path: root/3754/CH26
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3754/CH26')
8 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3754/CH26/EX26.1/26_1.sce b/3754/CH26/EX26.1/26_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33e1eed01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3754/CH26/EX26.1/26_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Av1 = 10.0 //Voltage gain1
+Av2 = 20.0 //Voltage gain2
+Av3 = 40.0 //Voltage gain3
+Av = Av1 * Av2 * Av3 //Voltage gain
+Gv1 = 20 * log10(Av1) //dB voltage gain1
+Gv2 = 20 * log10(Av2) //dB voltage gain2
+Gv3 = 20 * log10(Av3) //dB voltage gain3
+Gv = Gv1 + Gv2 + Gv3 //dB voltage gain
+printf("\n Overall voltage gain is %0.3f .\nTotal dB voltage gain is %0.0f dB.",Av,Gv)
diff --git a/3754/CH26/EX26.2/26_2.sce b/3754/CH26/EX26.2/26_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24655c2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3754/CH26/EX26.2/26_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+n = 3 //Number of amplified stages
+Vin1 = 0.05 //Input to first stage (in volts peak-to-peak)
+Vout3 = 150.0 //Output of final stage (in volts peak-to-peak)
+Av1 = 20.0 //Voltage gain of first stage
+Vin3 = 15.0 //Input of final stage (in volts peak-to-peak)
+Av = Vout3 / Vin1 //Overall voltage gain
+Av3 = Vout3 / Vin3 //Voltage gain of third stage
+Av2 = Av / (Av1 * Av3) //Voltage gain of second stage
+Vin2 = Vin3 / Av2 //Input voltage gain of second stage
+printf("\n Overall voltage gain is %0.3f .\nVoltage gain of 2nd and 3rd stage is %0.3f and %0.3f .\nInput voltage of the second stage is %0.3f Vpk-pk.",Av,Av2,Av3,Vin2)
diff --git a/3754/CH26/EX26.3/26_3.sce b/3754/CH26/EX26.3/26_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62ed5e77e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3754/CH26/EX26.3/26_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+VCC = 10.0 //Source voltage (in volts)
+RC = 5.0 * 10**3 //Collector resistance (in ohm)
+RB = 1.0 * 10**6 //Base resistance (in ohm)
+RE = 1.0 * 10**3 //Emitter resistance (in ohm)
+RL = 10.0 * 10**3 //Load resistance (in ohm)
+IE = VCC /(RE + RB/beta1) //Emitter current (in Ampere)
+r1e = 25.0/IE * 10**-3 //a.c. emitter diode resistance (in ohm)
+Ri1 = beta1 * r1e //Input resistance of first stage (in ohm)
+Ri2 = beta2 * r1e //Input resistance of second stage (in ohm)
+Ro1 = RC * Ri2 / (RC + Ri2) //Output resistance of first stage (in ohm)
+Ro2 = RC * RL / (RC + RL) //Output resitance of second stage (in ohm)
+Av1 = Ro1 / r1e //Voltage gain of first stage
+Av2 = Ro2 / r1e //Voltage gain of second stage
+Av = Av1 * Av2 //Overall voltage gain
+Gv = 20 * log10(Av) //Overall dB voltage gain
+printf("\n Input resistance of first and scond stage is %0.0f ohm and %0.0f ohm.\nOutput resistance of first and second stage is %0.1f ohm and %0.1f ohm.\nVoltage gain of first and second stage is %0.0f and %0.1f .\nOverall voltage gain and dB voltage gain is %0.0f and %0.1f dB.",Ri1,Ri2,Ro1,Ro2,Av1,Av2,Av,Gv)
diff --git a/3754/CH26/EX26.4/26_4.sce b/3754/CH26/EX26.4/26_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c82521d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3754/CH26/EX26.4/26_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+VCC = 15.0 //Source voltage (in volts)
+RC = 3.3 * 10**3 //Collector resistance (in ohm)
+RE = 1.0 * 10**3 //Emitter resistance (in ohm)
+RL = 10.0 * 10**3 //Load resistance (in ohm)
+R1 = 33.0 * 10**3 //Resistance (in ohm)
+R2 = 8.2 * 10**3 //Resistance (in ohm)
+VBE = 0.7 //Emitter-to-base voltage (in volts)
+Vth = VCC * R2 / (R1 + R2) //Thevenin's voltage (in volts)
+Rth = R1 * R2 / (R1 + R2) //Thevenin's equivalent resistance (in ohm)
+IE = (Vth - VBE)/(RE + Rth/beta1) //Emitter current (in Ampere)
+r1e = 25.0/IE * 10**-3 //a.c. emitter resistance (in ohm)
+Ri2 = beta1 * r1e //Input resistance of second stage (in ohm)
+Ro1 = RC * Ri2 / (RC + Ri2) //Output resistance of first stage (in ohm)
+Ro2 = RC * RL /(RC + RL) //Output resistance of second stage (in ohm)
+Av1 = Ro1 / r1e //Voltage gain of the first stage
+Av2 = Ro2 / r1e //Voltage gain of second stage
+Av = Av1 * Av2 //Overall voltage gain
+Gv = 20 * log10(Av) //Overall voltage (in decibels)
+printf("\n Voltage gain of stage one and two are as follows %0.2f and %0.2f .\nOverall voltage gain is %0.0f .\nOverall voltage gain in decibels is %0.1f dB.",Av1,Av2,Av,Gv)
diff --git a/3754/CH26/EX26.5/26_5.sce b/3754/CH26/EX26.5/26_5.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f08150d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3754/CH26/EX26.5/26_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+VCC = 10.0 //Source voltage (in volts)
+RB = 470.0 * 10**3 //Base resistance (in ohm)
+RE = 1.0 * 10**3 //Emitter resistance (in ohm)
+RL = 1.0 * 10**3 //Load resistance (in ohm)
+a = 4.0 //Turn's ratio
+VBE = 0.7 //Emitter-to-base voltage (in volts)
+IE = VCC/ (RE + RB/beta1) //Emitter current (in Ampere)
+r1e = 25.0 / IE * 10**-3 //a.c. emitter diode resistance (in ohm)
+Ri1 = RB*beta1*r1e/(RB+beta1*r1e) //Input resistance of first stage (in ohm)
+Ri2 = RB*beta2*r1e/(RB+beta2*r1e) //Input resistance of Second stage (in ohm)
+R1i2 = a**2 * Ri2 //Input resistance of the second stage transformed to primary side (in ohm)
+Ro1 = R1i2 //Output resistance of second stage (in ohm)
+R1o2 = a**2 * RL //Output resistance of the second stage transformed to the primary side (in ohm)
+Av1 = Ro1/r1e //Voltage gain of first stage
+Av2 = R1o2/r1e //Voltage gain of second stage
+Av = Av1 * Av2 //Overall voltage gain
+Gv = 20 * log10(Av) //Overall voltage gain (in decibels)
+printf("\n Voltage gain of first stage is %0.1f .\nVoltage gain of second stage is %0.1f .\nOverall voltage gain is %0.0f .\nOverall voltage gain in decibels is %0.0f dB.",Av1,Av2,Av,Gv)
diff --git a/3754/CH26/EX26.6/26_6.sce b/3754/CH26/EX26.6/26_6.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ccfdb7c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3754/CH26/EX26.6/26_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+VCC = 12.0 //Source voltage (in volts)
+R1 = 100.0 * 10**3 //Resistance (in ohm)
+R2 = 20.0 * 10**3 //Resistance (in ohm)
+R3 = 10.0 * 10**3 //Resistance (in ohm)
+R4 = 2.0 * 10**3 //Resistance (in ohm)
+R5 = 10.0 * 10**3 //Resistance (in ohm)
+R6 = 2.0 * 10**3 //Resistance (in ohm)
+Vth = VCC * R2 / (R1 + R2) //Thevenin's voltage (in volts)
+IE1 = Vth / R4 //Emitter curren1 (in Ampere)
+r1e = 25.0 / IE1 * 10**-3 //a.c. emitter diode resistance (in ohm)
+VR6 = VCC - IE1 * R3 //Voltage across resistance6 (in volts)
+IE2 = VR6 / R6 //Emitter current2 (in Ampere)
+r1e2 = 25.0 / IE2 * 10**-3 //a.c. emitter diode resistance2 (in ohm)
+Ri2 = beta2*(r1e2 + R6) //Input resistance of second stage (in ohm)
+Ro1 = R3 * Ri2 /(R3 + Ri2) //Output resistance of first stage (in ohm)
+Ro2 = R5 //Output resistance of second stage (in ohm)
+Av1 = Ro1/(r1e + R4) //Voltage gain of first stage
+Av2 = Ro2/(r1e2 + R6) //Voltage gain of second stage
+Av = Av1 * Av2 //Overall voltage gain
+printf("\n Voltage gain of first stage is %0.1f .\nVoltage gain of second stage is %0.1f .\nOverall voltage gain is %0.2f .",Av1,Av2,Av)
diff --git a/3754/CH26/EX26.7/26_7.sce b/3754/CH26/EX26.7/26_7.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10fcfc0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3754/CH26/EX26.7/26_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+VCC = 10.0 //Source voltage (in volts)
+R1 = 800.0 //Resistance (in ohm)
+R2 = 200.0 //Resistance (in ohm)
+R3 = 600.0 //Resistance (in ohm)
+R4 = 200.0 //Resistance (in ohm)
+R5 = 100.0 //Resistance (in ohm)
+R6 = 1000.0 //Resistance (in ohm)
+VBE = 0.7 //Emitter-to-base voltage (in volts)
+VR2 = VCC * (R2 / (R1 + R2)) //Voltage across resistance2 (in volts)
+IE1 = (VR2 - VBE)/R2 //Emitter current of Q1 transistor (in Ampere)
+IC1 = IE1 //Collector current of Q1 transistor (in Ampere)
+VC1 = VCC - IC1 * R3 //Voltage at the collector of Q1 transistor (in volts)
+VE1 = IE1 * R4 //Voltage at the emitter of Q1 transistor (in volts)
+VCE1 = VC1 - VE1 //Collector-to-emitter voltage of Q1 transistor (in volts)
+VE2 = VC1 - (-VBE) //Voltage at the emitter of Q2 transistor (in volts)
+IE2 = (VCC - VE2)/R6 //Emitter current of Q2 transistor (in Ampere)
+IC2 = IE2 //Collector-current of Q2 transistor (in Ampere)
+VC2 = IC2 * R5 //Voltage at the collector of Q2 transistor (in volts)
+VCE2 = VC2 - VE2 //Collector-to-emitter voltage of Q2 transistor (in volts)
+r1e1 = 25.0 / IE1 * 10**-3 //a.c. emitter diode resistance of Q1 transistor (in ohm)
+r1e2 = 25.0 / IE2 * 10**-3 //a.c. emitter diode resistance of Q2 transistor (in ohm)
+Ri2 = beta2 * (r1e2 + R6) //Input resistance of second stage (in ohm)
+Ro1 = R3 * Ri2 / (R3 + Ri2) //Output resistance of first stage (in ohm)
+Av1 = Ro1 / (r1e1 + R4) //Voltage gain of first stage
+Av2 = 1.0 //Voltage gain of second stage
+Av = Av1 * Av2 //Overall voltage gain
+printf("\n Emitter current of Q1 transistor is %0.3f mA.\nCollector current of Q1 transistor is %0.3f mA.\nEmitter current of Q2 transistor is %0.3f mA.\nCollecotr-current of Q2 transistor is %0.3f mA.",IE1*10**3,IC1*10**3,IE2*10**3,IC2*10**3)
+printf("\n Collector-to-emitter voltage of Q1 transistor is %0.3f v.\nCollector-to-emitter voltage of Q2 transistor is %0.3f .",VCE1,VCE2)
+printf("\n Overall voltage gain is %0.2f .",Av)
diff --git a/3754/CH26/EX26.8/26_8.sce b/3754/CH26/EX26.8/26_8.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b8dc23c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3754/CH26/EX26.8/26_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+VCC = 10.0 //Source voltage (in volts)
+RE = 1.5 * 10**3 //Emitter resistance (in ohm)
+R1 = 30.0 * 10**3 //Resistance (in ohm)
+R2 = 20.0 * 10**3 //Resistance (in ohm)
+beta1 = 150.0 //Common emitter current gain
+beta2 = 100.0 //Common emitter current gain
+VBE = 0.7 //Emitter-to-base voltage (in volts)
+Ai = beta1 * beta2 //Overall current gain of transistor
+VR2 = VCC * R2/(R1 + R2) //Voltage across resistor2 (in volts)
+VB2 = VR2 - VBE //Voltage at the base of Q2 (in volts)
+VE2 = VB2 - VBE //Voltage at the emitter of Q2 (in volts)
+IE2 = VE2 / RE //Emitter current of Q2 (in Ampere)
+r1e2 = 25.0/IE2 * 10**-3 //a.c. emitter diode resistance of Q2 (in ohm)
+IB2 = IE2 / beta2 //Base current of Q2 (in Ampere)
+IE1 = IB2 //Emitter current of Q2
+r1e1 = 25.0/IE1 * 10**-3 //a.c. emitter diode resistance of Q1 (in ohm)
+Ri1 = R1 * R2/(R1 + R2) //Total input resistance (in ohm)
+Av = RE/(r1e1/beta2 + r1e2 + RE) //Overall voltage gain
+printf("\n The overall current gain is %0.3f .",Ai)
+printf("\n The a.c. emitter diode resistance of Q1 transistor is %0.1f ohm.\nThe a.c. emitter diode resistance of Q2 transistor is %0.2f ohm.",r1e1,r1e2)
+printf("\n Total input resistance is %0.3f kilo-ohm.",Ri1 * 10**-3)
+printf("\n Overall voltage gain is %0.2f .",Av)