path: root/1394/CH21
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1394/CH21')
5 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1394/CH21/EX21.1.2/Ex21_1_2.sce b/1394/CH21/EX21.1.2/Ex21_1_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..11725ad9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1394/CH21/EX21.1.2/Ex21_1_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//initialization of variables
+Tdisc = 30 // Centigrade
+T = 21 // Centigrade
+T0 = 18 // Centigrade
+R0 = 1.5 // cm
+V = 1000 // cc
+t = 3600 //seconds
+Nu = 0.082 //cm^2/sec
+omeg = 2*%pi*10/60 //sec^-1
+k = -V*(log((Tdisc-T)/(Tdisc-T0)))/(%pi*(R0^2)*t)// k = h/d*cp cm/sec
+alpha = ((1/0.62)*(k)*(Nu^(1/6))*(omeg^(-0.5)))^1.5 // cm^2/sec
+printf("the value of thermal diffusivity is %.1e cm^2/sec",alpha)
diff --git a/1394/CH21/EX21.3.1/Ex21_3_1.sce b/1394/CH21/EX21.3.1/Ex21_3_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dbd8ffa2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1394/CH21/EX21.3.1/Ex21_3_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//initialization of variables
+d =1000 // kg/m^3
+h = 30 // W/m^2-C-sec
+Hvap = 2300*10^3 // J/kg
+T = 75 // C
+Ti = 31 // C
+l = 0.04 // m
+epsilon = 0.36
+c = 3600 // sec/hr
+t1 = (Hvap/h)*(1/(T-Ti))*(l*epsilon*d)// sec
+t = t1/c // in hr
+printf("The time taken for drying is %.f hr",t)// answer wrong in textbook
diff --git a/1394/CH21/EX21.3.2/Ex21_3_2.sce b/1394/CH21/EX21.3.2/Ex21_3_2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e5c630c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1394/CH21/EX21.3.2/Ex21_3_2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//intialization of variables
+d = 100*10^-4 // cm
+v = 10^-3// cm/sec
+nu = 0.2 // cm^2/sec
+DS = 0.3 // cm^2/sec
+DG = 3*10^-7 // cm^2/sec
+H = 4.3*10^-4 // at 60 degree centigrade
+kG = (2+(0.6*((d*v/nu)^0.5)*((nu/DS)^(1/3))))*DS/d// cm/sec
+k = kG*H
+t = 30*DG/k^2
+printf("The mass transfer coefficient is %.5f cm/sec",k)
+printf("\nTHe time needed to dry the particle is %.6f sec",t)
+//Answer wrong in textbook starting from kG
diff --git a/1394/CH21/EX21.4.1/Ex21_4_1.sce b/1394/CH21/EX21.4.1/Ex21_4_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..234bacda9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1394/CH21/EX21.4.1/Ex21_4_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//initialization of variables
+slope = 230 //J/g-mol-C
+nair = 60 // gmol/cm^2-sec
+CpH2O = 75 // J/gmol-C
+f = 0.4 // Correction factor
+F = 2150/(60*0.018)//gmol/m^2-sec
+kc= 20/3
+a = 3 // m^2/m^3
+k = 2.7 // integral of dH/Hi-H with limits Hout and Hin
+nH2Omax = slope*nair/CpH2O//gmol/m^2-sec
+nH2O = nH2Omax*(1-f) //gmol/m^2-sec
+A = F/nH2O // m^2
+l = (nair/(kc*a))*k // m
+printf("The flow rate of the water per tower cross section is %.f gmol H2O/m^2-sec",nH2O)
+printf("\nThe area of tower cross section is %.f m^2",A)
+printf("\nThe length of the tower is %.1f m",l)
diff --git a/1394/CH21/EX21.5.1/Ex21_5_1.sce b/1394/CH21/EX21.5.1/Ex21_5_1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d1cff006c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1394/CH21/EX21.5.1/Ex21_5_1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//initialization of variables
+A = 0.01 // cm^2
+l = 1 // cm
+VA = 3 // cc
+VB = 3 // cc
+alphagas = 0.29
+alphaliquid = -1.3
+x1 = 0.5
+x2 = 0.5
+deltaT = 50 // Kelvin Thot-Tcold = 50
+Tavg = 298 // kelvin
+Dgas = 0.3 // cm^2/sec
+Dliquid = 10^-5 // cm^2/sec
+deltaY = alphagas*x1*x2*deltaT/Tavg // Y1hot-Y1cold = DeltaY
+deltaX = alphaliquid*x1*x2*deltaT/Tavg// X1hot-X1cold = DeltaX
+Beta = (A/l)*((1/VA)+(1/VB))//cm^-2
+BetaDgasinverse = 1/(Beta*Dgas)// sec
+BetaDliquidinverse = (1/(Beta*Dliquid))/(365*24*60*60)
+printf("The seperation achieved for gas is %.3f",deltaY)
+printf("\nThe seperation achieved for liquid is %.2f",deltaY)
+printf("\nThe time taken for seperation for gas will be %.f seconds",BetaDgasinverse)
+printf("\nThe time taken for seperation for liquid will be %.1f year",BetaDliquidinverse)