path: root/3035/CH10/EX10.2/Ex10_2.sce
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3035/CH10/EX10.2/Ex10_2.sce')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3035/CH10/EX10.2/Ex10_2.sce b/3035/CH10/EX10.2/Ex10_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a68ca8439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3035/CH10/EX10.2/Ex10_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Variable Declaration
+P = 75.0 //Power(kW)
+cost_plant = 3000.0 //Cost of plant(Rs/kW)
+cost_td = 30.0*10**5 //Cost of transmission & distribution(Rs)
+interest = 0.15 //Interest,insurance charges(/annum)
+depreciation = 0.05 //Depreciation(/annum)
+cost_fix_mt = 4.0*10**5 //Fixed maintainance(Rs)
+cost_var_mt = 6.0*10**5 //Variable maintainance(Rs)
+cost_fuel = 10.0*10**6 //Fuel cost(Rs/annum)
+cost_opr = 3.0*10**6 //Operation cost(Rs/annum)
+max_demand = 70.0 //Maximum demand(MW)
+df = 1.6 //Diversity factor b/w consumers
+lf = 0.6 //Annual load factor
+dividend = 10**6 //Dividend to shareholders(Rs/annum)
+per_L = 0.10 //Total energy loss(% of generated energy)
+// Calculation Section
+cost = cost_plant*P*1000 //Cost of plant(Rs)
+per_value = interest+depreciation //Total interest & depreciation(/annum)
+cost_fix_ann = (cost+cost_opr)*per_value+cost_fix_mt+dividend //Total fixed cost(Rs)
+cost_var_ann = cost_fuel+cost_opr+cost_var_mt //Total running cost(Rs)
+E_gen_ann = max_demand*1000*24*365*lf //Energy generated per annum(kWh)
+E_loss = per_L*E_gen_ann //Energy losses(kWh)
+E_sold = E_gen_ann - E_loss //Energy sold(kWh)
+sum_max_demand = df*max_demand*1000 //Sum of maximum demand of consumers(kW)
+charge_max_demand = cost_fix_ann/sum_max_demand //Charge to consumers per kW of max demand per year(Rs)
+charge_energy = cost_var_ann/E_sold*100 //Charge for energy(paise per kWh)
+// Result Section
+printf('Two-part tariff is :')
+printf('Rs %.2f per kW of maximum demand per year + %.1f paise per kWh consumed' ,charge_max_demand,charge_energy)