path: root/1943/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '1943/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1943/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce b/1943/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dfacec0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1943/CH4/EX4.6/Ex4_6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+//Input data
+C2H6=22.6;//The amount of gas present in the fuel gas according to volumetric analysis of fuel gas by volume in %
+CH4=73.6;//The amount of gas present in the fuel gas according to volumetric analysis of fuel gas by volume in %
+CO2=2.4;//The amount of gas present in the fuel gas according to volumetric analysis of fuel gas by volume in %
+N2=1.4;//The amount of gas present in the fuel gas according to volumetric analysis of fuel gas by volume in %
+E=0.25;//Assuming combustion air to be dry and in excess
+t=260;//The temperature for the total gas volume for complete combustion in degree centigrade
+p=1.013;//The pressure for the total gas volume for complete combustion in bar
+Mch=30;//Molecular weight of C2H6
+Mc=16;//Molecular weight of CH4
+Mco=44;//Molecular weight of CO2
+Mn=28;//Molecular weight of N2
+Mo=32;//Molecular weight of O2
+Mh=18;//Molecular weight of H2O
+x=100;//Assuming 100 moles of fuel gas
+Mf=[(C2H6/100)*Mch]+[(CH4/100)*Mc]+[(N2/100)*Mn]+[(CO2/100)*Mco];//Molecular weight of fuel gas
+Ma=[(226.3*(Mo+(3.76*Mn))*(1+E))]/28.96;//Moles of air supplied
+Mc=1440;//Moles of combustion gas from the equation
+Mr=x+Ma+Mc;//Total reaction molecules
+Mwc=[(121.2*Mco)+(215*Mh)+(56.6*Mo)+(1065.4*Mn)]/Mc;//Molecular weight of combustion gas in kg/kgmol
+Mt=Mc/(x*20);//Total number of moles of combustion gas per kg fuel gas
+VG=Mt*22.4*[(273+t)/273];//Volume of combustion products per kg fuel gas
+CO21=(121.2/(121.2+56.6+1065.4))*100;//Gas analysis of CO2 by volume
+O21=(56.6/1243.2)*100;//Gas analysis of O2 by volume
+N2=(1065.4/1243.2)*100;//Gas analysis of N2 by volume
+printf('(a)The molecular weight of the combustion products M = %3.2f kg/kg mol \n (b) The total gas volume for complete combustion at 260 degree centigrade and 1.013 bar is %3.2f m^3/kg fuel \n (c)The dry flue gas analysis on \n carbondioxide = %3.1f percent \n oxygen = %3.1f percent \n nitrogen = %3.1f percent ',Mwc,VG,CO21,O21,N2)