path: root/3731/CH5/EX5.10/Ex5_10.sce
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+//Chapter 5:Dc Motor Drives
+//Example 10
+//Variable Initialization
+V=220 // rated voltage in v
+N=1000 // rated speed in rpm
+Ia=175 // rated current in A
+Ra=0.08 // armature resistance in ohms
+N1=1050 // initial speed of the motor in rpm
+J=8 // moment of inertia of the motor load system kg-m2
+La=0.12 // armature curcuit inductance in H
+Wm=N*2*%pi/60 //rated speed in rad/s
+//(a)When the braking current is twice the rated current
+x=(V+E1)/Ia1 //x=Rb+Ra
+Rb=x-Ra //required braking resistance
+//(b)To obtain the expression for the transient value of speed and current including the effect of armature inductance
+//The values given below are taken from Ex-5.9
+ta=0.194 //time constant in sec
+tm1= %inf //tm1=J/B and B=0 which is equal to infinity
+Trated=E*Ia/Wm //rated torque
+Tl=0.5*Trated //load torque is 50% of the rated torque
+K1=N1*2*%pi/60 //initial speed in rad/s
+//Values of the coefficient of the quadratic equation for Wm
+//Values of the coefficient of the quadratic equation ia
+//solving the quadratic equation
+a = 1
+b = x1
+c = x2
+d = (b**2) - (4*a*c)
+alpha1 = (-b+sqrt(d))/(2*a)
+alpha2 = (-b-sqrt(d))/(2*a)
+Wm_0=K1 ;ia_0=0
+d_Wm_dt_0=(K*ia_0-B*Wm-Tl)/J ;d_ia_dt_0=(-V-Ra*ia_0-K*K1)/La //Wm=K1 at t=0 and during braking rated voltage V is equal to -V
+a = [1,1;real(alpha1),real(alpha2)]
+b = [Wm_0;d_Wm_dt_0]
+x = inv(a)*b
+c = [1,1;real(alpha1),real(alpha2)]
+d = [-K4;d_ia_dt_0]
+y = inv(c)*d
+//(c)To calculate the time taken for the speed to fall to zero value
+a=-K3/x(1) //a=exp(-0.966*t1)
+t1=alpha1*log(a) //take log base e on both sides
+mprintf("(a)Hence the braking resistance is :%.3f ohm",Rb)
+mprintf("\n(b)The solutions for alpha are %.3f and %.3f",real(alpha1),real(alpha2))
+mprintf("\nWm=%.2f + A*exp(%.3f*t) + B*exp(%.2f*t)",K3,real(alpha1),real(alpha2))
+mprintf("\nia=%.2f+ C*exp(%.3f*t) + D*exp(%.2f*t)",K4,real(alpha1),real(alpha2))
+mprintf("\nWe have to find the value of A,B,C and D in the linear equation using the initial condition")
+mprintf("\nA=%.2f B=%.2f C=%.2f D=%.2f",x(1),x(2),y(1),y(2))
+mprintf("\nHence the expression for the transient value for the speed is")
+mprintf("\nHence the expression for the transient value for the current is")
+mprintf("\nia=%.2f %.1f *exp(%.3f*t) +%.2f*exp(%.2f*t)",K4,y(1),real(alpha1),y(2),real(alpha2))
+mprintf("\n(c)Hence the time taken is :%.2f sec",real(t1))
+//There is slight difference in the answers due to accuracy