path: root/3750/CH2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3750/CH2')
4 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3750/CH2/EX2.1/Ex2_1.sce b/3750/CH2/EX2.1/Ex2_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eacfabe98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3750/CH2/EX2.1/Ex2_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Strength Of Material By G.H.Ryder
+//Chapter 2
+//Example 1
+//To Calculate diameter of Bolts
+//Initialization of Variables
+P=250; //Power transmitted by coupling, Unit in KW
+N=1000; //Rotations ,Unit in rpm
+n=6; //number fo bolts
+PCD=14; //Pitch circle diameter, Unit in cm
+ShearStress=75; //Allowable mean shear stress, Unit in N/mm^2
+Torque=(P*60*1000)/(%pi*2*N); //torque to be transmitted, Unit in N-m
+//Torque Equation: Torque=StearStress*(%pi*d^2/4)*n*PCD/(2*100)
+d=sqrt(Torque*4*100*2/(ShearStress*%pi*n*PCD)); //Diameter of Rod , Unit in mm
+d=ceil(d); //Rounding off d to upper value
+printf("Diameter of the Bolts = %.fmm\n",d)
diff --git a/3750/CH2/EX2.2/EX2_2.sce b/3750/CH2/EX2.2/EX2_2.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c93ceb04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3750/CH2/EX2.2/EX2_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+//Strength Of Material By G.H.Ryder
+//Chapter 2
+//Example 2
+//To Find the dimensions so that the strength shall be same against all type of failure
+//Initialization of Variables
+d=5; //diameter of rod , Unit in cm
+f=1.25; //thickness of cotter , Unit in cm
+StressTension=300; //Permissible stress in tension, Unit in cm
+StressShearMember=150; //Permisible shear stress in members, Unit in N/mm^2
+StressShearCotter=225; //Permissible shear cotter in members, Unit in N/mm^2
+StressCrushing=450; //Permissible Crushing stress in members, Unit in N/mm^2
+//(1) Load (P)
+P=StressTension*(%pi)*(d*10)^2/4; //load, Unit in N
+//(2) Shear fo cotton:StressShearCotter=P/(2*e*f*10)
+e=P/(2*f*10*StressShearCotter); // Cotter , Unit in mm, The answer vary due to round off error
+//(3)Shear of right-handed member
+aMultiplyb=P/(4*StressShearMember); // Unit in mm^2
+//(4)Shear of left-handed member
+cMultiplyh=P/(2*StressShearMember) //Unit in mm^2
+//(5) Crusing between right hand member and cotter
+a=P/(2*f*10*StressCrushing); //Unit in mm, The answer vary due to round off error
+b=aMultiplyb/a; //from (3), Unit in mm, The answer vary due to round off error
+//(6)Crushing between left hand member and cotter
+h=P/(f*10*StressCrushing); //Unit in mm, The answer vary due to round off error
+c=cMultiplyh/h; //from (4), Unit in mm, The answer vary due to round off error
+printf("Given: d=%.0fmm, f=%.2fmm\n",d,f)
+printf("The other dimension required are:\n\t")
+printf(" a=%.1f mm\n\t b=%.1f mm \n\t c=%.1f mm \n\t h=%.1f mm \n\t e=%.0f mm \n\t",a,b,c,h,e) //The answer vary due to round off error
diff --git a/3750/CH2/EX2.3/Ex2_3.sce b/3750/CH2/EX2.3/Ex2_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a872e351b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3750/CH2/EX2.3/Ex2_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+//Strength Of Material By G.H.Ryder
+//Chapter 2
+//Example 3
+//To find loads fo designing double cover butt joint and to find its efficiency
+//Initialization of Variables
+P=25000; //Load , Unit in Kg
+b=20.5; // width of each plate to be joined, Unit in cm
+t=1.25; //Thickness of each plate to be joined, Unit in cm
+d=1.9; // Diameter of rivets , Unit in cm
+Tau=75; // Permissible Shear Stress, Unit in N/mm^2
+SigmaC=180;// Permissible bearing pressure, Unit in N/mm^2
+Sigma=105; //Permissible tensile stress, Unit in N/mm^2
+g=9.81; //acceleration due to gravity, Uint in m/sec^2
+t1=5*t/8; //Thickness of cover plate, unit in cm
+ShearLoadRivet=Tau*2*(%pi)*(d*10)^2/(4*g);// Load to shear one Rivet, Unit in Kg
+CrushLoadRivet=SigmaC*d*10*t*10/g; // Load to crush one rivet, unit in Kg
+n=P/ShearLoadRivet; // Number of rivets required
+n=ceil(n); //Rounding off Number of rivets to next whole number
+Load=Sigma*b*10*t*10/g; // Load which can be carried by solid plate, Uint in Kg
+ ShearLoadAll=n*ShearLoadRivet; //Load to shear all the rivets, Unit in Kg, The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+ //(ii)
+ CrushLoadAll=n*CrushLoadRivet; //Load to crush all the rivets, Unit in kg , The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+ //(iii)
+ Load1=Sigma*(b*10-d*10)*t*10/g; //permissible load for plate to tear through section AA, Unit in Kg, The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+ //(iv)
+ Load2=Sigma*(b*10-2*d*10)*t*10/g+ShearLoadRivet; //permissible load for plate to tear through section BB, At the same time shearing rivets at AA, Unit in Kg, The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+Load3=Sigma*(b*10-3*d*10)*t*10/g+3*ShearLoadRivet;// permissible load for plate to tear through section CC, At the same time shearing three rivets at AA and BB, Unit in Kg, The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+Load4=Sigma*(b*10-3*d*10)*2*t1*10/g; //permissible load for plate to tear through section CC, unit in Kg, The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+Eff=P*100/Load;// Efficiency of joint in percentage, The Answer vary due to round off error
+printf("For the design of Double Cover butt Joint:\n\t")
+printf("Load to shear one Rivet=%.fKg\n\t",ShearLoadRivet) //The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+printf("Load to crush one rivet=%.fKg\n\t",CrushLoadRivet) //The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+printf("Load to shear all the rivets=%.fKg\n\t",ShearLoadAll) //The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+printf("Load to crush all the rivets=%.fKg\n\t",CrushLoadAll) //The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+printf("permissible load for plate to tear through section AA=%.fKg\n\t",Load1) //The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+printf("permissible load for plate to tear through section BB, At the same time shearing rivets at AA=%.fKg\n\t",Load2) //The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+printf("permissible load for plate to tear through section CC, At the same time shearing three rivets at AA and BB=%.fKg\n\t",Load3) //The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+printf("permissible load for plate to tear through section CC=%.fKg\n",Load4) //The answer provided in the textbook is wrong
+printf("Efficiency Of Joint=%.1fpercent",Eff)//The Answer vary due to round off error
diff --git a/3750/CH2/EX2.4/Ex2_4.sce b/3750/CH2/EX2.4/Ex2_4.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8cac7b149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3750/CH2/EX2.4/Ex2_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+//Strength Of Material By G.H.Ryder
+//Chapter 2
+//Example 4
+//To Calculate load among rivets
+//Initialization of Variables
+P=10; //load carried by column, Unit in KN
+h=8; //distance of load from centre line of column, Unit in cm
+n=9; //Number of rivets
+s=3; //Space between two rivets, Unit in cm
+SumR2=4*(s^2*2+s^2); //summation of r^2, Unit in cm^2
+//I is instantaneous centre of rotation and E is centroid fo rivets
+IE=SumR2/(n*h); //Distance between I and E, Unit in cm
+Loadfact=P*h/SumR2; //Load factor=p*h/summation(r^2), Unit in KN/cm
+//Load in rivets=Loadfact*Distance Of Rivet from I
+LoadC=Loadfact*(s^2+(s+IE)^2)^(1/2); // Load in Rivet C, Unit in KN
+LoadB=Loadfact*(s^2+IE^2)^(1/2) //Load in Rivet B , Unit in KN, The answer vary due to round off error
+LoadA=Loadfact*(s^2+IE^2)^(1/2); //Load in Rivet A, Unit in KN, The answer vary due to round off error
+LoadD=Loadfact*IE; //load in rivet D, Unit in KN, The answer vary due to round off error
+LoadE=Loadfact*IE; //load in rivet E, Unit in KN, The answer vary due to round off error
+LoadF=Loadfact*(s+IE); //load in rivet F, Unit in KN, The answer vary due to round off error
+printf("The Load in rivets are :\n\t")
+printf("Load in Rivet A=%.2fKN\n\t",LoadA)
+printf("Load in Rivet B=%.2fKN\n\t",LoadB)
+printf("Load in Rivet C=%.2fKN\n\t",LoadC) //The answer vary due to round off error
+printf("Load in Rivet D=%.2fKN\n\t",LoadD)
+printf("Load in Rivet E=%.2fKN\n\t",LoadE)
+printf("Load in Rivet F=%.2fKN\n\t",LoadF)