path: root/3760/CH1/EX1.42
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Diffstat (limited to '3760/CH1/EX1.42')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3760/CH1/EX1.42/Ex1_42.sce b/3760/CH1/EX1.42/Ex1_42.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..726360d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3760/CH1/EX1.42/Ex1_42.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// From fig 1.45
+N1=1000; // no of turns on primary
+N2=400; // no. of turns on secondary
+n2=300; // no. of turns across points A and B
+l1=600; // a load of 600 KW connected between points A and C
+l2=60+60*%i; // load connected between points A and B
+E=30000; // primary supply voltage
+vac=E*(N2/N1); // secondary side voltage
+I1=(l1*1000)/vac; // current through load of 600 KW
+vab=(vac/N2)*n2; // volatge across pints A and B
+I2=vab/l2 ; // load current through load of 60+60i
+iba=I1+I2; // current through section Ab of winding
+mfs=iba*n2+I1*(N2-n2); // seconadry mmf
+printf('primary current is %f%fi A\n',real(ip),imag(ip));
+printf('primary power input is %f KW\n',Pi);
+printf('power factor at primary terminal is %f lagging',pf)