path: root/2360/CH3/EX3.3
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2360/CH3/EX3.3')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2360/CH3/EX3.3/ex3_3.sce b/2360/CH3/EX3.3/ex3_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..efcef29d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2360/CH3/EX3.3/ex3_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// Exa 3.3
+// Given data
+B = 10*10^-3;// in Wb/m^2
+N = 200;// in turns
+l = 16;// in mm
+K = 12*10^-9;// in Nm/rad
+J = 50*10^-9;// in kg-m^2
+D = 5*10^-9;// in Nm/rads^-1
+R = 120;// in ohm
+A = l^2;// in mm^2
+A = A * 10^-6;// in m^2
+G = N*B*A;// in Nm/A
+i = 1;// in µA
+i = i * 10^-6;// in A
+theta_f = (G*i)/K;// in rad
+r = 1;// in m
+r = r * 10^3;// in mm
+// deflection of the galvanometer
+d = 2*theta_f*r;// in mm
+disp(d,"The deflection of the galvanometer in mm is");
+i = i * 10^6;// in µA
+// Current sensitivity
+Si = d/i;// in mm/µA
+disp(Si,"The current sensitivity in mm/µA is");
+// Voltage sensitivity
+Sv = d/(i*R);// in mm/µV
+disp(Sv,"The voltage sensitivity in mm/µV is");
+So = d/(i*10^-6*10^6);//megaohm sensitivity in Mohm/mm
+disp(So,"The megaohm sensitivity in Mohm/mm is");
+omega_d = (sqrt((4*J*K) - ((D)^2)))/(2*J);// in rad/sec
+f_d = omega_d/(2*%pi);//frequency of damped oscillation in Hz
+disp(f_d,"The frequency of damped oscillation in Hz is");
+omega_n = sqrt(K/J);
+// period of free oscillation
+To = (2*%pi)/omega_n;// in sec
+disp(To,"The period of free oscillation in sec is");
+Dc = 2*sqrt( J*K );
+// The relative damping
+Epsilon = D/Dc;
+disp(Epsilon,"The relative damping is");
+// The first maximum deflection
+theta1 = theta_f * ( 1 + (%e^(-%pi*Epsilon)/(sqrt(1 - ((Epsilon)^2)))) );// in rad
+theta1 = theta1*2*r;// in mm
+disp(theta1,"The first maximum deflection in mm is");
+// The logarithmic decrement
+lembda = (%pi*Epsilon)/(sqrt(1 - ((Epsilon)^2)));
+disp(lembda,"The logarithmic decrement is");