path: root/1943/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '1943/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1943/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce b/1943/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce
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index 000000000..d4098f1d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1943/CH4/EX4.4/Ex4_4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+//Input data
+C=61;//The mass of carbon present in the coal according to coal analysis on mass basis in %
+H=4;//The mass of hydrogen present in the coal according to coal analysis on mass basis in %
+O=3;//The mass of oxygen present in the coal according to coal analysis on mass basis in %
+N=2;//The mass of nitrogen present in the coal according to coal analysis on mass basis in %
+S=1;//The mass of sulphur present in the coal according to coal analysis on mass basis in %
+M=4;//The mass of moisture present in the coal according to coal analysis on mass basis in %
+A=25;//The mass of ash present in the coal according to coal analysis on mass basis in %
+HHV=24.3;//The high heating value of the coal i.e energy released by complete combustion of 1 kg fuel in MJ/kg
+CO2=12;//The amount of carbondioxide by volume according to dry flue gas analysis in %
+CO=1.5;//The amount of carbonmonoxide by volume according to dry flue gas analysis in %
+O2=7;//The amount of oxygen by volume according to dry flue gas analysis in %
+N2=79.5;//The amount of nitrogen by volume according to dry flue gas analysis in %
+Te=170;//Exhaust gas temperature in degree centigrade
+L=0.03;//Energy loss other than dry exhaust loss and incomplete combustion is 3% of HHV
+R=150;//Steam generation rate in t/h
+Po=100;//Steam condition at boiler outlet in bar
+To=500;//Steam condition at boiler outlet in degree centigrade
+Ti=160;//Feed water inlet temperature in degree centigrade
+HCO2=33083;//Heat of reaction in kJ/kg carbon
+HCO=9500;//Heat of reaction in kJ/kg carbon
+cp=1.05;//Heat capacity of dry flue gas (dfg) in kJ/kgK
+Ta=30;//The ambient temperature of air in degree centigrade
+Mc=44;//Molecular weight of Carbondioxide
+Mco=28;//Molecular weight of carbonmonoxide
+Mo=32;//Molecular weight of oxygen
+Mn=28;//Molecular weight of nitrogen
+Mx=12;//Molecular weight of carbon
+h1=3373.7;//Enthalpy at 100 bar and 500 degree centigrade in kJ/kg
+hf=675.55;//Enthalpy at 160 degree centigrade in kJ/kg
+hg=2724.7;//Enthalpy at 100 bar in kJ/kg
+Mdfg=([(C/100)*[(Mc*(CO2/100))+(Mco*(CO/100))+(Mo*(N2/100))]]/[Mx*[(CO2/100)+(CO/100)]]);//Mass of dry flue gas produced per kg of fuel in kg
+Ed=Mdfg*cp*(Te-Ta);//Energy loss due to dry exhaust gas in kJ/kg fuel
+//Since Mdfg is 11.73kg through sciab calculation, there is a variation in Ed value and Ei value
+Ei=[(Mdfg)*(HCO2-HCO)*(Mx/Mco)]*[(Mco*(CO/100))/[(Mc*(CO2/100))+(Mco*(CO/100))+(Mo*(O2/100))+(Mco*(N2/100))]];//Energy loss due to incomplete combustion in kJ/kg fuel
+El=L*HHV;//Energy loss other than dry exhaust loss and incomplete combustion loss in MJ/kg fuel
+TEl=(Ed/1000)+(Ei/1000)+El;//Total energy loss in MJ/kg fuel
+Be=[(HHV-TEl)/(HHV)]*100;//Boiler efficiency in %
+Wf=([(R*1000)*(h1-hf)]/((Be/100)*HHV*1000))/3600;//The fuel burning rate in kg/s
+Wth=(11.5*(C/100))+(34.5*[(H/100)-(O/800)])+(4.3*(S/100));//Thearetical air required per kg of fuel in kg
+WA=[[(3.04*(N2/100)*(C/100))]/[(CO2/100)+(CO/100)]]-[(N/100)*(1/0.768)];//Actual air supplied per kg of fuel in kg
+per=[(WA-Wth)/Wth]*100;//Percentage excess air used in %
+pea=[(h1-hg)/(h1-hf)]*100;//Percentage of energy absorbed in the superheater
+printf('(a)The amount of dry flue gas produced per kg fuel = %3.2f kg \n (b)The dry exhaust loss = %3.1f kJ/kg fuel and incomplete combustion loss per kg fuel = %3.2f kJ/kg fuel \n (c)The boiler efficiency = %3.2f percentage \n (d) THe fuel burning rate = %3.3f kg/s \n (e)The percentage of excess air used = %3.2f percentage \n (f) The percentage of energy absorbed in the superheater = %3.2f percentage',Mdfg,Ed,Ei,Be,Wf,per,pea)