path: root/2090/CH16/EX16.2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2090/CH16/EX16.2')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2090/CH16/EX16.2/Chapter16_example2.sce b/2090/CH16/EX16.2/Chapter16_example2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4c006fe68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2090/CH16/EX16.2/Chapter16_example2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Input data
+d=0.175;//The diameter of the bore in m
+pi=3.141;//The mathematical constant of pi
+L=0.32;//The length of the stroke in m
+p=6.5;//Mean effective pressure in bar
+pp=0.4;//Pumping loop mean effective pressure in bar
+N=510;//The speed of the engine in rpm
+pm=0.65;//Diagrams from the dead cycle give a mep in bar
+n=55;//Firing strokes per minute
+pmi=p-pp;//The net imep at full load in bar
+c=((N/2)-n);//Dead cycles per minute at no load
+ipw=pmi*10^5*L*(pi/4)*d^2*(n/60)*(1/1000);//Indicating power for working cycles in kW
+Pp=pm*10^5*L*(pi/4)*d^2*(c/60)*(1/1000);//Pumping power of dead cycles in kW
+fp=ipw-Pp;//Power in kW
+fip=pmi*10^5*L*(pi/4)*d^2*(N/(2*60))*(1/1000);//Full load indicated power in kW
+fbp=fip-fp;//Full load break power in kW
+nm=(fbp/fip)*100;//Mechanical efficiency in percent
+printf(' The full load break power = %3.2f kW \n The mechanical efficiency of the engine = %3.1f percent ',fbp,nm)