path: root/3035/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3035/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3035/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce b/3035/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c7383b055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3035/CH7/EX7.4/Ex7_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Variable Declaration
+P = 5.0 //Power of substation(MVA)
+V_hv = 33.0 //High voltage(kV)
+V_lv = 11.0 //Low voltage(kV)
+f = 50.0 //Frequency(Hz)
+P_1 = 0.5 //Minimum load(MW)
+pf_1 = 0.85 //Lagging power factor of minimum load
+P_2 = 2.8 //Maximum load(MW)
+pf_2 = 0.78 //Lagging power factor of maximum load
+pf_i = 0.9 //Lagging power factor of incoming current
+// Calculation Section
+theta_1 = acos(pf_1)
+theta_2 = acos(pf_2)
+theta_i = acos(pf_i)
+load_react = P_1*tan(theta_1)*1000 //Load reactive power(kVAR)
+line_react = P_1*tan(theta_i)*1000 //Reactive power supplied by line(kVAR)
+rating_fix = load_react - line_react //kVAR rating of fixed capacitor bank(kVAR)
+bank_react = P_2*(tan(theta_2)-tan(theta_i))*1000 //Reactive power to be supplied by capacitor banks(kVAR)
+rating_swi = bank_react - rating_fix //Reactive power rating of switched unit(kVAR)
+C_fix = rating_fix*10**-3/(3**0.5*V_lv**2*2*%pi*f) //Capacitance for fixed bank
+C_swi = rating_swi*10**-3/(3**0.5*V_lv**2*2*%pi*f) //Capacitance for switched bank
+// Result Section
+printf('kVAR rating of fixed capacitors = %.1f kVAR' ,rating_fix)
+printf('kVAR rating of switched capacitors = %.1f kVAR' ,rating_swi)
+printf('Capacitance of fixed bank , C = %.2e F/phase' ,C_fix)
+printf('Capacitance of switched bank , C = %.2e F/phase' ,C_swi)