path: root/2873/CH1/EX1.28/Ex1_28.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '2873/CH1/EX1.28/Ex1_28.sce')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2873/CH1/EX1.28/Ex1_28.sce b/2873/CH1/EX1.28/Ex1_28.sce
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+++ b/2873/CH1/EX1.28/Ex1_28.sce
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+// Display mode
+// Display warning for floating point exception
+disp("Engineering Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh,Chapter 1,Example 29")
+V=2;//volume of vessel in m^3
+P1=76;//initial pressure or atmospheric pressure in cm of Hg
+T=(27+273.15);//temperature of vessel in k
+p=70;//final pressure in cm of Hg vaccum
+R=8.314;//universal gas constant in KJ/kg k
+M=2;//molecular weight of H2
+disp("gas constant for H2(R1)in KJ/kg k")
+disp("say initial and final ststes are given by 1 and 2")
+disp("mass of hydrogen pumped out shall be difference of initial and final mass inside vessel")
+disp("final pressure of hydrogen(P2)in cm of Hg")
+disp("therefore pressure difference(P)in kpa")
+disp("mass pumped out(m)in kg")
+disp("here V1=V2=V and T1=T2=T")
+disp("so m=(V*(P1-P2))/(R1*T)")
+disp("now during cooling upto 10 degree celcius,the process may be consider as constant volume process")
+disp("say state before and after cooling are denoted by suffix 2 and 3")
+T3=(10+273.15);//final temperature after cooling in k
+disp("final pressure after cooling(P3)in kpa")