path: root/2471/CH5/EX5.14
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Diffstat (limited to '2471/CH5/EX5.14')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2471/CH5/EX5.14/Ex5_14.sce b/2471/CH5/EX5.14/Ex5_14.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ab4a15249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2471/CH5/EX5.14/Ex5_14.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+clear ;
+// Example 5.14
+printf('Example 5.14\n\n');
+printf('Page No. 137\n\n');
+// given
+T1 = 25;// Wet-bulb temperature in degree celcius
+T2 = 40;//Dry-bulb temperature in degree celcius
+//By using the humidity chart and steam tables for air-water mixtures at the given temperatures, the all following data can be obtained
+//(a) humidity
+w = 0.014;// in kg/kg
+printf('the required humidity is %.3f kg/kg \n',w)
+//(b) relative humidity
+R_H = 30;// in percentage
+printf('the required relative humidity in percentage is %.0f\n\n',R_H)
+//(c) the dew point
+T_w = 20;// in degree celcius
+printf('the required dew-point temperature is %.0f deg C\n',T_w)
+//(d) the humid heat
+Cpa = 1.006*10^3;// Heat Capacity of bone dry air in J/kg-K
+Cpwv = 1.89*10^3;// Heat Capacity of water vapour in J/kg-K
+S = Cpa + (w*Cpwv);//in J/kg-K
+printf('the humid heat is %.0f J/kg-K\n\n',S )
+//(e) the humid volume
+V_G = ((1/29)+(w/18))*22.41*((T2 + 273)/273);//in m^3/kg
+printf('the humid volume is %.3f m^3/kg \n',V_G)
+//(f) adiabatic process
+w_A = 0.020;// in kg/kg
+printf('the humidity of the mixture if saturated adiabatically is %.3f kg/kg \n\n',w_A)
+// (h) isothermal process
+w_i = 0.049;// in kg/kg
+printf('the humidity of the mixture if saturated isothermally is %.3f kg/kg \n',w_i)