path: root/1943/CH8/EX8.3
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1943/CH8/EX8.3')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1943/CH8/EX8.3/Ex8_3.sce b/1943/CH8/EX8.3/Ex8_3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7b9673c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1943/CH8/EX8.3/Ex8_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+//Input data
+tw3=30;//The inlet temperature of water in degree centigrade
+wc=1.15;//Mass flow rate of cooling water in kg per kg air
+tdb1=20;//The dry bulb temperature of air in degree centigrade
+R1=60;//Relative humidity of air while entering in percentage
+tdb2=28;//The dry bulb temperature while leaving in degree centigrade
+R2=90;//Relative humidity of air while leaving in percentage
+tm=20;//The temperature of makeup water in degree centigrade
+Cpc=4.187;//The specific heat of water in kJ/kgK
+G=1;//Mass flow rate of dry air in kg/s
+twb1=15.2;// from psychrometric chart The wet bulb temperature while entering in degree centigrade
+twb2=26.7;// from psychrometric chart The wet bulb temperature while leaving in degree centigrade
+h1=43;//The enthalpy from chart for dry air in kJ/kg dry air
+h2=83.5;//The enthalpy from chart in kJ/kg dry air
+W1=0.0088;//Humidity in kg water vapour/kg dry air
+W2=0.0213;//Humidity in kg water vapour/kg dry air
+hw3=125.8;//Enthalpy of water entering the tower in kJ/kg
+hw=84;//Enthalpy of makeup water in kJ/kg
+hwc=[(G/wc)*[(h2-h1)-(W2-W1)*hw]];//The change in enthalpy of water in kJ/kg
+tw4=tw3-(hwc/Cpc);//The exit temperature of water in degree centigrade
+ta=tw4-twb1;//The approach temperature in degree centigrade
+tr=tw3-tw4;//The range temperature in degree centigrade
+x=G*(W2-W1);//Fraction of water evaporated in kg/kg dry air
+printf(' (a) The temperature of water leaving the tower = %3.1f degree centigrade \n (b) The fraction of water evaporated = %3.4f kg/kg dry air \n (c) The approach of the cooling tower = %3.1f degree centigrade \n The Range of the cooling tower = %3.1f degree centigrade ',tw4,x,ta,tr)