path: root/2087/CH12/EX12.3
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1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2087/CH12/EX12.3/example12_3.sce b/2087/CH12/EX12.3/example12_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4140d389f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2087/CH12/EX12.3/example12_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+//example 12.3
+//design a vertical drop weir on Bligh's theory
+//test floor by Khosla's theory
+Q=2800; //maximum flood discharge
+hfl=285; //H.F.L before construction
+hw=278; //minimum water level
+fsl=284; //F.S.L of canal
+c=12; //coefficient of creep
+flux=1; //allowable afflux
+Ge=1/6; //permissible exit gradient
+rho=2.24; //specific gravity of concrete
+//Hydraulic calculation
+mprintf("Hydraulic calculation:");
+mprintf("\ndischarge per unit width of river=%f cumecs.",q);
+mprintf("\nregime scour depth=%f m.",R);
+V=q/R; //regime velocity
+vh=V^2/(2*9.81); //velocity head
+mprintf("\nactual d/s H.F.L allowing 0.5 m for retrogation=%f m.",hfl_down);
+cl=l_up-K; //crest level
+mprintf("\ncrest level=%f m.",cl);
+pl=fsl+0.5; //pond level
+s=hfl_down-cl; //heigth of shutter
+mprintf("\nheigth of shutter=%f m.",s);
+rl_up_pile=hfl_up-1.5*R; //R.L of bottom u/s pile
+d_up_cut=hw-276; //depth of upstream cut-off
+mprintf("\ndepth of upstream cut-off=%f m.",d_up_cut);
+mprintf("\n provide concrete cut off 2 m depth.");
+Hs=hfl_down-hw; //seepage head
+Hc=cl-hw; //heigth of crest
+mprintf("\nR.L of gates crest=%f m.",Hs);
+mprintf("\nHeigth of crest=%f m.",Hc);
+//design of weir wall
+a=3*d/(2*rho); //from sliding consideration
+a=s+1; //from practical consieration
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of weir wall:")
+mprintf("\nprovide top width of %i m.",a);
+Mo=9.81*Hs^3/6; //overtirning moment
+//equating the moment of resistance to overturning moment and putting the values we get
+//we get b= - 5.5347261 and 5.0219056
+//when weir is submerged
+//from equation of moment of resistence we get
+//we get b= - 10.433085 and 7.4330846
+mprintf("\nbottom width=%i m.",b);
+//design of impervious and pervious aprons
+mprintf("\n\ndesign of impervious and pervious aprons:");
+mprintf("\ntotal creep length=%i m.",L);
+mprintf("\nlength of downstream impervious apron=%i m.",l1_);
+mprintf("\nlength of upstream impervious apron=%i m.",l2);
+mprintf("\ntotal length of d/s apron=%i m.",l3); //calculation is wrong in book
+mprintf('\nprovide filter of length %f m. and launching apron of length %f m.',le,le);
+mprintf("\nthickness of launching apron in horizontal position=%f m.",t);
+mprintf("\nprovide launching apron of thickness 1.5 m.");
+mprintf("\nthickness of apron in horizontal position=%f m.",ta);
+mprintf('\nprovide thickness of %f m from d/s of weir wall to point 6 m from it.',t);
+mprintf("\nprovide thickness of %f m from 6 m to 12 m from d/s end of weir wall.",t);
+mprintf("\nprovide thickness of %f m for rest of length of weir floor.",t);
+//check by khosla's theory
+b=33+8+19; //total horizontal length of impervious floor
+d=7; //depth of downstream pile
+n=0.14; //n=1/%pi*(lambda)^0.5;
+mprintf("\n\ncheck by Khosla theory:");
+mprintf("\nexit gradient=%f. < 1/6\n hence safe",Ge);
+Pc=Hs*fic1/100; //pressure head at C
+fie2=fie2*100-corec_e1-C1; //in book 3.53 value is wrong
+Pe=Hs*fie2/100; //pressue head at E
+//assuming linear variation of pressure for intermediate points
+mprintf("\npressure at d/s of weir wall=%f m.",Pa);
+mprintf("\nthickness at d/s of weir wall=%f m. < thickness by Bligh theory;\nhence safe.",t);
+mprintf("\npressure at 6 m from d/s of weir wall=%f m.",Pb);
+mprintf("\nthickness at 6m from d/s of weir wall=%f m. < thickness by Bligh theory;\nhence safe.",t);
+mprintf("\npressure at 12 m from d/s of weir wall=%f m.",Pc);
+mprintf("\nthickness at 12m from d/s of weir wall=%f m. > thickness by Bligh theory;\nhence unsafe.",t);
+mprintf("\nhence increase th ethickness to 1.9 m for a length of 7 m of impervious floor.");