path: root/2510/CH19/EX19.10
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Diffstat (limited to '2510/CH19/EX19.10')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2510/CH19/EX19.10/Ex19_10.sce b/2510/CH19/EX19.10/Ex19_10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fe576f6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2510/CH19/EX19.10/Ex19_10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+//Variable declaration:
+r1 = 1.1/100 //Inside radius of %pipe (m)
+r2 = 1.3/100 //Outside radius of %pipe (m)
+r3 = 3.8/100 //Outside radius of asbestos insulation (m)
+L = 1 //Length of tube (m)
+h1 = 190 //Heat transfer coefficient from ethylene glycol to the stainless steel %pipe (W/m^2.K)
+k2 = 19 //Thermal conductivity of %pipe (W/m.K)
+h2 = 14 //Outside heat transfer coefficient from the air to the surface of the insulation (W/m^2.K)
+k3 = 0.2 //Thermal conductivity of asbestos (W/m.K)
+T1 = 124 //Hot ethylene glycol temperature ( C)
+T5 = 2 //Surrounding air temperature ( C)
+k4 = 0.0242 //Thermal conductivity of air (W/m.K)
+A1 = 2*%pi*r1*L //Inside surface area of %pipe (m^2) (part1)
+A2 = 2*%pi*r2*L //Outside surface area of %pipe (m^2)
+A3 = 2*%pi*r3*L //Outside surface area of asbestos insulation (m^2)
+R1 = 1/(h1*A1) //Inside convection resistance ( C/W)
+R2 = log(r2/r1)/(2*%pi*k2*L) //Conduction resistance through the tube ( C/W)
+R3 = 1/(h2*A2) //Outside convection resistance ( C/W)
+Rt1 = R1+R2+R3 //Total resistance without insulation ( C/W)
+Q1 = (T1 - T5)/Rt1 //Heat transfer rate without insulation (W)
+R4 = log(r3/r2)/(2*%pi*k3*L) //Conduction resistance associated with the insulation ( C/W) (part 2)
+R5 = 1/(h2*A3) //Outside convection resistance ( C/W)
+Rt2 = R1+R2+R4+R5 //Total rsistance with the insulation ( C/W)
+Q2 = (T1-T5)/Rt2 //Heat transfer rate with the insulation (W)
+U1 = 1/(Rt2*A1) //Overall heat transfer coefficient based on the inside area (W/m^2.K) (part 3)
+U3 = 1/(Rt2*A3) //Overall heat transfer coefficient based on the outside area (W/m^2.K) (part 4)
+T3 = T1-(R1+R2)*Q2 //Temperature at the steelu2013insulation interface ( C) (part 5)
+Bi1 = h2*(2*r3)/k3 //Outside Biot number (part 6)
+Bi2 = h1*(2*r1)/k2 //Inside Biot number
+Nu = h1*(2*r1)/k4 //Nusselt number of the air
+rlm = (r3-r2)/log(r3/r2) //Log mean radius of the insulation (m) (part 7)
+printf("1. The rate of heat transfer without insulation is : %.1f W.",Q1)
+printf("2. The rate of heat transfer with insulation is : %.1f W.",Q2)
+printf("3. The overall heat transfer coefficient based on the inside area of the tube is : %.2f W/m^2.K .",U1)
+printf("4. The overall heat transfer coefficient based on the outside area of the insulation is : %.1f W/m^2.K .",U3)
+printf("5. The temperature, T3, at the steelu2013insulation interface is : %.1f C.",T3)
+printf("6. The inside Biot numbers is : %.2f",Bi2)
+printf(" The outside Biot numbers is : %.2f",Bi1)
+printf(" The Nusselt number is : %.1f",Nu)
+printf("7. The log mean radius of insulation is : %.2f cm.",rlm*100)
+printf("There is a printing mistake in book for unit in part 7.")