path: root/2087/CH12/EX12.4
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Diffstat (limited to '2087/CH12/EX12.4')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2087/CH12/EX12.4/example12_4.sce b/2087/CH12/EX12.4/example12_4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f688c2648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2087/CH12/EX12.4/example12_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+//example 12.4
+//design a slopeing glacis
+q=10; //maximum discharge intensity on weir crest
+hfl=255; //H.F.L before construction of weir
+rb=249.5; //R.L of river bed
+pl=254; //pond level
+s=1; //heigth of crest shutter
+dhw=251.5; //anticipated downstream water level in river when water is dischrging with pond level upstream
+br=0.5; //bed retrogression
+f=0.9; //Laecey silt factor
+Ge=1/7; //permissible exit gradient
+flux=1; //permissible afflux
+cl=pl-s; //crest level
+mprintf("crest level=%f m.",cl);
+mprintf("\nelevation of u/s T.E.L=%f m.",tel_up);
+mprintf("\nregime scour depth=%f m.",R);
+V=q/R; //regime velocity
+vh=V^2/(2*9.81); //velocity head
+mprintf("\nafflux=%f. which is near to permissible",flux);
+hfl_down=hfl-br; //downstream H.F.L after retrogression
+tel_down=tel_down-br; //downstream T.F.L after retrogression
+Hl=tel_up-tel_down; //loss of head in flood
+mprintf("\nloss of head in at high flood=%f m.",Hl);
+K=pl-cl; //head over crest
+Hl_=pl-dhw; //loss of head
+mprintf("\nloss of head=%f m.",Hl_);
+Ef2_=1.7; //from Blench curve
+jump_=251.5-Ef2_; //level at which jump will form
+D1_=0.15; //calculated from Ef1 and Ef1_ respectively
+D2=3.96;D2_=1.68; //calculated from Ef2 and Ef2_ respectively
+hj_=D2_-D1_; //heigth of jump
+concrete_=5*hj_; //length of concrete floor
+mprintf("\n\nHydraulic jump calculation:");
+mprintf("\nheigth of jump for high flood condition=%f m.",hj);
+mprintf("\nlength of concrete floor for high flood condition=%f m.",concrete);
+mprintf("\nheigth of jump for pond level condition=%f m.",hj_);
+mprintf("\nlength of concrete floor for high pond level condition=%f m.",concrete_);
+cw=2; //crets width
+us=2; //upstream slope
+ds=3; //downstream slope
+mprintf("\n\n upstream slope of glacis=%i:1.",us);
+mprintf("\ndownstream slope of glacis=%i:1.",ds);
+mprintf("\nhorizontal length of floor beyond the toe=%i m..",l);
+mprintf("\nR.L of bottom of upstream sheet pile=%f m.",sh_up);
+mprintf("\nR.L of downstream sheet pile=%f m.",sh_down);
+mprintf("\nprovide intermediate sheet pile at d/s toe of glacis.");
+Hs=pl-249.6; //maximum percolation head
+d=249.6-sh_down; //depth of d/s cut-off
+n=Ge*d/Hs; //n=1/(%pi*lambda^0.5);
+//from khosla exit gradient curve
+mprintf("\n\nlength of impervious floor=%f m.",b);
+mprintf("\nlength of floor already provide=%f m.",fl);
+mprintf("\nwhich is more than required from permissible exit gradient.\nno upstream floor is required.");
+mprintf("\nprovide %f m upstream floor so that total length becomes 36 m.",us);
+alpha_2=0.225; //alpha_=1/alpha
+mprintf("\n\nPressure percent at points:");
+point=['C1' 'D1' 'C2' 'E2' 'D2' 'D3' 'E3'];
+bc=[72 82 31.5 45.5 58.5 29 44];
+crt=[3.1 0 3.5 0 -3.2 0 0 -3.6];
+crs=[0 0 0 0 2.3 0 0 0];
+cri=[3.7 0 6.4 0 -2.4 0 -6.4];
+mprintf("\nPoints Before correction After correction");
+for i=1:7
+ after(i)=bc(i)+crt(i)+crs(i)+cri(i);
+ mprintf("\n%s %i %f",point(i),bc(i),after(i));
+Hs=254-249.6; //no flow condition
+Hs_=256.13-254.5; //high flood condition
+Hs__=254-251.5; //flow at pond level
+mprintf("\n\nelevation of subsoil H.G above datum:");
+mprintf("\nno flow condition:");
+mprintf("\nhigh flood condition:");
+mprintf("\nflow at pond level:");
+mprintf("\n\nPrejump profile:");
+mprintf("\nhigh flood condition:");
+dist=[3 6 8.4]; //distance
+glacis=[252 251 250.32]; //R.L of glacis
+D1=[1.3 1.15 1.03];
+mprintf("\nEf1 D1");
+for i=1:3
+ Ef1(i)=256.25-glacis(i);
+ mprintf("\n%f %f",Ef1(i),D1(i));
+mprintf("\npond level flow:");
+dist=[3 6 9 9.6]; //distance
+glacis=[252 251 250 249.9]; //R.Lof glacis
+D1=[0.31 0.23 0.16 0.15];
+mprintf("\nEf1 D1");
+for i=1:4
+ Ef1(i)=254-glacis(i);
+ mprintf("\n%f %f",Ef1(i),D1(i));
+Uf=4; //unbalanced head for high flood condtion
+Us=2.56; //unbalanced static head
+mprintf("\n\nfloor thickness at the point of formation of hydraulic jump=%f m.",t);
+Uf=2.9; //unbalanced head for high flood condtion
+Us=2.2; //unbalanced static head
+mprintf("\nfloor thickness at the point of formation of hydraulic jump at the pond level condition=%f m.",t);
+P=1.5; //pressure head at d/s end of floor
+mprintf("\n\nfloor thickness at downstream side of sloping glacis=%f m.",t);
+D=rb-sh_up; //depth of u/s scour hole above bed level
+mprintf("\n\nminimum length of upstream launching apron=%f m.",a);
+mprintf("\nprovide 1.5 m thick apron for length of 5 m.");
+mprintf("\n\nminimum length of downstream launching apron=%f m.",a);
+mprintf("\nprovide 1.5 m thick apron for length of 12 m.");