path: root/2510/CH4
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2510/CH4')
12 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.1/Ex4_1.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.1/Ex4_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..51f82ff30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.1/Ex4_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Vx_in = 420 //Entry Velocity in X direction (m/s)
+Vx_out = 0 //Exit Velocity in X direction (m/s)
+Vy_in = 0 //Entry Velocity in Y direction (m/s)
+Vy_out = 420 //Exit Velocity in Y direction (m/s)
+m = 0.15 //Rate of water entrained by the steam (kg/s)
+lb = 1.0/4.46 //Pound force in a newton force
+Mx_out = m*Vx_out //Rate of change of momentum at entry in x-direction (kg.m)
+Mx_in = m*Vx_in //Rate of change of momentum at exit in x-direction (kg.m)
+My_out = m*Vy_out //Rate of change of momentum at entry in y-direction (kg.m)
+My_in = m*Vy_in //Rate of change of momentum at exit in y-direction (kg.m)
+Fxgc = (Mx_out - Mx_in)*lb //Force in X direction (lbf)
+Fygc = (My_out - My_in)*lb //Force in X direction (lbf)
+if Fxgc < 1 then
+ printf ("The x-direction supporting force acting on the 90° elbow is : %.1f lbf acting toward the left.",-Fxgc)
+ printf ("The x-direction supporting force acting on the 90° elbow is : %.1f lbf acting toward the right.",Fxgc)
+if Fygc < 1 then
+ printf ("The y-direction supporting force acting on the 90° elbow is : %.1f lbf acting downwards.",-Fygc)
+ printf ("The y-direction supporting force acting on the 90° elbow is : %.1f lbf acting upwards.",Fygc)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.10/Ex4_10.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.10/Ex4_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6fb1732cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.10/Ex4_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+T_c1 = 20 //Initial cold fluid temperature (°C)
+T_h1 = 82 //Initial hot fluid temperature (°C)
+T_h2 = 94 //Final hot fluid temperature (°C)
+T_c2 = (T_h2 - T_h1 + T_c1) //Final cold fluid temperature (°C)
+printf ("The heat transfer rate is: %.0f °C",T_c2)
+printf ("There is a printing mistake in book regarding unit of the final result.")
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.11/Ex4_11.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.11/Ex4_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a7013a81f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.11/Ex4_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Q = -5.5*10**6 //The heat transferred out from the gas (W)
+Cp = 1090.0 //The average heat capacity of the gas (J/(kg . °C))
+m = 9.0 //The gas mass flow rate (kg/s)
+T1 = 650 //The gas inlet temperature (°C)
+T2 = Q/(m*Cp)+T1 //The gas outlet temperature (°C)
+printf ("The gas outlet temperature is : %.0f °C",T2)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.12/Ex4_12.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.12/Ex4_12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f7fad88f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.12/Ex4_12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+n = 3500.0 //Inlet flowrate of water (gal/min)
+Cp_W = 75.4 //Heat capacity of water (J/(gmol . °C)
+p = 62.4 //Density of water (lb/ft^3)
+M = 24*60.0 //Minutes in a day (min/day)
+G = 7.48 //Gallons in a feet cube (gal/ft^3)
+gm = 454.0 //Grams in a pound (g/lb)
+J = 1054.0 //Joules in a Btu (J/Btu)
+g = 18.0 //Grams in a gmol (g/gmol)
+F = 1.8 //Degree fahrenheit in a degree celcius (°F)
+Ti = 38.0 //Initial temperature (°F)
+Tf = 36.2 //Final temperature (°F)
+T= Ti-Tf //Temperature loss (°F)
+m = n*p*M/G //Mass flow rate of water (lb/day)
+Cp = Cp_W*gm/J/g/F //Heat capacity in cosistent units (Btu/(lb.°F))
+Q = m*Cp*T //Rate of heat flow from water (Btu/day)
+printf ("The rate of Btu removed from the water per day is : %.2f x 10**8 Btu/day.",Q/10**8)
+printf ("There is a calculation mistake in the book regarding the final result.")
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.2/Ex4_2.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.2/Ex4_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e67290cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.2/Ex4_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Fx = -63 //Force component in X direction (N)
+Fy = 63 //Force component in Y direction (N)
+lbf = 0.22481 //Pound-forrce in unit newton (lbf)
+Fr = sqrt(Fx**2 + Fy**2)*lbf //The resultant supporting force (lbf)
+u = atand(Fy,Fx) //Angle between the positive x axis and the direction of the force (degrees)
+if ( 0<u & u<90 ) then
+ printf ("The supporting force is : %.1f lbf acting at %f ° i.e in the northeast direction.",Fr,u)
+elseif (90<u & u<180) then
+ printf ("The supporting force is : %.1f lbf acting at %f ° i.e in the northwest direction.",Fr,u)
+elseif (180<u & u<270) then
+ printf ("The supporting force is : %.1f lbf acting at %f ° i.e in the southwest direction.",Fr,u)
+elseif (270<u & u<360) then
+ printf ("The supporting force is : %.1f lbf acting at %f ° i.e in the southeast direction.",Fr,u)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.3/Ex4_3.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.3/Ex4_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ccf8aef07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.3/Ex4_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+R1_in = 10000 //Rate of fuel fed into the boiler (lb/h)
+R2_1n = 20000 //Rate of air fed into the boiler (lb/h)
+R3_in = 2000 //Rate of methane fed into the boiler (lb/h)
+m_in = R1_in + R2_1n + R3_in //Rate of mass in (lb/h)
+m_out = m_in //Rate of mass out (lb/h)
+printf ("The rate of the product gases exit from the incinerator is : %.0f lb/h",m_in)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f7d86824a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+E1 = 65 //Efficiency of spray tower (%)
+E2 = 98 //Efficiency of packed column (%)
+m_in = 76 //Mass flow rate of HCl entering the system (lb/h)
+m1_out = (1 - E1/100.0)*m_in //Mass flow rate of HCl leaving the spray tower (lb/h)
+m2_out = (1 - E2/100.0)*m1_out //Mass flow rate of HCl entering the packed column (lb/h)
+E = (m_in - m2_out)/m_in //Overall fractional efficiency (%)
+printf ("The mass flow rate of HCl leaving the spray tower is : %.2f lb/h HCL",m1_out)
+printf ("The mass flow rate of HCl entering the packed column is : %.3f lb/h HCL",m2_out)
+printf ("The overall fractional efficiency is : %.2f %%",E*100)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.5/Ex4_5.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.5/Ex4_5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c6b406a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.5/Ex4_5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+m1 = 1000 //Flowrate data 1 (lb/min)
+m2 = 1000 //Flowrate data 2 (lb/min)
+m4 = 200 //Flowrate data 4 (lb/min)
+m5 = m1 + m2 - m4 //Flowrate data 5 (lb/min)
+m6 = m2 //Flowrate data 6 (lb/min)
+m = m5 - m6 //Flowrate of water lost in operation (lb/min)
+printf ("The amount of water lost by evaporation in the operation is %.0f lb/min",m)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b9702a842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+q1 = 1000.0 //Volumetric flowrate from tank 1 (gal/day)
+q2 = 1000.0 //Volumetric flowrate from tank 2 (gal/day)
+q3 = 2000.0 //Volumetric flowrate from tank 3 (gal/day)
+q4 = 200.0 //Volumetric flowrate from tank 4 (gal/day)
+q5 = 1800.0 //Volumetric flowrate from tank 5 (gal/day)
+q6 = 1000.0 //Volumetric flowrate from tank 6 (gal/day)
+C1 = 4.0 //Phosphate concentration in tank 1 (ppm)
+C2 = 0.0 //Phosphate concentration in tank 2 (ppm)
+C3 = 2.0 //Phosphate concentration in tank 3 (ppm)
+C4 = 20.0 //Phosphate concentration in tank 4 (ppm)
+C5 = 0.0 //Phosphate concentration in tank 5 (ppm)
+C6 = 0.0 //Phosphate concentration in tank 6 (ppm)
+Cf = 120000.0 //conversion factor for water (gal/10**6lb)
+C1q1 = C1*q1/Cf //Data 1 (lb/day)
+C2q2 = C2*q2/Cf //Data 2 (lb/day)
+C3q3 = C3*q3/Cf //Data 3 (lb/day)
+C4q4 = C4*q4/Cf //Data 4 (lb/day)
+C5q5 = C5*q5/Cf //Data 5 (lb/day)
+C6q6 = C6*q6/Cf //Data 6 (lb/day)
+if (((C1q1 + C2q2) == C3q3) & C3q3 == (C4q4 + C5q5) & C5q5 == C6q6 & C2q2 == C6q6) then
+ printf("The data appear to be consistent .")
+ printf ("The data appear to be inconsistent .")
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.7/Ex4_7.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.7/Ex4_7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7ec8f26c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.7/Ex4_7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+Dz = 3000 //Height (ft)
+V0 = 500000 //Flowrate of water (gal/min)
+n = 30 //Turbine efficiency (%)
+m = 0.3048 //Meters in a feet
+m3 = 0.00378 //Meters-cube in a gallon
+g = 9.8 //Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)
+gc = 1 //Conversion factor
+MW = 10**(-6) //Megawatt in newton-meter-per-second
+V1 = (V0*m3)*1000.0/60.0 //The mass flow rate of the water in kilograms/second (kg/s)
+DPE = V1*g*Dz*m/gc*MW //The loss in potential energy (MW)
+AP = n/100.0*DPE //The actual power output (MW)
+printf ("The power generated by the lake located is : %.1f MW",AP)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.8/Ex4_8.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.8/Ex4_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..92214d114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.8/Ex4_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+n = 111.4 //Flowrate of air stream (lbmol/min)
+H1 = 1170 //Average heat capacity at 200°F (Btu/lbmol)
+H2 = 4010 //Average heat capacity at 600°F (Btu/lbmol)
+Q = n*(H2 - H1) //The heat transfer rate (Btu/min)
+printf ("The heat transfer rate required is: %.2f x 10**5 Btu/min",Q/10**5)
diff --git a/2510/CH4/EX4.9/Ex4_9.sce b/2510/CH4/EX4.9/Ex4_9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b40ef03b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH4/EX4.9/Ex4_9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+n = 600 //The mass flow rate of fluid (lbmol/min)
+Cp_AV = 0.271 //Heat capacity (Btu/lbmol . °F)
+T1 = 200 //Initial temperature(°F)
+T2 = 600 //Final temperature(°F)
+Q = n*Cp_AV*(T2 - T1) //The required heat rate (Btu/min)
+Q = Q - modulo(Q,1000)
+printf ("The required heat rate is : %.0f Btu/min",Q)