path: root/3761/CH4/EX4.15/Ex4_15.sce
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1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3761/CH4/EX4.15/Ex4_15.sce b/3761/CH4/EX4.15/Ex4_15.sce
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/3761/CH4/EX4.15/Ex4_15.sce
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+disp("Example 4.15")
+disp("Asc=2-25dia bars","Ast=3-36dia bars","M20 Grade of concrete and Fe250steel","dd = 50mm","d=550mm","b=300mm","Given:")
+Ast= %pi*36*36*3/4
+m=13.33 //(280/(3*sigmacbc))
+disp(xumaxd,"xumax/d for Fe250=")
+disp("Assuming fsc=fst=0.87*fy,, and considering force equilibrium")
+disp("Cus+Cuc = Tu")
+disp("xu>xu,max, hence the section is over-reinforced")
+disp("Exact Solution considering strain compatibility")
+disp("Applying Eq. 4.81: xu = fst*Ast - (fsc-0.447*fck)*Asc/(0.362*fck*b)")
+disp("Therefore,xu=(3054*fst - 982*fsc+8779)/2172")
+disp("First Cycle")
+disp("1. xu lies within the two limits above; 263.5 mm < xu < 348.5mm")
+disp("2. xu = (xu,max+xu)/2")
+disp("3.Esc = 00035*(1-dd/xu1)")
+Esc = 0.0035*(1-dd/xu1)
+disp("4.Est = 0.0035*(d/xu1-1)")
+Est = 0.0035*(d/xu1-1)
+disp("for Esc= 0.00380 fsc = 360.9 and for Esc = 0.00276 fsc=351.8")
+disp("Therefore, xu = ")
+xu2=(3054*fst - 982*fsc+8779)/2172
+disp("Second Cycle")
+disp("Assume xu= ")
+Esc = 0.0035*(1-dd/xu3)
+disp("for Esc= 0.00380 fsc = 360.9 and for Esc = 0.00276 fsc=351.8")
+disp("For strain, 0.00276 fst = 351.8 and for strain 0.00241 fst=342.8 From table 3.2")
+xu4=(3054*fst11- 982*fsc+8779)/2172
+disp("Third Cycle")
+disp("1.Assume xu=")
+Esc = 0.0035*(1-dd/xu5)
+disp(Est2, "Est=")
+disp("for Esc= 0.00380 fsc = 360.9 and for Esc = 0.00276 fsc=351.8")
+disp("For strain, 0.00276 fst = 351.8 and for strain 0.00241 fst=342.8 From table 3.2")
+xu6=(3054*fst12- 982*fsc+8779)/2172
+disp("Approximate Solution")
+disp("As an approximate and conservative estimate limiting xu to xu,max=263.5mm,")
+disp("This value is alternatively obtainable from Table 4.5 for dd/d=0.09 and Fe415")
+disp("Accordingly, limiting the ultimate moment of resistance MuR to the limiting moment Mu,lim")