path: root/1364
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1364')
3 files changed, 54 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/1364/CH14/EX14.1.2/14_1_2.sce b/1364/CH14/EX14.1.2/14_1_2.sce
index 1ea213647..66c8b5db7 100755
--- a/1364/CH14/EX14.1.2/14_1_2.sce
+++ b/1364/CH14/EX14.1.2/14_1_2.sce
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-//initialisation of variables
-w= 48 //ft/sec
-u= 60 //ft/sec
-g= 32.2 //ft/sec^2
-hm= 5.5 //ft
-Ws= 100 //ft
-Wi= 94.5 //ft
-hc= 21 //ft
-hi= 5 //ft
-Wo= w*u/g
-nm= 1-(h/Ws)
-nh= 1-((hc+hi)/Wi)
-no= nm*nh
-printf (' Hydraulic efficiency= %.3f ',nh)
-printf (' \n Hydraulic efficiency= %.3f ',no)
+//initialisation of variables
+w= 48 //ft/sec
+u= 60 //ft/sec
+g= 32.2 //ft/sec^2
+hm= 5.5 //ft
+Ws= 100 //ft
+Wi= 94.5 //ft
+hc= 21 //ft
+hi= 5 //ft
+Wo= w*u/g
+nm= 1-(hi/Ws)
+nh= 1-((hc+hi)/Wi)
+no= nm*nh
+printf (' Hydraulic efficiency= %.3f ',nh)
+printf (' \n Hydraulic efficiency= %.3f ',no) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1364/CH14/EX14.3.4/14_3_4.sce b/1364/CH14/EX14.3.4/14_3_4.sce
index b56eb2ce8..7780d9b29 100755
--- a/1364/CH14/EX14.3.4/14_3_4.sce
+++ b/1364/CH14/EX14.3.4/14_3_4.sce
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
-//initialisation of variables
-w= 1000 //rev
-r= 1 //ft
-Q= 2000 //ft^3
-wa= 0.07
-w1= 62.3 //lbf/ft^3
-u= w*r*2*%pi/60
-q= Q/(60*%pi)
-H= (u^2/g)*(1+(q/u)*cotd(35))
-l= H/4
-Ha= H-l
-Hv= (u^2/(2*g))*(1+(q/u)*cotd(35))^2
-Hva= Hv-78
-Hpa= Ha-145
-p= wa*Hpa*12/w1
-printf (' gain in pressure= %.2f in of water',p)
+//initialisation of variables
+w= 1000 //rev
+r= 1 //ft
+g= 32.2 //ft/sec^2
+Q= 2000 //ft^3
+wa= 0.07
+w1= 62.3 //lbf/ft^3
+u= w*r*2*%pi/60
+q= Q/(60*%pi)
+H= (u^2/g)*(1+(q/u)*cotd(35))
+l= H/4
+Ha= H-l
+Hv= (u^2/(2*g))*(1+(q/u)*cotd(35))^2
+Hva= Hv-78
+Hpa= Ha-145
+p= wa*Hpa*12/w1
+printf (' gain in pressure= %.2f in of water',p) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1364/CH7/EX7.4.2/7_4_2.sce b/1364/CH7/EX7.4.2/7_4_2.sce
index 4c8dc8e2d..d25c37153 100755
--- a/1364/CH7/EX7.4.2/7_4_2.sce
+++ b/1364/CH7/EX7.4.2/7_4_2.sce
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
-//initialisation of variables
-a= 60 //degrees
-a1= 15 //degrees
-a2= 45 //degrees
-w= 600 //rev/min
-d= 2 //ft
-r= 1 //ft
-v= r*10*2*%pi
-vr= sind(a)*v
-vc= vr/2
-pbyw= -(vc^2*2-vr^2)/(2*g)
-printf (' kinetic head change = %.f ft',pbyw)
+//initialisation of variables
+g= 32.2 //ft/sec^2
+a= 60 //degrees
+a1= 15 //degrees
+a2= 45 //degrees
+w= 600 //rev/min
+d= 2 //ft
+r= 1 //ft
+v= r*10*2*%pi
+vr= sind(a)*v
+vc= vr/2
+pbyw= -(vc^2*2-vr^2)/(2*g)
+printf (' kinetic head change = %.f ft',pbyw) \ No newline at end of file