path: root/2471/CH6/EX6.11
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2471/CH6/EX6.11')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2471/CH6/EX6.11/Ex6_11.sce b/2471/CH6/EX6.11/Ex6_11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f3dfafd79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2471/CH6/EX6.11/Ex6_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+clear ;
+// Example 6.11
+printf('Example 6.11\n\n');
+printf('Page No. 167\n\n');
+// given
+m = 10*10^3;// Production of boiler in kg/h
+X = 0.95;//Dryness fraction
+P = 10;//Pressure ib bar
+T_fw = 95;// Feed water temperature in degree celcius
+T_mf = 230;// Mean flue gae temperature in degree celcius
+T_mb = 25;// Mean boiler house temperature in degree celcius
+Coal_c = 900;// Coal consumption in kg/h
+A = 0.08;// Ash content in coal
+C_c = 0.15;//carbon content in coal
+CV_coal = 33.50*10^6;// Calorific value of coal in J
+M = 28;// Mass of flue gas per kg coal in kg
+Cp = 1.05*10^3;// Mean Specific heat capacity of the flue gas in J/kg-K
+CV_c = 34*10^6;// Calorific value of carbon in J/kg
+M_s = m/Coal_c;// Mass of steam produced per kg coal in kg
+H_w = (M_s*(763+(X*2013) - 398)*10^3)/10^6;// Heat absorbed by water per kg coal in 10^6 J(from steam table at given pressure and dryness fraction)
+H_f = (M*Cp*(T_mf - T_mb))/10^6;// Heat in flue gas in 10^6 J
+H_uc = (A*C_c*CV_c)/10^6;//Heat in unburnt carbon in 10^6 J
+h_sup = (CV_coal)/10^6;// Heat supplied by coal in 10^6 J
+un_acc = (h_sup - (H_w + H_f + H_uc));// unaccounted heat losses in 10^6 J
+a = (h_sup/h_sup)*100;
+b = (H_w/h_sup)*100;
+c = (H_f/h_sup)*100;
+d = (H_uc/h_sup)*100;
+e = (un_acc/h_sup)*100;
+T = b + c + d + e;
+printf(' THERMAL BALANCE SHEET :\n\t\t\t\t 10^6 J \t percentage \n\n Heat supplied by coal \t\t %.2f \t\t %.0f\n Heat absorbed by water \t %.1f\t\t %.1f\n Heat in flue gas \t\t %.2f \t\t %.0f\n Heat in unburnt carbon \t %.2f \t\t %.1f \n unaccounted heat losses \t %.2f \t\t %.1f\n TOTAL \t\t\t\t %.2f \t\t %.1f',h_sup,a,H_w,b,H_f,c,H_uc,d,un_acc,e,h_sup,T);