path: root/1943/CH7/EX7.13/Ex7_13.sce
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1943/CH7/EX7.13/Ex7_13.sce')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1943/CH7/EX7.13/Ex7_13.sce b/1943/CH7/EX7.13/Ex7_13.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a2881d8f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1943/CH7/EX7.13/Ex7_13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+//Input data
+V1=600//Velocity in m/s
+a=16//Nozzle angle in degrees
+Vb=120//Mean blade angle in degrees
+b2=18//Exit angle in degrees
+aa1=22//Exit angle in degrees
+b4=36//Exit angle in degrees
+m=5//Steam flow rate in kg/s
+f=0.85//Friction coefficient
+b1=atand((V1*sind(a))/((V1*cosd(a))-Vb))//Exit angle in degrees
+Vr1=((V1*sind(a))/sind(b1))//Velocity in m/s
+Vr2=(f*Vr1)//Velocity in m/s
+a1=atand((Vr2*sind(b2))/((Vr2*cosd(b2))-Vb))//Angle in degrees
+V2=((Vr2*sind(b2))/sind(a1))//Velocity in m/s
+V3=(f*V2)//Velocity in m/s
+dVw1=(Vr1*cosd(b1))+(Vr2*cosd(b2))//Velocity in m/s
+dVa1=(V1*sind(a))-(V2*sind(a1))//Velocity in m/s
+b3=atand((V3*sind(aa1))/((V3*cosd(aa1))-Vb))//Angle in degrees
+Vr3=((V3*sind(aa1))/sind(b3))//Velocity in m/s
+Vr4=(f*Vr3)//velocity in m/s
+dVw2=(Vr3*cosd(b3))+(Vr4*cosd(b4))//Velocity in m/s
+dVa2=(V3*sind(aa1))-(Vr4*sind(b4))//Velocity in m/s
+udVw=(dVw1+dVw2)//Total velocity in m/s
+udVa=(dVa1+dVa2)//Total velocity in m/s
+Pt=(m*udVw*10^-3)//tangential thrust in kN
+Pa=(m*udVa*10^-3)//Axial thrust in kN
+WD=(Pt*Vb)//Power developed in kW
+nd=((2*udVw*Vb)/V1^2)*100//Diagram efficiency in percent
+printf('(a) the tangential thrust is %3.3f kW \n (b) Axial thrust is %3.2f kN \n (c) Power developed is %3.2f kW \n (d) Diagram efficiency is %3.2f percent',Pt,Pa,WD,nd)