path: root/3685/CH15/EX15.1
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Diffstat (limited to '3685/CH15/EX15.1')
2 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3685/CH15/EX15.1/Ex15_1.sce b/3685/CH15/EX15.1/Ex15_1.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91dc723cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3685/CH15/EX15.1/Ex15_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Ps = 0.033363 //Saturation pressure in bar
+P = 1.0132 // Atmospheric pressure in bar
+W2 = (0.622*Ps)/(P-Ps) // mass fraction of moisture
+hfg2 = 2439.9 // Latent heat of vaporization in kJ/kg
+hf2 = 109.1 // Enthalpy of liquid moisture in kJ/kg
+cpa = 1.005 // Constant pressure heat capacity in kJ/kg
+hg = 2559.9 // Enthalpy of gas moisture in kJ/kg
+hw1 = hg // constant enthalpy
+T2 = 26 // wbt in degree Celsius
+T1 = 32 // dbt in degree Celsius
+W1 = (cpa*(T2-T1)+(W2*hfg2))/(hw1-hf2)
+Pw = ((W1/0.622)*P)/(1+(W1/0.622))
+Psat = 0.048 // Saturation pressure in bar at 32 degree
+fi = Pw/Psat // Relative humidity
+mu = (Pw/Psat)*((P-Psat)/(P-Pw)) // Degree of Saturation
+Pa = P-Pw // Air pressure
+Ra = 0.287 // Gase constant
+Tdb = T1+273 // dbt in K
+rho_a = (Pa*100)/(Ra*Tdb) // Density of air
+rho_w = W1*rho_a // Water vapor density
+ta = 32 // air temperature in degree Celsius
+tdb = 32 // dbt in degree Celsius
+tdp = 24.1// Dew point temperature in degree Celsius
+h = cpa*ta + W1*(hg+1.88*(tdb-tdp))
+printf("\n Example 15.1\n")
+printf("\n Specific humidity is %f kg vap./kg dry air",W1)
+printf("\n Partial pressure of water vapour is %f bar",Pw)
+printf("\n Dew point temperature is %f degree celcius",tdp)
+printf("\n Relative humidity is %f percent ",fi*100)
+printf("\n Degree of saturation is %f ",mu)
+printf("\n Density of dry air is %f kg/m^3",rho_a)
+printf("\n Density of water vapor is %f kg/m^3",rho_w)
+printf("\n Enthalpy of the mixture is %f kJ/kg",h)
+//The answers vary due to round off error
diff --git a/3685/CH15/EX15.1/Ex15_1.txt b/3685/CH15/EX15.1/Ex15_1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8cb1f7ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3685/CH15/EX15.1/Ex15_1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Example 15.1
+ Specific humidity is 0.018624 kg vap./kg dry air
+ Partial pressure of water vapour is 0.029456 bar
+ Dew point temperature is 24.100000 degree celcius
+ Relative humidity is 61.366059 percent
+ Degree of saturation is 0.602093
+ Density of dry air is 1.123830 kg/m^3
+ Density of water vapor is 0.020930 kg/m^3
+ Enthalpy of the mixture is 80.112696 kJ/kg \ No newline at end of file