path: root/2087/CH20
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1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2087/CH20/EX20.1/example20_1.sce b/2087/CH20/EX20.1/example20_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..98bff566b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2087/CH20/EX20.1/example20_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+//example 20.1
+//design a guide bank required for a bridge in a river
+//calculate volume of stone required per m length of guide bank
+Q=50000; //discharge
+f=1.1; //silt factor
+bl=130; //bed level of river
+hfl=140; //high flood level
+L=L+212; //providing 20 percent more length
+L_up=5*L/4; //upstream length of guide bund
+L_down=L/4; //downstream length of guide bund
+r_up=0.45*L; //radius of upstream curved head
+mprintf("upstream length of guide bund=%i m.",L_up);
+mprintf("\ndownstream length of guide bund=%i m.",L_down);
+mprintf("\nupstream radius of curved head=%i m.;it can be carved at 145 degrees.",r_up);
+mprintf("\ndownstream radius of curved head=287m.;it can be carved at 60 degrees.");
+fb=1.5; //free board
+ltop=fb+hfl; //level of top of guide bund
+mprintf("\n\nlevel of top of guide bund=%f m.",ltop);
+mprintf("\nadopt top level=142 m.");
+mprintf("\nkeep top width=4 m. and side slope as 2:1.");
+T=0.06*(Q)^(1/3); //thickness of stone pitching
+mprintf("\n\nThickness of stone pitching=%f m.",T);
+R=0.47*(Q/f)^(1/3); //depth of scour
+Rmax=1.25*R; //maximum scour
+rl=hfl-Rmax; //R.L at maximum anticipated cover
+D=bl-rl; //depth of maximum scour
+mprintf("\ndepth of scour=%f m.",R);
+mprintf("\n\nfor straigtht reach of guide band:");
+mprintf("\nlength of apron=%f m.",Lapron);
+mprintf("\n\nfor curvilinear transition portion of guide band:");
+mprintf("\nlength of apron=%f m.",Lapron);
+mprintf("\nthickness of apron=%f m.",T1);
+mprintf("\n\nvolume of stones:");
+mprintf("\nat shank:");
+mprintf("\non slope=%f cubic metre/m.",ss);
+mprintf("\non apron with a slope 2:1 =%f cubic metre/m.",as);
+mprintf("\nU/S andD/S curved portion:");
+mprintf("\non slope=%f cubic metre/m.",vs);
+mprintf("\non apron =%f cubic metre/m.",va);
+mprintf("\n\nthickness of launching apron=%f m.",ta);