path: root/2090/CH3/EX3.2/Chapter3_Example2.sce
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2090/CH3/EX3.2/Chapter3_Example2.sce')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2090/CH3/EX3.2/Chapter3_Example2.sce b/2090/CH3/EX3.2/Chapter3_Example2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3da118877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2090/CH3/EX3.2/Chapter3_Example2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+//Input data
+C1=40;//The content of C7H16 in the fuel in percentage
+C2=60;//The content of C8H18 in the fuel in percentage
+d=0.12;//The diameter of the bore in m
+l=0.145;//The length of the bore in m
+r=8.5;//Compression ratio
+p=1.1;//Pressure at exhaust stroke in bar
+T=720;//The temperature at the exhaust stroke in K
+pi=3.141;//Mathematical constant pi
+O=32;//The molecular weight of oxygen
+N=28;//The molecular weight of nitrogen
+C3=100;//Molecular weight of C7H16
+C4=114;//The molecular weight of C8H18
+R=8314;//Universal gas constant in Nm/kmolK
+CO2=44;//Molecular weight of the carbondioxide
+C5=28;//Molecular weight of the carbonmonoxide
+H=18;//Molecular weight of the water
+N2=100-(12+1.5+2.5);//Percentage of nitrogen in the dry products of combustion
+Y=84/3.76;//The number of moles oxygen is supplied
+X=13.5/7.6;//Moles of carbon
+Z=(22.34-15.25)*2;//The number of moles of hydrogen
+Hl=(6.4+10.8)/2;//Number of moles of hydrogen on L.H.S
+Hr=7.98;//Number of moles of hydrogen on R.H.S
+Hd=Hl-Hr;//Difference of hydrogen moles
+A=[[12.58*(O+(3.76*N))]/[((C1/100)*C3)+((C2/100)*C4)]];//The Air/fuel ratio
+Vs=(pi/4)*d^2*l;//Swept volume of the cylinder in m^3
+Vc=Vs/(r-1);//Clearance volume in m^3
+M=[(6.757*CO2)+(0.8446*C5)+(1.408*O)+(47.3*N)+(8.6*H)]/[6.757+0.8446+1.408+47.3+8.6];//Molecular weight of the product
+R1=R/M;//Gas constant in J/kgK
+m=[(p*10^5)*Vc]/[R1*T];//Mass of the exhaust gases in the clearance space in kg
+printf('(a)The air/fuel ratio =%3.2f \n (b)The mass of the exhaust gases in the clearance space =%3.7f kg ',A,m)