path: root/27
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '27')
3 files changed, 136 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/27/CH3/EX3.1.2/Example_3_1_2.sce b/27/CH3/EX3.1.2/Example_3_1_2.sce
index 7d5def513..57c0bb492 100755
--- a/27/CH3/EX3.1.2/Example_3_1_2.sce
+++ b/27/CH3/EX3.1.2/Example_3_1_2.sce
@@ -1,32 +1,31 @@
-// Example 3.1.2 Pg 47
-//Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos, First Indian Edition Print 2007
-//Steven H.Strogatz
-set(gca(),"auto_clear","on") //hold off
-for(r=0:1:3) //Varying value of parameter "r" to see number of fixed point solutions.
- x=-2:0.1:3;
- set(gca(),"grid",[2,5])
- set(gca(),"auto_clear","off") //hold on
- plot2d(x,exp(-x),style=-4)
- plot2d(x,r-x,style=-2)
- figure //to get new graphics window
- set(gca(),"grid",[2,5])
- xtitle("Graph showing Number of Fix Points","X-Axis","Y-Axis")
- disp("From the graph we get intersection point")
- disp("And hence we got our FIXED POINT SOLUTION.")
- disp("Clearly from graph we get stable solution when line is below exp(-x) graph.")
- disp("Unstable solution when line is above exp(-x) graph.")
- disp("From graph we infer that :")
- disp("1. No Fixed Points for r<1")
- disp("2. One Fixed Point when r=1.")
- disp("3. Two Fixed Points for r>1.")
- disp("hence Bifurcation Point is cleraly, r(c)=1")
-//End of Example
- \ No newline at end of file
+// Example 3.1.2 Pg 47
+//Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos, First Indian Edition Print 2007
+//Steven H.Strogatz
+mtlb_hold off
+for(r=0:1:3) //Varying value of parameter "r" to see number of fixed point solutions.
+ x=-2:0.1:3;
+ set(gca(),"grid",[2,5]);
+ mtlb_hold on
+ plot2d(x,exp(-x),style=-4);
+ plot2d(x,r-x,style=-2);
+ figure; //to get new graphics window
+ set(gca(),"grid",[2,5])
+ xtitle("Graph showing Number of Fix Points","X-Axis","Y-Axis");
+ disp("From the graph we get intersection point")
+ disp("And hence we got our FIXED POINT SOLUTION.")
+ disp("Clearly from graph we get stable solution when line is below exp(-x) graph.")
+ disp("Unstable solution when line is above exp(-x) graph.")
+ disp("From graph we infer that :")
+ disp("1. No Fixed Points for r&lt;1")
+ disp("2. One Fixed Point when r=1.")
+ disp("3. Two Fixed Points for r&gt;1.")
+ disp("hence Bifurcation Point is cleraly, r(c)=1")
+mtlb_hold off
+//End of Example \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/27/CH4/EX4.3.1/Example_4_3_1.sce b/27/CH4/EX4.3.1/Example_4_3_1.sce
index 8ab7a73e9..c238462a8 100755
--- a/27/CH4/EX4.3.1/Example_4_3_1.sce
+++ b/27/CH4/EX4.3.1/Example_4_3_1.sce
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
-//Example 4.3.1 Page 97
-//Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos, First Indian Edition Print 2007
-//Steven H. Strogatz
-set(gca(),"auto_clear","off") //hold on
-// Theta(dot) = f = w - a*sin(Theta)
-//Lets take w=2, a=5;
-for Theta=-%pi:0.1:%pi
- f=2 - (5*sin(Theta)); //f = w-a*sin(Theta)
- plot2d(Theta,f,style=-2)
-///////////////// Figure Characteristics //////////////////////////
- set(gca(),"grid",[2,5]) //Grid on
-for Theta=-2*%pi:0.4:2*%pi
- plot2d(Theta,0,style=-1) //Just to plot X-Axis.
- plot2d(0,Theta,style=-1) //Just to plot Y-Axis.
-plot2d(0.41,0,style=-4) //Just to Show that the Fixed point is Stable.
-plot2d(2.75,0,style=-3) //Just to Show that the Fixed point is UnStable.
-plot2d(1.5,0,style=-13) //Just to Show the Flow.
-plot2d(-2,0,style=-12) //Just to Show the Flow.
-plot2d(3.2,0,style=-12) //Just to Show the Flow.
- xtitle("Theta(dot) = w - a*sin(Theta), for a > w","X-Axis","Y-Axis")
-exec circle.sci //function to draw circle is executed
-figure(1) //Graphic Window(1)
-circle([0 0],4,50) //Circle is drawn with (0,0)as center, radius=4.
-///////////////// figure Properties /////////////////////////
-a=get("current_axes");//get the handle of the newly created axes
-plot2d(0,4,style=-12) //Showing Vector Fields on Circle
-plot2d(4,0,style=-6) //Showing Vector Fields on Circle
-plot2d(-3,2.6,style=-3) //Showing Unstable-Fixed Point with plus inside a circle
-plot2d(3,2.6,style=-4) //Showing Stable Fixed Point with diamond
-xtitle("Vector Field on Circle for a > w","X - Axis","Y - Axis")
-//End of Example_4_3_1.
+//Example 4.3.1 Page 97
+//Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos, First Indian Edition Print 2007
+//Steven H. Strogatz
+mtlb_hold on
+// Theta(dot) = f = w - a*sin(Theta)
+//Lets take w=2, a=5;
+for Theta=-%pi:0.1:%pi
+ f=2 - (5*sin(Theta)); //f = w-a*sin(Theta)
+ plot2d(Theta,f,style=-2)
+///////////////// Figure Characteristics //////////////////////////
+ set(gca(),"grid",[2,5]) //Grid on
+for Theta=-2*%pi:0.4:2*%pi
+ plot2d(Theta,0,style=-1) //Just to plot X-Axis.
+ plot2d(0,Theta,style=-1) //Just to plot Y-Axis.
+plot2d(0.41,0,style=-4) //Just to Show that the Fixed point is Stable.
+plot2d(2.75,0,style=-3) //Just to Show that the Fixed point is UnStable.
+plot2d(1.5,0,style=-13) //Just to Show the Flow.
+plot2d(-2,0,style=-12) //Just to Show the Flow.
+plot2d(3.2,0,style=-12) //Just to Show the Flow.
+ xtitle("Theta(dot) = w - a*sin(Theta), for a &gt; w","X-Axis","Y-Axis")
+exec circle.sci //function to draw circle is executed
+figure(1) //Graphic Window(1)
+circle([0 0],4,50) //Circle is drawn with (0,0)as center, radius=4.
+///////////////// figure Properties /////////////////////////
+a=get("current_axes");//get the handle of the newly created axes
+plot2d(0,4,style=-12) //Showing Vector Fields on Circle
+plot2d(4,0,style=-6) //Showing Vector Fields on Circle
+plot2d(-3,2.6,style=-3) //Showing Unstable-Fixed Point with plus inside a circle
+plot2d(3,2.6,style=-4) //Showing Stable Fixed Point with diamond
+xtitle("Vector Field on Circle for a &gt; w","X - Axis","Y - Axis")
+//End of Example_4_3_1. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/27/CH5/EX5.1.1/Example_5_1_1.sce b/27/CH5/EX5.1.1/Example_5_1_1.sce
index fdd657401..9e90eccc5 100755
--- a/27/CH5/EX5.1.1/Example_5_1_1.sce
+++ b/27/CH5/EX5.1.1/Example_5_1_1.sce
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
-set(gca(),"auto_clear","off") //hold on
-circle([0 0],4,50) //Circle is drawn with (0,0)as center, radius=4.
-a=get("current_axes"); //get the handle of the newly created axes
-for x = -4:2:4
- for v = -4:2:4
- if(x==0) & (v==0)
- plot2d(x,v,style=-4) //if x=0 and v=0 then x(dot)and v(d ot) are also zero, thus Fixed point.
- end
- if(x==0) & (v>0)
- plot2d(x,v,style=-12)
- end
- if(x==0) & (v<0)
- plot2d(x,v,style=-13)
- end
- if(v==0) & (x>0)
- plot2d(x,v,style=-7)
- end
- if(v==0) & (x<0)
- plot2d(x,v,style=-6)
- end
- end
-a=get("current_axes"); //get the handle of the newly created axes
-xtitle("Vector Field","X - Axis ( X )","Y - Axis ( V )")
- set(gca(),"grid",[2,5]) //Grid on
-function xd=linear511(t,x)
- xd(1)=x(2); //x(dot); x(2) means v.
- xd(2)=-50*x(1); //v(dot); x(1) means x.; Taking w^2=50;
- endfunction
- bound=[-4,-4,4,4]; //Bounds of x-axis and y-axis as [xmin ymin xma x ymax], change them according to your needs.
- nrect=15; //increase it to get more number of curves, i.e . more information will be available.
- set(gca(),"auto_clear","off") //hold on
- x=linspace(bound(1),bound(3),nrect);
- y=linspace(bound(2),bound(4),nrect);
- x0=[];
- for i=1:15
- x0=[x(i);y(i)];
- t0=0;
- t=0:0.01:3000;
- xout=ode(x0,t0,t,linear511);
- plot2d(xout(1,:),xout(2,:));
- end
+mtlb_hold on
+circle([0 0],4,50) //Circle is drawn with (0,0)as center, radius=4.
+a=get("current_axes"); //get the handle of the newly created axes
+for x = -4:2:4
+ for v = -4:2:4
+ if(x==0) &amp; (v==0)
+ plot2d(x,v,style=-4) //if x=0 and v=0 then x(dot)and v(d ot) are also zero, thus Fixed point.
+ end
+ if(x==0) &amp; (v&gt;0)
+ plot2d(x,v,style=-12)
+ end
+ if(x==0) &amp; (v&lt;0)
+ plot2d(x,v,style=-13)
+ end
+ if(v==0) &amp; (x&gt;0)
+ plot2d(x,v,style=-7)
+ end
+ if(v==0) &amp; (x&lt;0)
+ plot2d(x,v,style=-6)
+ end
+ end
+a=get("current_axes"); //get the handle of the newly created axes
+xtitle("Vector Field","X - Axis ( X )","Y - Axis ( V )")
+ set(gca(),"grid",[2,5]) //Grid on
+function xd=linear511(t,x)
+ xd(1)=x(2); //x(dot); x(2) means v.
+ xd(2)=-50*x(1); //v(dot); x(1) means x.; Taking w^2=50;
+ endfunction
+ bound=[-4,-4,4,4]; //Bounds of x-axis and y-axis as [xmin ymin xma x ymax], change them according to your needs.
+ nrect=15; //increase it to get more number of curves, i.e . more information will be available.
+ set(gca(),"auto_clear","off") //hold on
+ x=linspace(bound(1),bound(3),nrect);
+ y=linspace(bound(2),bound(4),nrect);
+ x0=[];
+ for i=1:15
+ x0=[x(i);y(i)];
+ t0=0;
+ t=0:0.01:3000;
+ xout=ode(x0,t0,t,linear511);
+ plot2d(xout(1,:),xout(2,:));
+ end \ No newline at end of file