft^2)
+T1 = 460.0 // upstream temperature (in R)
+theta_2 = 20.0 // deflection (in degrees)
+// Calculations
+// subscript 2 means after the expansion fan
+// from Table A5 for M1 = 1.5
+v1 = 11.91 // (in degrees)
+mu1 = 41.81 // (in degrees)
+v2 = v1 + theta_2
+// from Table A5, for v2 = 31.91
+M2 = 2.207 // Mach behind the expansion fan
+mu2 = 26.95 // (in degrees)
+// from Table A1 for M1 = 1.5
+po1_by_p1 = 3.671 // po1/p1
+To1_by_T1 = 1.45 // To1/T1
+// from Table A1 for M2 = 2.207
+po2_by_p2 = 10.81 // po2/p2
+To2_by_T2 = 1.974 // To2/T2
+p2 = 1/po2_by_p2 * po1_by_p1 * p1 // p2 (in lb/ft^2) = p2/po2 * po2/po1 * po1/p1 * p1 and po2 = po1
+T2 = 1/To2_by_T2 * To1_by_T1 * T1 // T2 (in R) = T2/To2 * To2/To1 * To1/T1 * T1 and To2 = To1
+angle_forward = mu1 // angle of forward ray (in degrees)
+angle_rearward = mu2 - theta_2 // angle of backward ray (in degrees)
+po2 = po1_by_p1 * p1 // po2 (in lb/ft^2) = po1/p1 * p1
+To2 = To1_by_T1 * T1 // To2 (in R) = To1/T1 * T1
+ po1 = po1_by_p1 * p1 // po2 (in lb/ft^2) = po1/p1 * p1
+ To1 = To1_by_T1 * T1 // To2 (in R) = To1/T1 * T1
+// Result
+printf("\n M2 = %.3f", M2)
+printf("\n p2 = %.2f lb/ft^2", p2)
+printf("\n T2 = %.2f deg R", T2)
+printf("\n po2 = %.2f lb/ft^2", po2)
+printf("\n To2 = %.2f deg R", To2)
+printf("\n Angle forward = %.2f degrees", angle_forward)
+printf("\n Angle rearward = %.2f degrees", angle_rearward)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4a730371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH4/EX4.9/Ex4_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Example
+// Consider the arrangement shows in fig. 4.29. A 15 degree half angle diamond
+// wedge airfoil is in supersonic flow at zero angle of attack. A pitot tube is
+// inserted into the flow at the location shown in fig 4.29. The pressure measured
+// by the Pitot tube is 2.596 atm. At point a on the backface, the pressure is 0.1
+// atm. Calculate the freestream Mach number M1.
+// Variable declaration
+theta = 15.0 // wedge angle/deflection (in degrees)
+po4 = 2.596 // measured pressure (in atm)
+p3 = 0.1 // pressure at point a (in atm)
+// Calculations
+po4_by_p3 = po4/p3
+// from Table A 2 for po4/p3 = 25.96
+M3 = 4.45
+v3 = 71.27
+v2 = v3 - 2*theta
+// from Table A 5, for v2 = 41.27 degrees
+M2 = 2.6
+// Mn2 = M2*sin((beta1-theta)*%pi/180) @equation 1
+// Guessing
+// Guess 1
+M1 = 4.0 // Guess for freestream number
+beta1 = 27.0 // from fig 4.5 (in degrees)
+Mn1 = M1*sin(beta1*%pi/180) // mach number normal to shock
+// from Table A2 for Mn1 = 1.816
+Mn2 = 0.612
+// but Mn2 from equation 1 is 0.54
+// Guess 2
+M1 = 4.5 // Guess for freestream number
+beta1 = 25.5 // from fig 4.5 (in degrees)
+Mn1 = M1*sin(beta1*%pi/180) // mach number normal to shock
+// from Table A2 for Mn1 = 1.937
+Mn2 = 0.588
+// but Mn2 from equation 1 is 0.47
+// Guess 3
+M1 = 3.5 // Guess for freestream number
+beta1 = 29.2 // from fig 4.5 (in degrees)
+Mn1 = M1*sin(beta1*%pi/180) // mach number normal to shock
+// from Table A2 for Mn1 = 1.71
+Mn2 = 0.638
+// but Mn2 from equation 1 is 0.638
+// Result
+printf("\n Freestream mach number is %.1f", M1)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f4ced579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH5/EX5.1/Ex5_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// Example
+// Consider the subsonic-supersonic flow through a convergent-divergent nozzle. The
+// reservoir pressure and temperature are 10 atm and 300 K, repectively. There are
+// two locations in the nozzle where A/Astar = 6, one in the convergent section and
+// the other in the divergent section. At each location calculate M, p, T, u.
+// Variable declaration
+po = 10.0 // reservoir pressure (in atm)
+To = 300.0 // reservoir temperature (in K)
+A_by_Astar = 6.0 // area ratio
+gamma1 = 1.4 // ratio of specific heat
+R = 287.0 // gas constant (in J/ Kg K)
+// Calculations
+// from table A1 for subsonic flow with A/Astar = 6.0
+Msub = 0.097 // mach number in converging section
+po_by_p = 1.006 // po/p in converging section
+To_by_T = 1.002 // To/T in converging section
+psub = 1 / po_by_p * po // pressure (in atm) in converging section
+Tsub = 1 / To_by_T * To // temperature (in K) in converging section
+asub = (gamma1*R*Tsub** 0.5) // speed of sound (in m/s) in converging section
+usub = Msub*asub // velocity (in m/s) in converging section
+// from table A1 for supersonic flow with A/Astar = 6.0
+Msup = 3.368 // mach number in diverging section
+po_by_p = 63.13 // po/p in diverging section
+To_by_T = 3.269 // To/T in diverging section
+psup = 1 / po_by_p * po // pressure (in atm) in diverging section
+Tsup = 1 / To_by_T * To // temperature (in K) in diverging section
+asup = (gamma1*R*Tsup** 0.5) // speed of sound (in m/s) in diverging section
+usup = Msup*asup // velocity (in m/s) in diverging section
+// Results
+printf("\n Converging section")
+printf("\n M = %.3f", Msub)
+printf("\n p = %.2f atm", psub)
+printf("\n T = %.1f K", Tsub)
+printf("\n u = %.2f m/s", usub)
+printf("\n Divering section")
+printf("\n M = %.3f", Msup)
+printf("\n p = %.4f atm", psup)
+printf("\n T = %.2f K", Tsup)
+printf("\n u = %.2f m/s", usup)
diff --git a/3765/CH5/EX5.2/Ex5_2.sce b/3765/CH5/EX5.2/Ex5_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..197395c2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH5/EX5.2/Ex5_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Example
+// A supersonic wind tunnel is designed to produce Mach 2.5 flow in the test section
+// with standard sea level conditions. Calculate the exit area ratio and reservoir
+// conditions necessary to achieve these design conditions.
+// Variable declaration
+Me = 2.5 // exit mach number
+pe = 1.0 // sea level pressure (in atm)
+Te = 288.0 // sea level temperature (in K)
+// Calculations
+// from table A1 for Me = 2.5
+Ae_by_Astar = 2.637 // Ae/Astar
+po_by_pe = 17.09 // po/p
+To_by_Te = 2.25 // To/T
+po = po_by_pe * pe // reservoir pressure (in atm)
+To = To_by_Te * Te // reservoir temperature (in K)
+// Results
+printf("\n Area ratio required %.3f", Ae_by_Astar)
+printf("\n Reservoir pressure required %.2f atm", po)
+printf("\n Reservoir temperature required %.1f K", To)
diff --git a/3765/CH5/EX5.3/Ex5_3.sce b/3765/CH5/EX5.3/Ex5_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ef42e747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH5/EX5.3/Ex5_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Example
+// Consider a rocket engine burning hydrogen and oxygen combustion chamber temper-
+// ature and pressure are 3571 K and 25 atm, respectively. The molecular weight of
+// the chemically reacting gas in the combustion chamber is 16.0 and gamma1 = 1.22.
+// The pressure at the exit of the convergent-divergent rocket nozzle is 1.174*10^-2
+// atm. The area of the throat is 0.4 m^2. Assuming a calorifically perfect gas,
+// calculate (a) the exit mach number (b) the exit velocity (c) the mass through the
+// nozzle and (d) the area of the exit.
+// Variable declaration
+po = 25.0 // combustion chamber pressure (in atm)
+To = 3571.0 // combustion chamber temperature (in K)
+pe = 1.174e-2 // pressure at the exit of the nozzle (in atm)
+Astar = 0.4 // throat area (in m^2)
+gamma1 = 1.22 // ratio of specific heats
+mol_wt = 16.0 // molecular weight (in gms)
+// Calculations
+// part (a)
+Me = (2/(gamma1-1) *((po/pe**(gamma1-1)/gamma1) - 1)** 0.5) // Exit mach number
+// part (b)
+Te_by_To = (pe/po** (gamma1-1)/gamma1) // Te/To
+Te = Te_by_To * To // exit temperature (in K)
+R = 8314.0/mol_wt // gas constant (in J/Kg K)
+ae = (gamma1*R*Te** 0.5) // speed of sound at exit (in m/s)
+ve = Me * ae // velocity at exit (in m/s)
+// part (c)
+rhoo = po*101325/R/To // density at reservoir (in Kg/m^3)
+rhostar_by_rhoo = (2.0/(gamma1+1)**1/(gamma1-1)) // rhostar/rhoo
+rhostar = rhostar_by_rhoo * rhoo // rhostar, throat density (in Kg/m^3)
+Tstar_by_To = 2.0/(gamma1+1) // Tstar/To
+Tstar = Tstar_by_To * To // Tstar, throat temperature (in K)
+astar = (gamma1*R*Tstar** 0.5) // speed of sound at throat (in m/s)
+mass = rhostar*Astar*astar // mass flow rate at throat (in Kg/s)
+// part (d)
+rhoe = pe*101325/R/Te // density at exit (in Kg/m^3)
+Ae = mass/rhoe/ve // exit area (in m^2)
+// Results
+printf("\n Exit mach number %.2f", Me)
+printf("\n Exit velocity %.2f m/s", ve)
+printf("\n Mass flow rate %.2f Kg/s", mass)
+printf("\n Area of the exit %.2f m^2", Ae)
diff --git a/3765/CH5/EX5.4/Ex5_4.sce b/3765/CH5/EX5.4/Ex5_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a06cf437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH5/EX5.4/Ex5_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Example
+// Consider the flow through a convergent-divergent duct with an exit to throat area
+// ratio of 2. The reservoir pressure is 1 atm, and the exit pressure is 0.95 atm.
+// Calculate the mach numbers at the throat and at the exit.
+// Variable declaration
+po = 1.0 // reservoir pressure (in atm)
+pe = 0.95 // pressure at the exit (in atm)
+Ae_by_At = 2.0 // ratio of exit to throat area
+// Calculations
+// from table A1 for po/pe = 1.053
+Me = 0.28 // mach number at exit
+Ae_by_Astar = 2.17 // nearest entry
+At_by_Astar = 1 / Ae_by_At * Ae_by_Astar // At/Astar = At/Ae * Ae/Astar
+// from table A1 for At/A* = 1.085
+Mt = 0.72 // mach number at throat
+// Results
+printf("\n Mach number at exit %.2f", Me)
+printf("\n Mach number at throat %.2f", Mt)
diff --git a/3765/CH5/EX5.5/Ex5_5.sce b/3765/CH5/EX5.5/Ex5_5.sce
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index 000000000..754b6d91d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH5/EX5.5/Ex5_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Example
+// Consider a convergent divergent duct with an exit to throat area ratio of 1.6.
+// Calculate the exit to reservoir pressure ratio required to achieve sonic flow
+// at the throat, but subsonic flow everywhere else.
+// Variable declaration
+Ae_by_At = 1.6 // ratio of exit to throat area
+// Calculations
+// since M = 1 at the throat Mt = Astar
+// Ae/At = Ae/Astar = 1.6
+// from table A1 for Ae/Astar = 1.6
+po_by_pe = 1.1117 // po/pe
+pe_by_po = 1/po_by_pe // pe/po
+// Results
+printf("\n Exit to reservoir required pressure ratio is %.1f", pe_by_po)
diff --git a/3765/CH5/EX5.6/Ex5_6.sce b/3765/CH5/EX5.6/Ex5_6.sce
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index 000000000..2abceb9d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH5/EX5.6/Ex5_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Example
+// Consider a convergent divergent nozzle with an exit to throat area ratio of 3.
+// A normal shock wave is inside the divergent portion at a location where the local
+// area ratio is A/At = 2.0. Calculate the exit to reservoir pressure ratio.
+// Variable declaration
+Ae_by_At = 3.0 // ratio of exit to throat area
+// Calculations
+// from table A1 for A/At = 2.0
+M1 = 2.2 // mach number in front the shock
+// from table A2 for M1 = 2.2
+M2 = 0.5471 // mach number behind the shock
+po2_by_po1 = 0.6281 // stagnation pressure ratio accross the shock
+// from table A1 for M2 = 0.5471
+A2_by_A2star = 1.27 // A2/A2star
+At_by_A2 = 1/2.0 // At/A2
+Ae_by_A2star = Ae_by_At * At_by_A2 * A2_by_A2star //Ae/A2star = Ae/At * At/A2 * A2/A2star
+// from table A1 for Ae/A2star = 1.905
+Me = 0.32 // exit mach number
+poe_by_pe = 1.074 // poe/pe
+// po = po1 and poe = po2
+pe_by_po = 1 / poe_by_pe * po2_by_po1 // pe/po = pe/poe * poe/po2 * po2/po1 * po1/po
+// Results
+printf("\n Exit to reservoir pressure ratio is %.3f", pe_by_po)
diff --git a/3765/CH5/EX5.7/Ex5_7.sce b/3765/CH5/EX5.7/Ex5_7.sce
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/3765/CH5/EX5.7/Ex5_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Example
+// Consider the wind tunnel described in example 5.2. Estimate the ratio of diffuser
+// throat area to nozzle throat area required to allow the tunnel to start. Also,
+// assuming that the diffuser efficiency is 1.2 after the tunnel has started, calculate
+// the pressure ratio across the tunnel necessary for running i.e. calculate the ratio
+// of total pressure at the diffuser exit to the reservoir pressure.
+// Variable declaration
+M = 2.5 // mach number before the shock
+eta_d = 1.2 // diffuser efficiency
+// Calculations
+// from table for M = 2.5
+po2_by_po1 = 0.499 // po2/po1
+At2_by_At1 = 1 / po2_by_po1 // At2/At1 = po1/po2
+Pdo_by_po = eta_d * po2_by_po1 // pdo/po
+// Results
+printf("\n Ratio of diffuser throat area to nozzle throat area %.2f", At2_by_At1)
+printf("\n Ratio of total pressure at the diffuser exit to the reservoir pressure, %.3f",(Pdo_by_po))