path: root/1970/CH5/EX5.1/Ch05Exa1.sce
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1970/CH5/EX5.1/Ch05Exa1.sce')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1970/CH5/EX5.1/Ch05Exa1.sce b/1970/CH5/EX5.1/Ch05Exa1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3be2fadc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1970/CH5/EX5.1/Ch05Exa1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// Scilab code Exa5.1 : : Page 203 (2011)
+clc; clear;
+E_a = 8.766; // Energy of the alpha particle, MeV
+A = 212; // Atomic mass of Po-212, amu
+M_a = 4; // Atomic mass of alpha particle, amu
+e = 1.6e-019; // Charge of an electron, coulomb
+Z = 82; // Atomic number of Po-212
+R_0 = 1.4e-015; // Distance of closest approach,metre
+K = 8.99e+09; // Coulomb constant
+E = E_a*A/(A-M_a); // Disintegration energy, mega electron volts
+B_H = 2*Z*e^2*K/(R_0*A^(1/3)*1.6*10^-13); // Barrier height for an alpha particle within the nucleus, MeV
+printf("\nDisintegration energy : %5.3f MeV \nBarrier height for alpha-particle: %5.2f MeV", E,B_H);
+// Result
+// Disintegration energy : 8.935 MeV
+// Barrier height for alpha-particle: 28.26 MeV \ No newline at end of file