diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3685/CH20')
32 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.1/Ex20_1.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.1/Ex20_1.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..43b9a16ec --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.1/Ex20_1.sce @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+d = 6.5// Diametre in cm
+L = 9.5 // Stroke in cm
+T = 64 // Torque in Nm
+N = 3000 // Speed in rpm
+V_c = 63 // Clearance volume in cm^3
+r = 0.5 // Brake efficiency ratio
+c_v = 42 // Calorific value of gasoline in MJ/kg
+printf("\n Example 20.1\n")
+V_s = (%pi/4)*(d^2)*(L)
+r_k = (V_s+V_c)/V_c
+n_as = 1- (1/(r_k^(0.4)))
+n_b = r*n_as
+BP = (2*%pi*T*N)/60000
+m_f = (BP*3600)/(n_b*c_v*1000)// in kg/h
+BMEP = BP*60*2/((%pi/4)*4*(d^2)*L*N*10^(-6))
+printf("\n Fuel consumption of the engine = %f Kg/h\n BMEP=%f kN/m^2",m_f,BMEP)
+//The answers vary due to round off error
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.1/Ex20_1.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.1/Ex20_1.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9223e593 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.1/Ex20_1.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +
+ Example 20.1
+ Fuel consumption of the engine = 6.735086 Kg/h
+ BMEP=637.807537 kN/m^2
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.10/Ex20_10.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.10/Ex20_10.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..08f6361e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.10/Ex20_10.sce @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+d = 25 // Throat diameter in mm
+D = 1.2 // Main jet diameter in mm
+c_d = 0.85 // Cofficient of discharge for the venturi
+C_d = 0.65 // Cofficient of discharge for fuel jet
+h = 6 // Height of the throat from gasoline surface in mm
+p_1 = 1 // Ambient pressure in bar
+T = 300 // Ambient temperature in K
+Ro_f = 760 // Density in kg/m^3
+printf("\n Example 20.10\n")
+delta_p = h*(10^-3)*Ro_f*9.81
+p_2 = p_1-delta_p*(10^-5)
+Ro_air = p_1*(10^5)/(287*T)
+v = (2*delta_p/Ro_air)^(1/2)
+printf("\n Minimum velocity of air required to start the flow = %f m/s",v)
+//The value of answer is different because of round off error
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.10/Ex20_10.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.10/Ex20_10.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a652f09f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.10/Ex20_10.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +
+ Example 20.10
+ Minimum velocity of air required to start the flow = 8.776745 m/s
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.11/Ex20_11.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.11/Ex20_11.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5d7e3552e --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.11/Ex20_11.sce @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+Bp = 40 // Brake power when all cylinder operating in kW
+N = 2000 // Speed in rpm
+Bp1 = 32.2 // Brake power with cylinder no. 1 cut out in kW
+Bp2 = 32 // Brake power with cylinder no. 2 cut out in kW
+Bp3 = 32.5 // Brake power with cylinder no. 3 cut out in kW
+Bp4 = 32.4 // Brake power with cylinder no. 4 cut out in kW
+Bp5 = 32.1 // Brake power with cylinder no. 5 cut out in kW
+Bp6 = 32.3 // Brake power with cylinder no. 6 cut out in kW
+d = 100 // Diameter of cylinder in mm
+L = 125 // Stroke of cylinder in mm
+Vc = 0.000123 // Clearance volume in m^3
+m_f = 9 // Fuel consumption in kg/h
+cv = 40 // Heating value in MJ/kg
+printf("\n Example 20.11\n")
+Ip1 = Bp-Bp1
+Ip2 = Bp-Bp2
+Ip3 = Bp-Bp3
+Ip4 = Bp-Bp4
+Ip5 = Bp-Bp5
+Ip6 = Bp-Bp6
+Ip = Ip1+Ip2+Ip3+Ip4+Ip5+Ip6
+n_m = Bp/Ip
+bmep = Bp*2*60/(L*(10^-3)*((d*(10^-3))^2)*(%pi/4)*N)
+Vs = (%pi/4)*((d*(10^-3))^2)*(L*(10^-3))
+r_k = (Vs+Vc)/Vc
+n_ase = 1- (1/(r_k^(1.4-1)))
+n_th = Ip*3600/(m_f*cv*1000)
+R_e = n_th/n_ase
+printf("\n Mechanical efficiency = %d percent,\n Brake mean effective pressure = %f bar\n Air standard ratio = %f percent,\n Brake thermal efficiency is %f percent,\n Relative efficiency = %f percent",n_m*100,bmep*(10^-2),n_ase*100,n_th*100,R_e*100)
+//The value of answer for air standard efficiency is different because of round off error
+// Answer given in the book for bmep is 3.055 bar which is wrong.
+// Answer given in the book for brake thermal efficiency is 40 percent which is wrong.
+// Answer given in the book for relative efficiency is 68.6 percent which is wrong.
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.11/Ex20_11.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.11/Ex20_11.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..12e23e649 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.11/Ex20_11.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +
+ Example 20.11
+ Mechanical efficiency = 86 percent,
+ Brake mean effective pressure = 24.446199 bar
+ Air standard ratio = 58.441793 percent,
+ Brake thermal efficiency is 46.500000 percent,
+ Relative efficiency = 79.566347 percent
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.12/Ex20_12.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.12/Ex20_12.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c811e2494 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.12/Ex20_12.sce @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+p1 = 0.95 // Pressure in bar
+t1 = 25 // Temperature in degree centigrade
+p2 = 2 // Delivery pressure in bar
+r = 18 // Air fuel ratio
+t3 = 600 // Temperature of gasses leaving the engine in degree centigrade
+p3 = 1.8 // Pressure of gasses leaving the engine in bar
+p4 = 1.04 // Pressure at the inlet of turbine in bar
+n_c = 0.75 // Efficiency of compresor
+n_t = 0.85 // Efficiency of turbine
+Cp = 1.005 // Heat capacity of air in kJ/kgK
+Cp_ = 1.15 // Heat capacity of gasses in kJ/kgK
+gama = 1.4 // Adiabatic index for air
+printf("\n Example 20.12\n")
+T2_s = (t1+273)*(p2/p1)^((gama-1)/gama)
+T2 = (t1+273)+((T2_s-(t1+273))/n_c)
+Wc = Cp*(T2-(t1+273))
+T4_s = (t3+273)*((p4/p3)^((gama-1)/gama))
+T4 = (t3+273)-((t3+273)-T4_s)*n_t
+Wt = (1+(1/r))*Cp_*((t3+273)-T4)
+n = (Wt-Wc)/Wt
+printf("\n Power lost as a percentage of the power produced by the turbine = %f percent",n*100)
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.12/Ex20_12.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.12/Ex20_12.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0999f3529 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.12/Ex20_12.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +
+ Example 20.12
+ Power lost as a percentage of the power produced by the turbine = 27.572285 percent
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.13/Ex20_13.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.13/Ex20_13.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3eeea3185 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.13/Ex20_13.sce @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+Bp = 250 // Power developed by the engine in kW
+n = 6 // No of cylinders
+N = 2000 // Speed in rpm
+bsfc = 0.2 // Specific fuel consumption in kg/kWh
+P = 35 // Pressure at the begining of the injection in bar
+p_max = 55 // Maximum cylinder pressure in bar
+p = 180 // Expected pressure for injection in bar
+P_max = 520 // Maximum pressure at the injection in bar
+c_d = 0.78 // Cofficient of discharge
+s = 0.85 // Specific gravity of fuel oil
+p_atm = 1 // Atmospheric pressure in bar
+theta = 18 // Crank angle in degree
+printf("\n Example 20.13\n")
+Bp_cy = Bp/n
+m_f = Bp_cy*bsfc/60 // in kg/min
+f_c = m_f*(2/N)
+T = theta/(360*(N/60))
+delta_p = p-P
+delta_p_ = P_max-p_max
+avg_delta_p = (delta_p+delta_p_)/2
+v = c_d*sqrt((2*(avg_delta_p)*(10^5))/(s*1000))
+V = m_f*(10^-3)/(s*1000)
+A = V/(v*T)
+printf("\n Total orifice area per injector = %f mm^2",A*10^6)
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.13/Ex20_13.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.13/Ex20_13.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..04d3ced50 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.13/Ex20_13.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +
+ Example 20.13
+ Total orifice area per injector = 0.521323 mm^2
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.14/Ex20_14.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.14/Ex20_14.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97c8e6042 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.14/Ex20_14.sce @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +
+// Given that
+n=1.3 // Polytropic index
+p1 = 140 // Pressure at point one in kN/m^2
+p2 = 360 // Pressure at point two in kN/m^2
+r_e = 0.4 // Relative efficiency
+cv = 18840 // Calorific value in kJ/m^2
+printf("\n Example 20.14\n")
+r = (((p2/p1)^(1/n))-1)/((0.75-0.25*((p2/p1)^(1/n))))
+r_k = r+1
+n_ase = 1-(1/((r_k)^(0.4)))
+n_th = r_e*n_ase
+V_f = n_th*cv/3600
+printf("\n Thermal efficiency = %f percent,\n Gas consumption per kWh on indicated power basis = %f m^3/kWh",n_th*100,V_f)
+//The value of answer is different because of round off error
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.14/Ex20_14.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.14/Ex20_14.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c69753599 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.14/Ex20_14.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +
+ Example 20.14
+ Thermal efficiency = 19.893582 percemt,
+ Gas consumption per kWh on indicated power basis = 1.041097 m^3/kWh
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.15/Ex20_15.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.15/Ex20_15.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..43fa9740a --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.15/Ex20_15.sce @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+d = 180 // Bore in mm
+L = 200 // Stroke in mm
+Bp = 245 // Brake power in kW
+N = 1500 // Speed in rpm
+mep = 8 // Mean effective pressure in bar
+m_f = 70 // Fuel consumption in kg/h
+cv = 42 // Heating value of fuel in MJ/kg
+m_h = 0.12 // Fraction of hydrogen content by mass
+m_a = 26 // Air consumption in kg/min
+m_w = 82 // Mass of cooling water in kg/min
+delta_t = 44 // Cooling water temperature rise in degree centigrade
+m_o = 50 // Cooling oil circulated through the engine in kg/min
+delta_T = 24 // Cooling oil temperature rise in degree centigrade
+s_o = 2.1 // Specific heat of cooling oil in kJ/kgK
+t = 30 // Room temperature in degree centigrade
+t_e = 400 // Exhaust gas temperature on degree centigrade
+c_p_de = 1.045 // Heat capacity of dry exhaust gas in kJ/kgK
+p = 0.035 // Partial pressure of steam in exhaust gas in bar
+printf("\n Example 20.15\n")
+h = m_f*cv*1000/3600
+Ip = mep*(10^5)*L*(10^-3)*(%pi/4)*((d*(10^-3))^2)*N*6/(2*60000)
+n_m = Bp/Ip
+h_w = (m_w/60)*(4.187*delta_t)
+h_o = (m_o/60)*(s_o*delta_T)
+m_e = m_f/60 + m_a
+m_v = m_h*9*(m_f/60)
+m_de = (m_e-m_v)/60
+H = 3060 // From the steam table the enthalpy of steam at the exhaust condition (0.035 bar) in kJ/kg
+h_s = (m_v/60)*H
+h_de = (m_de)*(c_p_de)*(t_e-t)
+h_su = h - (Bp+h_w+h_s+h_o+h_de)
+printf("\n Mechanical efficiency = %f percent",n_m*100)
+printf("\n Energy Balance")
+printf("\n Input Output")
+printf("\n Heat supplied by fuel %f kW -",h)
+printf("\n Useful work(BP) - %d kW",Bp)
+printf("\n Heat carried by cooling water - %f kW",h_w)
+printf("\n Heat carried by steam - %f kW",h_s)
+printf("\n Heat carried by cooling oil - %f kW",h_o)
+printf("\n Heat carried by dry exhaust gas - %f kW",h_de)
+printf("\n Heat transferred to surroundings - %f kW",h_su)
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.15/Ex20_15.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.15/Ex20_15.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e547bfb3f --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.15/Ex20_15.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +
+ Example 20.15
+ Mechanical efficiency = 80.232430 percemt
+ Energy Balance
+ Input Output
+ Heat supplied by fuel 816.666667 kW -
+ Useful work(BP) - 245 kW
+ Heat carried by cooling water - 251.778267 kW
+ Heat carried by steam - 64.260000 kW
+ Heat carried by cooling oil - 42.000000 kW
+ Heat carried by dry exhaust gas - 166.946878 kW
+ Heat transferred to surroundings - 46.681522 kW
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.16/Ex20_16.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.16/Ex20_16.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7960cd6f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.16/Ex20_16.sce @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+N = 3000 // Speed in rpm
+T = 66.5 // Torque in Nm
+d = 60 // Bore in mm
+L = 100 // Stroke in mm
+Vc = 60 // Clearance volume in cc
+r_e = 0.5 // Relative efficiency
+cv = 42 // Calorific value in MJ/kg
+printf("\n Example 20.16\n")
+Vs = (%pi/4)*((60*(10^-3))^2)*(L*(10^-3))
+r_k = (Vs+(Vc*(10^-6)))/(Vc*(10^-6))
+n_ase = 1-(1/(r_k^(0.4)))
+n_br = n_ase*r_e
+Bp = (2*(%pi)*T*N)/(60000)
+m_f = Bp*3600/(cv*1000*n_br)
+bmep = Bp*60000/(Vs*(N/2))
+printf("\n Fuel consumption = %f kg/h,\n Brake mean effective pressure = %f bar",m_f,bmep*(10^-5))
+//The answer given in the book for bmep has calculation error
+// The answer has round off error for fuel consumption
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.16/Ex20_16.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.16/Ex20_16.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4f8ea3617 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.16/Ex20_16.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +
+ Example 20.16
+ Fuel consumption = 7.135004 kg/h,
+ Brake mean effective pressure = 29.555556 bar
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.2/Ex20_2.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.2/Ex20_2.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ea0ce7e0f --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.2/Ex20_2.sce @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+// Four cylinder engine
+BP = 30 // Power developed by engine in kW
+N = 2500 // Speed in rpm
+P_m = 800 // Mean effective pressure for each cylinder in kN/m^2
+n_m = 0.8 // Mechanical efficiency
+r = 1.5 // Stroke to bore ratio
+n_b = 0.28 // Brake thermal efficiency
+c_v = 44 // Heating value of petrol in MJ/kg
+printf("\n Example 20.2\n")
+IP = BP/n_m
+d = ((IP*1000*60)/(P_m*1000*r*(%pi/4)*N*4))^(1/3)
+L = r*d
+m_f = BP/(c_v*1000*n_b)
+bsfc = m_f*3600/BP
+printf("\n Diameter of cylinder = %f cm\n Stroke of each cylinder = %f cm\n Brake specific fuel consumption = %f kg/kWh",d*10^2,L*100,bsfc)
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.2/Ex20_2.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.2/Ex20_2.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e12439ca --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.2/Ex20_2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +
+ Example 20.2
+ Diameter of cylinder = 6.203505 cm
+ Stroke of each cylinder = 9.305257 cm
+ Brake specific fuel consumption = 0.292208 kg/kWh
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.3/Ex20_3.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.3/Ex20_3.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..332b5e981 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.3/Ex20_3.sce @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+F = 680 // Net brake load in N
+N = 360 //
+d = 10// Bore in cm
+L = 15 // Stroke in cm
+T = 58 // Torque in Nm
+v = 300 // Speed in m/min
+n_m = 0.8 // Mechanical efficiency
+n_th = 0.4 // Indicated thermal efficiency
+c_v = 44 // Calorific value of gasoline in MJ/kg
+printf("\n Example 20.3\n")
+N = v/(2*L*(10^(-2)))
+BP = (2*%pi*T*N)/60000
+IP = BP/n_m
+p_m = (IP*60)/(L*(%pi/4)*(d^2)*N*10^(-6))
+m_f = (IP*3600)/(n_th*c_v*1000)
+bsfc = m_f/BP
+printf("\n Indicated power = %f kW\n Indicate mean effective pressure = %f kN/m^2\n Fuel consumption per kWh on brake power output = %f Kg/kWh",IP,p_m,bsfc)
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.3/Ex20_3.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.3/Ex20_3.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..116ad775c --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.3/Ex20_3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +
+ Example 20.3
+ Indicated power = 7.592182 kW
+ Indicate mean effective pressure = 386.666667 kN/m^2
+ Fuel consumption per kWh on brake power output = 0.255682 Kg/kWh
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.4/Ex20_4.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.4/Ex20_4.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0b10e586f --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.4/Ex20_4.sce @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+T = 20 // Time in minute
+F = 680 // Net brake load in N
+N = 360 // Speed in rpm
+mep = 3 // Mean effective pressure in bar
+f = 1.56 // Fuel consumption in kg
+m_w = 160 // Cooling water in kg
+t = 57 // Water inlet temperature in degree centigrade
+r = 30 // Air used per kg of fuel
+t_r = 27 // Room temperature in degree centigrade
+t_e = 310 // Exhaust gas temperature in degree centigrade
+d = 210 // Bore in mm
+L = 290 // Stroke in mm
+D = 1 // Brake diameter in m
+cv = 44 // Calorific value in MJ/kg
+m_s = 1.3 // Steam formed per kg fuel in the exhaust in kg
+s = 2.093 // Specific heat of steam in the exhaust in kJ/kgK
+s_d = 1.01 // Specific heat of dry exhaust gases in kJ/kgK
+printf("\n Example 20.4\n")
+i_p = mep*100*L*(10^-3)*(%pi/4)*((d*(10^-3))^2)*N/60
+b_p = (2*%pi*(F*(D/2))*N)/60000
+n_m = b_p / i_p
+h = f*cv*1000
+i_pe = i_p*T*60
+e_w = m_w * 4.187*(t-32)
+m_t = f*r + f
+m_s_ = m_s*f
+m_d = m_t - m_s_
+e_d = m_d * s_d * (t_e-t_r)
+e_s = m_s_*(4.187*(100-t_r) + 2257.9 +s*(t_e-100))
+e_t = e_s + e_d
+e_Un = h - (i_pe + e_w + e_t)
+printf("\n Indicated power = %f kW\n Brake power = %f kW",i_p,b_p)
+printf("\n Energy release by combustion of fuel is %f kJ \n 1. Energy equivalent of ip is %f kJ (%f percent)\n 2. Energy carried away by cooling water is %f kJ (%f percent),\n 3. Energy carried away by exhaust gases is %f kJ (%f percent),\n 4. Unaccounted energy loss (by difference) is %f kJ (%f percent)",h,i_pe,(i_pe/h)*100,e_w,(e_w/h)*100,e_t,(e_t/h)*100,e_Un,(e_Un/h)*100)
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.4/Ex20_4.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.4/Ex20_4.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a74c0b2e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.4/Ex20_4.txt @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +
+ Example 20.4
+ Indicated power = 18.080023 kW
+ Brake power = 12.817698 kW
+ Energy release by combustion of fuel is 68640.000000 kJ
+ 1. Energy equivalent of ip is 21696.027361 kJ (31.608431 percent)
+ 2. Energy carried away by cooling water is 16748.000000 kJ (24.399767 percent),
+ 3. Energy carried away by exhaust gases is 19333.323828 kJ (28.166264 percent),
+ 4. Unaccounted energy loss (by difference) is 10862.648811 kJ (15.825537 percent)
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.5/Ex20_5.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.5/Ex20_5.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d584bd50 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.5/Ex20_5.sce @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+F = 610 // Net brake load in N
+N = 350 // Speed in rpm
+d = 20 // Bore in cm
+L = 30 // Stroke in cm
+imep = 275 // Mean effective pressure in kN/m^2
+D = 1 // Brake diameter in m
+m_o = 4.25 // Oil consumption in kg/h
+cv = 44 // Calorific value in MJ/kg
+printf("\n Example 20.5\n")
+i_p = imep*1000*L*(10^-2)*(%pi/4)*((d*(10^-2))^2)*N/60000
+b_p = (2*%pi*(F*(D/2))*N)/60000
+n_m = b_p / i_p
+n_th = i_p *3600/(m_o*cv*1000)
+n_br = n_th*n_m
+printf("\n Indicated power = %f kW\n Brake power = %f kW\n Mechanical efficiency = %f percent,\n Indicated thermal efficiency = %f percent,\n Brake thermal efficiency = %f percent",i_p,b_p,n_m*100,n_th*100,n_br*100)
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.5/Ex20_5.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.5/Ex20_5.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0cd2b8081 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.5/Ex20_5.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +
+ Example 20.5
+ Indicated power = 15.118915 kW
+ Brake power = 11.178834 kW
+ Mechanical efficiency = 73.939394 percent,
+ Indicated thermal efficiency = 29.105932 percent,
+ Brake thermal efficiency = 21.520750 percent
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.6/Ex20_6.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.6/Ex20_6.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b294f86a --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.6/Ex20_6.sce @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+no = 6 // No of cylinders
+Vs = 1.75 // Stroke volume in litres
+P = 26.25 // Power developed in kW
+N = 506 // Speed in rpm
+mep = 600 // Mean effectine pressure in kN/m^2
+printf("\n Example 20.6\n")
+n = P*60000/(no*mep*1000*Vs*(10^-3))
+n_e = N/2
+n_m = n_e - n
+printf("\nAvg no of misfire = %d",n_m)
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.6/Ex20_6.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.6/Ex20_6.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..933ac9448 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.6/Ex20_6.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +
+ Example 20.6
+Avg no of misfire = 3
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.7/Ex20_7.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.7/Ex20_7.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f3fe571b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.7/Ex20_7.sce @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+Bp = 110 // Brake power in kW
+n_m = 0.8 // Mechanical efficiency of the engine
+m_f = 50 // Fuel required for engine in kg/h
+r_f = 5 // Reduced engine friction in kW
+printf("\n Example 20.7\n")
+Ip = Bp/n_m
+Fp = Ip-Bp
+Fp_n = Fp-r_f
+Ip_new = Bp + Fp_n
+m_f_new = Ip_new * m_f/ Ip
+s_f = m_f- m_f_new
+printf("\nSaving in fuel = %f kg/h",s_f)
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.7/Ex20_7.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.7/Ex20_7.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5be0fd8cf --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.7/Ex20_7.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +
+ Example 20.7
+Saving in fuel = 1.818182 kg/h
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.8/Ex20_8.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.8/Ex20_8.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c6a2bb7cb --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.8/Ex20_8.sce @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+Bp = 14.7 // Brake power when all cylinder operating in kW
+Bp1 = 10.14 // Brake power with cylinder no. 1 cut out in kW
+Bp2 = 10.3 // Brake power with cylinder no. 2 cut out in kW
+Bp3 = 10.36 // Brake power with cylinder no. 3 cut out in kW
+Bp4 = 10.21 // Brake power with cylinder no. 4 cut out in kW
+m_f = 5.5 // Fuel consumption in kg/h
+cv = 42 // Calorific value MJ/kg
+d = 8 // Diameter of cylinder in cm
+L = 10 // Stroke of cylinder in cm
+Vc = 0.1 // Clearance volume in litre
+printf("\n Example 20.8\n")
+Ip1 = Bp-Bp1
+Ip2 = Bp-Bp2
+Ip3 = Bp-Bp3
+Ip4 = Bp-Bp4
+Ip = Ip1+Ip2+Ip3+Ip4
+n_m = Bp/Ip
+Vs = (%pi/4)*((d*(10^-2))^2)*(L*(10^-2))
+r_k = (Vs+(Vc*(10^-3)))/(Vc*(10^-3))
+n_ase = 1- (1/(r_k^(1.4-1)))
+n_th = Ip*3600/(m_f*cv*1000)
+R_e = n_th/n_ase
+printf("\n Mechanical efficiency = %f percent,\n Relative efficiency on indicated power basis = %f percent",n_m*100,R_e*100)
+//The value of answer is different because of round off error
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.8/Ex20_8.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.8/Ex20_8.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b5acedb0b --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.8/Ex20_8.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +
+ Example 20.8
+ Mechanical efficiency = 82.630691 percent,
+ Relative efficiency on indicated power basis = 54.096682 percent
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.9/Ex20_9.sce b/3685/CH20/EX20.9/Ex20_9.sce new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e4062fc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.9/Ex20_9.sce @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +clc
+// Given that
+Bp = 28.35 // Brake power in kW
+N = 1500 // Speed in rpm
+x = 20 // Rich percent of mixture
+t = 15.5 // Temperature in degree centrigrde
+p = 760 // Pressure in mm of mercury
+f = 0.7 // Fraction of volume of air in th cylinder relative to swept volume
+R = 14.8 // Theoratical Air fuel ratio
+d = 82 // Diameter of cylinder in mm
+L = 130 // Stroke of cylinder in mm
+cv = 44 // Heating value of petrol in MJ/kg
+n_m = 0.9 // Mechanical efficiency of the engine
+printf("\n Example 20.9\n")
+Ip = Bp/n_m
+p_ = 101.325 // In kN/m^2 as p = 760 mm mercury
+v_a = f*(%pi/4)*((d*(10^-3))^2)*(L*(10^-3))*(N/2)*4
+m = p_*(v_a)/(0.287*(t+273))
+m_f = (m/R)*(1+x/100)
+n_th = Ip*3600/(m_f*cv*1000*60)
+bmep = Bp*60/((%pi/4)*((d*(10^-3))^2)*(L*10^-3)*(N/2)*4)
+printf("\n Indicated thermal efficiency = %f percent,\n Brake mean effective preassure = %f kN/m^2",n_th*100,bmep)
+//The value of answer is different because of round off error
diff --git a/3685/CH20/EX20.9/Ex20_9.txt b/3685/CH20/EX20.9/Ex20_9.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c513b53a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/3685/CH20/EX20.9/Ex20_9.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +
+ Example 20.9
+ Indicated thermal efficiency = 30.027589 percent,
+ Brake mean effective preassure = 825.889834 kN/m^2
\ No newline at end of file |