diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2087/CH18')
-rwxr-xr-x | 2087/CH18/EX18.1/example18_1.sce | 172 | ||||
-rwxr-xr-x | 2087/CH18/EX18.2/example18_2.sce | 112 | ||||
-rwxr-xr-x | 2087/CH18/EX18.3/example18_3.sce | 214 |
3 files changed, 498 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2087/CH18/EX18.1/example18_1.sce b/2087/CH18/EX18.1/example18_1.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..43b6afb7c --- /dev/null +++ b/2087/CH18/EX18.1/example18_1.sce @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +
+//example 18.1
+//design Sarda type fall
+Q=40; //full supply discharge
+sl_u=218.3; //supply level at upstream
+sl_d=216.8; //supply level at downstream
+D=1.8; //suplly depth
+L=26; //bed width
+bl_u=216.5; //bed level upstream
+bl_d=215; //bed level downstream
+//from the eqauation; Q=1.99LH^1.5*(H/B)^(1/6);
+//we get
+mprintf("H=%f m.\nd=%f m.",H,d);
+mprintf("\ncrest height above bed=%f m.",Hc);
+//adopt trapezoidal crest
+B=1; //top width
+mprintf("\n\nD/S batter=1:3; U/S batter=1:8.");
+mprintf("\nR.L of crest=%f m.",crest);
+mprintf('\nE=%f m.',E);
+//design of cistern
+x=(E*drop)^(2/3)/4; //depth of cistern
+lc=5*(E*drop)^0.5; //length of cistern
+mprintf("\n\ndepth of cistern=%f m.",x);
+mprintf("\nlength of cistern=%f m.",lc);
+mprintf("\nR.L of bed of cistern=%f m.",cb);
+mprintf("\nkeep cistern at R.L 214.69.");
+//design of impervious floor
+Hs=2.44; //seepage head
+c=8; //Bligh's coefficient
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of impervious floor:");
+mprintf("\nprovide upstream cut-off=%i m.; downstream cut-off=%f m.",d1,d2);
+mprintf("\nlength of horizontal impervious floor=%f m.",lh);
+mprintf("\nprovide 15 m length impervious floor.");
+mprintf("\nminimum length of impervious floor to the d/s of toe of crest wall=%f m.",ld);
+mprintf("\nprovide ld=8 m.");
+mprintf("\nthe balance of the length %i m is to be provided under and u/s of the crest.",bl);
+mprintf("\n\nuplift pressure is counter balanced by weigth of water.\n hence provide thickness of 0.4 m.");
+mprintf("\nfor other points; thickness required =%f m.",t);
+mprintf("\nprovide thickness of 1.40 m.");
+mprintf("\nat downstream end of floor provide thickness of 0.6 m overlaid by 0.2 m brick pitching.");
+n=d2/(Hs*5); //n=1/%pi*(lambda)^0.5
+//from khosla exit curve we get
+mprintf("\n\nchecking of floor thickness by khosla theory:");
+mprintf("\nlength of floor provided=%f m. > length by Bligh theory.",b);
+mprintf("\nexit gradient after increase in depth cut-off=%f. which is in permissible limit",Ge);
+mprintf('\nprovide depth cut-off to 1.8 m.');
+//calculation of pressure
+mprintf("\n\ncalculation of pressure:");
+mprintf("\nU/S cut-off:");
+mprintf("\ncorrected fic1=%f percent.",fic1);
+mprintf("\nD/S cut-off wall:");
+mprintf("\ncorrecte fie2=%f percent.",fie2);
+//calculation of thickness
+mprintf("\n\nprovide a minimum thickness of 0.4 m for u/s floor.");
+mprintf("\nthickness at d/s toe of crest=%f m.",t);
+mprintf("\nprovide thickness of 1.4 m thick concrete overlaid by 0.2 m brick pitching.");
+mprintf("\nthickness at 3 m from d/s toe of crest=%f m.",t);
+mprintf("\nprovide thickness of 1.2 m thick concrete overlaid by 0.2 m brick pitching.");
+static=pre*Hs/100; //calculation is wrong in book
+mprintf("\nthickness at 6m from d/s toe of crest=%f m.",t);
+mprintf("\nprovide thickness of 0.7 m thick concrete overlaid by 0.2 m brick pitching.");
+//design of downstream wings
+mprintf("\n\nheigth of top of downstream wings above the bed=%f m.",hw);
+mprintf("\nlength of warped wing measured along centre line of canal=%f m.",projec);
+//downstream pitching
+mprintf("\n\nlength of bed pitching=%f m.",l);
+mprintf("\nlength of sloping pitching=7 m.\nlength of horizontal pitching=6 m.");
+mprintf("\nprovide one toe wall of 1 m depth and 0.4 m width.");
+mprintf("\nside pitching is curtailed at 45 degree from the end of bed pitching in plan.\nsupprot the side pitching on toe wall 0.4 m thick and 1 m deep. ");
+//energy dissipators
+mprintf("\n\nsize and position of friction blocks:");
+mprintf("\nlength of block=%f m.\nwidth of block=%f m.\nheight of block=%f m.\ndistance from toe of crest=%f m.",L,w,h,di);
+mprintf("\nprovide two rows staggered ata distance of 1 m from toe of crest.");
+mprintf("\nsize and position of cube blocks:");
+mprintf("\nlength of block=%f m.\nwidth of block=%f m.\nheight of block=%f m.",L,w,h);
+mprintf("\nprovide two rows staggered at the end of impervious floor.");
+//u/s approach
+mprintf("\n\nprovide wing wall segmental with 5 m radius subtending angle of 60 degree at the centre.");
diff --git a/2087/CH18/EX18.2/example18_2.sce b/2087/CH18/EX18.2/example18_2.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..bf0cd6722 --- /dev/null +++ b/2087/CH18/EX18.2/example18_2.sce @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +
+//example 18.2
+//design an unflumed straight glacis non-meter fall
+Q=40; //full supply discharge
+sl_u=218.3; //supply level at upstream
+sl_d=216.8; //supply level at downstream
+D=1.8; //suplly depth
+L=26; //bed width
+bl_u=216.5; //bed level upstream
+bl_d=215; //bed level downstream
+Ge=1/6; //permissible exit gradient
+//design of crest
+mprintf("design of crest:");
+mprintf("\nlength of crest=%f m.",L);
+mprintf("\nwidth of crest=%f m.",w);
+//design of cistern
+//from blench curve
+mprintf("\n\nR.L of cistern=%f m. > d/s bed level.",cistern);
+mprintf("\nkeep R.L of cistern at 214.5 m.");
+mprintf("\nlength of cistern=%f m.",l);
+mprintf("\nprovide cistern of 9 m length ");
+mprintf("\ndepth of cistern=%f m.",d);
+//design of impervious floor
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of impervious floor:");
+mprintf("\nprovide 0.4 m wide and 1 m deep curtain wall at u/s.");
+mprintf("\nprovide 0.4 m wide and 1 m deep curtain wall at d/s.\nthe curtain wall will project the above the d/s bed by 0.18 m.");
+n=d2*Ge/Hs; //n=1/(%pi*(lambda)^0.5)
+//from khosla exit curves we get
+//since length is to excessive
+n=d2*Ge/Hs; //n=1/(%pi*(lambda)^0.5)
+//from khosla exit curves we get
+mprintf("\ntotal length=%i m.\nlength of cistern=9 m.\nlength of d/s glacis=5.88 m.\nwidth of crest=0.6 m.\nlength of u/s glacis=0.47 m.\nbalance to be provided to u/s of the u/s glacis=4.05 m.",b);
+//pressure calculations
+mprintf("\n\npressure calculations:");
+mprintf("\nupstream curtain wall:");
+mprintf("\ncorrected fi_c1=%f percent.",fic1);
+mprintf("\ndownstream curtain wall:");
+mprintf("\ncorrected fi_e=%f percent.",fie);
+mprintf("\ntoe of glacis:");
+//assuming linear variation of pressure
+mprintf("\npressure at downstream of the glacis=%f percent.",p);
+//floor thickness
+mprintf("\n\nfloor thickness:\nprovide minimum thickness of 0.3 m at the u/s floor.");
+mprintf("\nfloor thickness required at toe of glacis=%f m.\nprovide 1.5 m thick floor for length of 3 m.",t);
+mprintf("\nfloor thickness required at 3m from toe of glacis=%f m.\nprovide 1.3 m thick floor from 3 m to 6.5 m from toe of glacis.",t);
+mprintf("\nthickness of d/s end of cistern=%f m.\nprovide thickness of 0.6 m at d/s end of floor.",t);
+//design of d/s protection
+mprintf("\n\nno bed protection is needed as deflector wall is provided.");
+mprintf("\nlength of side protection=%f m.\nprovide 5.5 m length of 20 cm thick brick pitching beyond impervious floor.\npitching will rest on toe wall 0.4 m wide and 0.9 m deep.\nprovide 0.4 m wide profile at the end of pitching",sp);
+//design of u/s approach
+mprintf("\n\nu/s wing wall is splayed at 45 degree from u/s end of impervious floor.\nextend 1 m into earthen banks from line of F.S.L.");
diff --git a/2087/CH18/EX18.3/example18_3.sce b/2087/CH18/EX18.3/example18_3.sce new file mode 100755 index 000000000..151954226 --- /dev/null +++ b/2087/CH18/EX18.3/example18_3.sce @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +
+//example 18.3
+//design a cross -regulator and head regulatorfor a distributory channel
+Q=100; //discharge of parent channel
+Qd=15; //discharge ofdistributory
+fsl_u=218.1; //F.S.L of upstream parent channel
+fsl_d=217.9; //F.S.L of downstream of parent channel
+bw_u=42; //bed width of parent channel upstream
+bw_d=38; //bed width of parent channel downstream
+hw=2.5; //depth of water in parent channel
+fsl_dis=217.1; //F.S.L of distributory
+hw_dis=1.5; //depth of water in distributory
+Ge=1/5; //permissible exit gradient
+//design of cross regulator
+//design of crest and waterway
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of crest and waterway:");
+mprintf("\ncrest level=%f m.",cl);
+mprintf("\nlength of crest=%f m.",L);
+mprintf("\nprovide 4 bays of 7 m each with a clear water-way.");
+mprintf("\nprovide 3 piers of 1.5 m width each.\ntotal width of cross regulator=%f m.",tw);
+//design of d/s floor
+Ef2=1.89; //from blench curve
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of d/s floor:");
+mprintf("\nd/s floor level=%f m.; which is higher than d/s bed level.\nadopt floor level =d/s bed level=215.40 m.",fl_d);
+//from specific energy curve
+cil=5*(D2-D1); //cistern length
+mprintf("\ncistern length =%f m.\nlength of d/s floor=%f m.",cil,tl);
+//design of impervious floor
+d1=hw/3+0.6; //depth of u/s cut-off
+w=0.5; //width of cut-off
+d2=hw/2+0.6; //deth of d/s cut-off
+d2=2; //keep
+Hs=fsl_u-(fsl_d-hw); //maximum static head
+n=Ge*d2/Hs; //n=1/%pi*(lambda)^0.5;
+//from exit gradient curves we get
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of impervious floor:");
+mprintf("\ntotal length of impervious floor=%i m.;which is divided as-",b);
+mprintf("\nd/s floor length=10.6 m.\nd/s glacis length with 2:1 slope=0.4 m.\nbalance to be provided upstream=5 m.");
+mprintf("\n\npressure calculation:\nupstream cut-off:\npressure =%f percent.",fic1);
+mprintf("\ndownstream cut-off:\npressure=%f percent.",fie2);
+mprintf("\ntoe of glacis:\npressure=%f percent.",p);
+mprintf("\n\nthickness of floor:\nminimu thickness for u/s floor=0.5 m.");
+mprintf("\nthickness of floor near d/s cut-off=%f m.\nprovide 0.7 m thick floor for last 2.1 m length.",t);
+mprintf("\nthickness of floor at toe of glacis=%f m.",t);
+mprintf("\nthickness of floor at 4 m from toe of glais=%f m.\nprovide 1.1 m thick floor for next 2 m length",t);
+mprintf("\nthickness of floor at 6 m from toe of glais=%f m.\nprovide 0.9 m thick floor for next 2.5 m length",t);
+//design of u/s protection
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of u/s protection:\nvolume of block protection=%f cubic metre/metre.",v);
+mprintf("\nkeep thickness of protection=1 m.\nprovide 0.8mx0.8mx0.6m thick concret blocks over 0.4 m thick apron in length of 0.6 m.");
+mprintf("\ncubic content of launching apron=%f cubic metre/metre.\nprovide 1 m thick and 3.5 m long launching apron.",cu);
+//design of d/s protection
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of d/s protection:\nvolume of inverted filter=%f cubic metre/metre.",v);
+mprintf("\nkeep thickness of concrete block=0.6 m.\nprovide 2 rows of 0.8mx0.8mx0.6m thick concret blocks over 0.6 m graded filter for length of 1.6 m.");
+mprintf("\nlaunching apron volume=%f cubic metre/metre.\nprovide 1 m thick launching apron for length of 4.5 m.\nprovide a toe wall 0.4 m wide and 1.5 m deep between filter and launching apron.",cu);
+//design of head regulator
+//design of crest and waterway
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of crest and waterway:");
+mprintf("\ncrest level=%f m.",cl);
+mprintf("\nlength of crest=%f m.",L);
+mprintf("\nprovide 2 bays of 3.5 m each with a 1 m thick pier in between.");
+mprintf("\ntotal width of cross regulator=%f m.",tw);
+//design of d/s floor
+Ef2=1.58; //from blench curve
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of d/s floor:");
+mprintf("\nd/s floor level=%f m.;\nkeepR.L of d/s floor=215.50 m.",fl_d);
+//from specific energy curve
+cil=5*(D2-D1); //cistern length
+mprintf("\ncistern length =%f m.",cil);
+//design of impervious floor
+d1=hw/3+0.6; //depth of u/s cut-off
+w=0.5; //width of cut-off
+d2=hw_dis/2+0.6; //deth of d/s cut-off
+d2=2; //keep
+Hs=fsl_u-215.5; //maximum static head
+n=Ge*d2/Hs; //n=1/%pi*(lambda)^0.5;
+//from exit gradient curves we get
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of impervious floor:");
+mprintf("\ntotal length of impervious floor=%i m.;which is divided as-",b);
+mprintf("\nlength below the toe of glacis=10.5 m\nlength of d/s glacis at 2:1 slope=1.2 m.\nwidth of crest=1 m.\nlength of u/s glacis at 1:1 slope=0.5 m.\nu/s floor:balnce=0.8 m.");
+mprintf("\n\npressure calculation:\nupstream cut-off:\npressure =%f percent.",fic1);
+mprintf("\ndownstream cut-off:\npressure=%f percent.",fie2);
+mprintf("\ntoe of glacis:\npressure=%f percent.",p);
+mprintf("\n\nthickness of floor:\nminimu thickness for u/s floor=0.5 m.");
+mprintf("\nthickness under the crest=1 m.");
+mprintf("\nthickness of floor at toe of glacis=%f m.",t);
+mprintf("\nthickness of floor at 2 m from toe of glais=%f m.\nprovide 1.1 m thick floor for next 4 m length",t);
+mprintf("\nthickness of floor at 6 m from toe of glais=%f m.\nprovide 0.9 m thick floor for next 2.5 m length",t);
+mprintf("\nthickness of floor at 8.5 m from toe of glais=%f m.\nprovide 0.7 m thick floor for next 2 m length",t);
+//design of upstream protection
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of u/s protection:\nu/s scour depth=%f m.\nprovide same protection as in cross regulator",d);
+//design of d/s protection
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of d/s protection:\nvolume of inverted filter=%f cubic metre/metre.",v);
+mprintf("\nkeep thickness of concrete block=0.5 m.\nprovide 2 rows of 0.8mx0.8mx0.5m thick concret blocks over 0.5 m thick graded filter.");
+mprintf("\nlaunching apron volume=%f cubic metre/metre.\nprovide 1 m thick launching apron for length of 3.5 m.\nprovide a masonary toe wall 0.4 m wide and 1.2 m deep between filter and launching apron.",cu);