path: root/3685/CH15/EX15.13/Ex15_13.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '3685/CH15/EX15.13/Ex15_13.sce')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3685/CH15/EX15.13/Ex15_13.sce b/3685/CH15/EX15.13/Ex15_13.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2611888c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3685/CH15/EX15.13/Ex15_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// at 15 degree Celsius
+Psat1 = 0.01705 // Saturation pressure in bar
+hg1 = 2528.9 // Enthalpy in kJ/kg
+// At 35 degree Celsius
+Psat2 = 0.05628 // Saturation pressure in bar
+hg2 = 2565.3 // Enthalpy in kJ/kg
+fi1 = 0.55// Humidity ratio at state 1
+Pw1 = fi1*Psat1 // water vapor pressure at state 1
+fi2 = 1 // Humidity ratio at state 2
+Pw2 = fi2*Psat2 // water vapor pressure at state 2
+P = 0.1 // Atmospheric pressure in MPa
+W1 = (0.622*Pw1)/(P*10-Pw1)
+W2 = (0.622*Pw2)/(P*10-Pw2)
+MW = W2-W1 // unit mass flow rate of water
+t2 = 35 // Air exit temperature in degree Celsius
+t1 = 14 // make up water inlet temperature in degree Celsius
+m_dot = 2.78 // water flow rate in kg/s
+cpa = 1.005 // Constant pressure heat capacity ratio in kJ/kg
+h43 = 35*4.187 // Enthalpy change
+h5 = 14*4.187 // Enthalpy at state 5in kJ/kg
+m_dot_w = (-(W2-W1)*h5 - W1*hg1 + W2*hg2 + cpa*(t2-t1))/(h43)
+R = m_dot/m_dot_w
+MW = (W2-W1)*R //Make up water flow rate
+RWA = R*(1+W1)
+R = 0.287 // Gas constant
+V_dot = (RWA*R*(t1+273))/(P*1e03) // Volume flow rate of air
+printf("\n Example 15.13\n")
+printf("\n Make up water flow rate is %f kg/s",MW)
+printf("\n Volume flow rate of air is %f m^3/s",V_dot)
+//The answers vary due to round off error