path: root/1208/CH8
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1208/CH8')
13 files changed, 537 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.1/Exa1.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.1/Exa1.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c5345ca49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.1/Exa1.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//given data :
+CostOfProduction=1850;//in Rs.
+NormalLoss=10//in %
+ActualLoss=150;//in Units
+ScrapValue=50;//in Paise/unit
+NLoss=Production*NormalLoss/100;//in Units
+UnitsProduced=Production-NLoss;//in Units
+CostPerUnit=(CostOfProduction-50*10^-2*NLoss)/UnitsProduced;//in Rs.
+AbnormalLoss=ActualLoss-NLoss;//in Units
+CostOfAbnormalLoss=AbnormalLoss*CostPerUnit;//in Rs.
+disp("Process account : ");
+disp("Production in Units = "+string(Production)+" Amount in Rs. "+string(CostOfProduction));
+disp("By Normal Loss = "+string(NLoss)+" Amount in Rs. "+string(NLoss*ScrapValue*10^-2));
+disp("By Finished Goods = "+string(Production-ActualLoss)+" Amount in Rs. "+string(CostPerUnit*(Production-ActualLoss)));
+disp("Abnormal Loss Account : ");
+disp("To Process Account in Units = "+string(AbnormalLoss)+" Amount in Rs. "+string(CostPerUnit*AbnormalLoss));
+disp("By Scrap Value = "+string(AbnormalLoss)+" Amount in Rs. "+string(AbnormalLoss*ScrapValue*10^-2));
+disp("By Costing Profit and Loss A/c "+" Amount in Rs. "+string(AbnormalLoss*ScrapValue*10^-2+NLoss*ScrapValue*10^-2));
+disp("Total Amount in Rs."+string(25+75)); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.10/Exa10.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.10/Exa10.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c11175813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.10/Exa10.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+disp("As spoilage occurs during process, its cost will be charged both to the complete production and the closing inventory.");
+disp(" Element Units Material Labour Overhead");
+disp(" Kgs. Kgs. Kg.");
+disp(" Rs. Rs. Rs.");
+disp("Current process accoount 27000 50000 40000");
+disp("Process cost per unit 2.5 5 4");
+disp("Closing Inventory 125000 5000 4000");
+disp("Cost of material transfered to the second process :");
+Opening_Inventory=10000;//in Rs
+Process_Cost=117500;//in Rs
+Closing_Inventory=21500;//in Rs
+disp(Opening_Inventory + Process_Cost - Closing_Inventory,"Cost of material transfered to the second process= Rs.")
+disp(5000*2.5,"Material =Rs. ");
+disp(5000*5*20/100,"Labour =Rs. ");
+disp(5000*4*20/100,"Overhead =Rs. ");
+disp(5000*2.5+5000*5*20/100+5000*4*20/100,"Total= Rs. ")
+disp("(b) It spoilage occurs at the end of the process, its cost will be charged only to the finished production and not to the closing inventory.");
+disp("The calculation will be as follows : ");
+disp("Effective Units Material Labour Overhead");
+disp("From: ")
+disp("Opening inventory 0 3000 3000");
+disp("Current input 7000 7000 7000");
+disp("Total complete units 7000 10000 10000");
+disp("Closing inventory 5000 1000 1000");
+disp("Effective units 12000 11000 11000");
+disp("Process cost Rs. 27500 Rs. 50000 Rs. 40000");
+disp("Process cost per unit 2.29 4.55 3.63");
+disp("Closing inventory Rs.");
+disp("Material 5000 x Rs.2.29 =11450");
+disp("Labour 5000 x Rs.4.55 x 20% =4550");
+disp("Overhead 5000 x Rs.3.63 x 20% =3630");
+disp(" =Rs. 19630 ");
+disp(10000+117500-19630,"Cost of materials transfered to second process= Rs. "); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.11/Exa11.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.11/Exa11.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d103c3f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.11/Exa11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+disp("Dr. Process A A/c Cr.");
+disp(" Amount Amount");
+disp(" Rs. Rs. ");
+disp("To Material Consumed 2000 By closing Stock 1000");
+disp("To Labour 3000 By Process B(o/p Transfered) 5000");
+disp("To Profit(20% on transfer price) *1000")
+ disp(" 6000 6000");
+disp("Dr. Process B A/c Cr.");
+disp(" Amount Amount");
+disp(" Rs. Rs. ");
+disp("To Process A(Transfer of o/p) 5000 By closing Stock 2000 ")
+disp("To Material 3000 By Process C(o/p Transfered) 10000");
+disp("To Labour 2000");
+disp("To Profit(20% on transfer price) *2000")
+disp(" 12000 12000");
+disp("Dr. Process C A/c Cr.");
+disp(" Amount Amount");
+disp(" Rs. Rs. ");
+disp("To Process B(Transfer of o/p) 10000 By closing Stock 3000 ")
+disp("To Material 1000 By Finished stock(o/p Transfered) 15000");
+disp("To Labour 4000");
+disp("To Profit(20% on transfer price) *3000")
+disp(" 18000 18000");
+disp("") ;
+disp("Finished Stock Accouont");
+disp(" Amount Amount");
+disp(" Rs. Rs. ");
+disp("To Process C(Output Recieved) 15000 By Sales 18000 ")
+disp("To Profit 5000 By Closing Stock 2000");
+disp(" 20000 18000"); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.12/Exa12.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.12/Exa12.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..22f66ae0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.12/Exa12.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+disp("Process (i) Account");
+disp(" Tons Amount Tons Amount");
+disp("To Raw material 1000 200000 By weight lost 50");
+disp("To Mfg. wages & expenses 87500 By Scrap 50 2500");
+disp("To profit 9960 By Sales 300 105000");
+disp(" By transfer to process ii 600 189960");
+disp(" 1000 297460 1000 297460");
+disp("Process (ii) Account");
+disp(" Tons Amount Tons Amount");
+disp("To transfer from process i 6000 189960 By weight lost 60");
+disp("To Mfg. wages & expenses 39500 By Scrap 30 1500");
+disp("To profit 13525 By Sales 255 127500");
+disp(" By transfer to process ii 255 113985");
+disp(" 1000 297460 600 242985");
+disp("Process (iiI) Account");
+disp(" Tons Amount Tons Amount");
+disp("To transfer from process ii 255 113895 By weight lost 51");
+disp("To Mfg. wages & expenses 10710 By Scrap 51 2550");
+disp("To profit 255 By Sales 153 122400");
+disp(" 255 124950 255 124950");
+disp("Statement of Profit : ");
+disp("Profit as per process i 9960");
+disp("Profit as per process ii 13525");
+disp("Profit as per process iii 255");
+disp("Total Profit 23740");
+disp("Less: Management Expenses 17500");
+disp("Less: Selling Expenses 10000 27500");
+disp(" Net Loss 3760"); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.13/Exa13.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.13/Exa13.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..81a57ccf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.13/Exa13.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+disp("Unit Operation cost");
+disp(" % of rejects labour cost per 100");
+disp(" to the o/p Ratio/100 for on o/p of each ");
+disp(" of each cost of final Labour cost operation 7/2 % % ");
+disp("Operation Input Rejects Output operation % Output");
+disp(" 1 6000 1500 4500 33.33 200 10800 180 240 360");
+disp(" 2 5625 375 5250 7.14 150 7875 140 150 210");
+disp(" 3 5250 375 4875 7.69 140 13650 260 280 364 ");
+disp(" 4 6500 500 6000 8.33 130 7800 120 130 156");
+disp(" 5 4800 800 4000 20 120 4800 100 120 120");
+disp(" 100 44925 800 920 1210");
+disp("On output of each operation=7/4");
+disp("On final output of each operation=(8*6)/100");
+disp("(a.) Column 6 indicates the numbers of units to be put in hand in each operation so that at the end of the final operation,100 good units are obtained. Thus in this case, 200 units would be the input to obtain 100 units of good output at the end of the 5th operation. ");
+disp(round(100+100*20/100),"Output 5 = ");
+disp(round(120+120*8.33/100),"Output 4 = ");
+disp(round(130+130*7.69/100),"Output 3 = ");
+disp(round(140+140*7.14/100),"Output 2 = ");
+disp(round(150+150*33.33/100),"Output 1 = ");
+disp(1210-800,"(b.) The labour cost of waste per 100 units =");
+disp("(c.) The work in progress can be computed as follows: work in progress at the end of ");
+disp("Operation No. 1 = units in progress*(240)/100");
+disp("Operation No. 2 = units in progress*(240+150+240*7.14/100)/100");
+disp("Operation No. 3 = units in progress*(407.14+280+407.14*7.69/100)/100");
+disp("Operation No. 4 = units in progress*(718.46+130+718.46*8.33/100)/100");
+disp("Operation No. 5 = units in progress*(908.34+60+908.34*20/100)/100");
+disp("Valuation of work in progress");
+disp("Stage(at the end of) components Value per 100 units Total Value");
+disp("OPeration Rs Rs");
+disp(" 1. 1000 240 2400");
+disp(" 2. 500 407.14 2035.70");
+disp(" 3. 750 718.46 5388.45");
+disp(" 4. 1000 908.34 9083.40");
+disp(" 5. 500 1210 6050"); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.2/Exa2.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.2/Exa2.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..aa34340d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.2/Exa2.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//given data :
+//Work-in-process on Jan 1, 40% complete
+ProcessDuringMonth=20000;//in Units
+TransferedNextProcess=18000//in Units
+//Work-in-process on Jan 31, 50% complete
+disp("Opening Inventory of work-in-process Equivalent Units : "+string(WorkComplete*60/100));
+disp("No. of units completed during the month :");
+disp("Units Put into process "+string(ProcessDuringMonth));
+disp("LESS: Units not completed "+string(WorkComplete31jan));
+disp("Closing stock of work-in-process "+string(ProcessDuringMonth-WorkComplete31jan));
+disp("50% completed during the month = 500");
+disp("Equivalent Production = 1080+19000+500 = 20580"); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.3/Exa3.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.3/Exa3.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ae8426751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.3/Exa3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+//given data :
+MaterialsCost=1800;//in Rs.
+LabourCost=1700;//in Rs.
+Overhead=500;//in Rs.
+TotalCost=MaterialsCost+LabourCost+Overhead;//in Rs.
+MaterialsPurchaseCost=37500;//in Rs.
+WagesAmounted=39900;//in Rs.
+OverheadAmounted=10640;//in Rs.
+ActualMaterialCost=34250;//in Rs.
+FinishedProduction=1250;//in Units
+work_in_processInventory=250;//in Units
+disp("Statement of Production : ");
+disp("(Given in form of table below)");
+disp(" Units Incomplete Material Labour Overhead Total");
+disp("Opening Inventory(to be completed 60%) 200 60% 120 120 120");
+disp("Input 1300 100% 1300 1300 1300");
+disp(" 1420 1420 1420");
+disp("LESS : Closing Stock 250 20% 50");
+disp(" 40% 100 100");
+disp(" 1370 1320 1320");
+disp("Current Cost 34250 39900 10640");
+disp("Current Cost per unit 25 30.23 8.06 63.29");
+disp("Cost of opening work-in-process for completion(200 units)");
+MaterialsToComplete=120*25;//in Rs.
+LabourToComplete=120*30.23;//in Rs.
+OverheadsToComplete=120*25;//in Rs.
+Total=MaterialsToComplete+floor(LabourToComplete)+floor(OverheadsToComplete);//in Rs.
+//Work-in-process as on 1st Jun
+WorkInJun=4000;//in Rs.
+CurrentProduction=(1250-200)*63.29;//in Rs.
+//Cost of Work-in-process 30th Jun(250 Units)
+MaterialC=200*25;//in Rs.
+LabourC=150*30.23;//in Rs.
+OverheadC=150*8.06;//in Rs.
+disp("Cost of Work-in-process 30th Jun(250 Units) : ");
+disp("Costs for:");
+disp("Material : "+string(MaterialC));
+disp("Labour : "+string(LabourC));
+disp("Overhead : "+string(OverheadC));
+disp("Process Cost Sheet(Given in Tabularr form below) : ");
+disp("Statement of Production : ");
+disp("(Given in form of table below)");
+disp("Particulars Units completion Total Cost Cost Per Unit");
+disp("Opening Work-in-Process");
+disp("Materials 200 40% 1800");
+disp("Labour 1700");
+disp("Overhead 500 4000");
+disp("Input added : ");
+disp("Materials 1300 34250");
+disp("Labour 39900");
+disp("Overhead 10640 84790");
+disp(" 88790")
+disp("LESS : Closing work-in-process 250");
+disp("Materials 80% 5000");
+disp("Labour 60% 4534");
+disp("Overhead 60% 1209 10743 43.00");
+disp("Cost of Production 1250 100% 78047 62.44")
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.4/Exa4.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.4/Exa4.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..974873094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.4/Exa4.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+//given data :
+OpeningStock=10000;//in Units
+MaterialsCost=2250;//in Rs.
+Wages=650;//in Rs.
+Overhead=400;//in Rs.
+UnitsIntroduced=40000;//in Units
+MaterialsCost1=9250;//in Rs.
+Wages1=4600;//in Rs.
+Overhead1=3100;//in Rs.
+disp("Calculation of Equivalent Production")
+disp("(Given in form of table below)");
+disp(" Units Materials Labour and Overhead");
+disp("Opening Work-in-Process 10000 10000 10000");
+disp("Units started and finished 20000 20000 20000");
+disp("Closing work-in-process 20000 20000 5000");
+disp("Material 100% complete labour and overhead 25%")
+disp("Effective Units 50000 50000 35000")
+disp("Cost of Equivalent Units under the average cost method : ");
+disp("Element Opening Cost Cost put in Total Cost Equivalent Production Cost Per Unit");
+disp("Material 2250 9250 11500 50000 0.23 ");
+disp("Wages 650 4600 5250 35000 0.15 ");
+disp("Overhead 400 3100 3500 35000 0.10");
+disp(" 3300 16950 20250 0.48")
+//Valuation of work-in-process(20000 Units
+//let material 100% complete = M1
+M1=20000*0.3;//in Rs.
+//let labour 25% complete = L1
+L1=5000*0.15;//in Rs.
+//let Overhead 25% complete = O1
+O1=5000*0.10;//in Rs.
+//Total T1
+T1=M1+L1+O1;//in Rs
+////cost of finished goods
+// let material M2, Labour L2 and Overgead O2
+M2=30000*0.30;//in Rs.
+L2=30000*0.15;//in Rs.
+O2=30000*0.10;//in Rs.
+//Total T2
+T2=M2+L2+O2;//in Rs.
+disp("Process account : ");
+disp("Particulars amount Particulars amount");
+disp("Opening stock 3000 completed and transfered 14400 ");
+disp("Material 9250 closing stock(work-in-process) 5850");
+disp("Wages 4600");
+disp("Overhead 3100");
+disp(" 20250 20250");
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.5/Exa5.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.5/Exa5.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4427bf1e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.5/Exa5.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+disp("Process No.1");
+disp(" Cost per article Total Cost Cost per article Total Cost");
+disp("To materials 62.50 15000 By Process No.2 Account 27600");
+disp("To Labour 33.34 8000 (Output Transfered) 115.00");
+disp("To Direct Expenses 10.83 2600 ");
+disp("To Indirect Expenses 8.33 2000");
+disp(" 115.00 27600 115.00 27860");
+disp("Process No.2");
+disp(" Cost per article Total Cost Cost per article Total Cost");
+disp("To Process No.1 Account 115.00 27600 By Process No.3 Account 270.00 64800")
+disp("To materials 20.83 5000");
+disp("To Labour 83.33 2000");
+disp("To Direct Expenses 30.00 7200");
+disp("To Indirect Expenses 20.84 5000");
+disp(" 270.00 84800 270.00 64800");
+disp("Process No.3");
+disp(" Cost per article Total Cost Cost per article Total Cost");
+disp("To Process No.2 Account 270.00 64800 By Finished Stock Account 320.00 76800")
+disp("To materials 8.33 2000");
+disp("To Labour 25.00 6000");
+disp("To Direct Expenses 10.42 2500");
+disp("To Indirect Expenses 6.25 1500");
+disp(" 320.00 76800 320.00 76800");
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.6/Exa6.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.6/Exa6.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b5fbce82c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.6/Exa6.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+disp("Copra Crushing Process Account");
+disp("Particulars Tons Amount Particulars Tons Amount");
+disp("To Copra Used 500 200000 By sale of copra residue 175 11000");
+disp("Labour 2500 By Loss 25");
+disp("Electric Power 600 Sale of copra sacks 400");
+disp("Sundry Mateials 100 Cost of crude oil");
+disp("Repairs to Machinery 280 Rs. 646.67 per ton 300 194000");
+disp("Steam 600");
+disp("Factory Expenses 1320");
+disp(" 500 205400 500 205400");
+disp("Refining Process Account");
+disp("Particulars Tons Amount Particulars Tons Amount");
+disp("To Copra oil 300 194000 By sale of by-products 45 6750");
+disp("Labour 1000 By Loss 5");
+disp("Electric Power 360 cost of refining oil");
+disp("Sundry Mateials 2000 Rs. 768.2 per ton 250 192050");
+disp("Repairs to Machinery 330");
+disp("Steam 450");
+disp("Factory Expenses 660");
+disp(" 300 198800 300 198800");
+disp("Finishing Process Account");
+disp("Particulars Tons Amount Particulars Tons Amount");
+disp("To Refining Process 250 192050 By Loss 2");
+disp("Labour 1500 cost of finished oil");
+disp("Electric Power 240 Rs.784.68 per ton 248 194600");
+disp("Repairs to Machinery 140");
+disp("Steam 450");
+disp("Factory Expenses 220");
+disp(" 250 194600 250 198800");
+disp("Finisheed stock account");
+disp(" Tons Amount Tons Amount");
+disp("To finishing process 248 194600 To balance at Rs. 914.2 202100");
+disp("To cost of casks 7500");
+disp(" 202100 202100"); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.7/Exa7.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.7/Exa7.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..31a195acc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.7/Exa7.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+disp("Process A Account");
+disp("Particulars Units Rupees Particulars Units Rupees");
+disp("To units issued at Rs. 1 10000 10000 By normal wastage 3% of 10000 300 75");
+disp("per unit units sold at 25 Paisa/unit");
+disp("To sundry materials 1000 By Abnormal wastage 200 350");
+disp("To labour 5000 By process B output transfered 9500 16625");
+disp("To Direct Expenses 1050");
+disp(" 10000 17050 10000 17050");
+disp("Process B Account");
+disp("Particulars Units Rupees Particulars Units Rupees");
+disp("To Process A (output recd.) 9500 16625 By normal wastage 5% of 9500");
+disp(" units sold at 50 Paisa/unit 475 238");
+disp("To sundry materials 1500 By process (output transf.) 9100 27300");
+disp("To wages 8000");
+disp("To Direct Expenses 1188");
+disp("To Abnormal Effective or ");
+disp("Abnormal gains 75 225")
+disp(" 9575 27538 9575 27538");
+disp("Process C Account");
+disp("Particulars Units Rupees Particulars Units Rupees");
+disp("To Process B (output recd.) 9100 27300 By normal wastage 8% of 9100");
+disp(" units sold at Rs. 1/unit 728 728");
+disp("To sundry materials 500");
+disp("To wages 6500 By Abnormal Wastage 272 1156");
+disp("To Direct Expenses 2009 By finished stock (output) 8100 34425");
+disp(" 9100 36309 9100 36309");
+//Calculation of Abnormal wastage and Abnormal Gain
+//Process A :
+CostOfAbnormalWastageA=16975*200/9700;//in Rupees
+//Process B :
+CostOfAbnormalWastageB=27075*75/9025;//in Rupees
+//Process C :
+CostOfAbnormalWastageC=35581*272/8372;//in Rupees
+disp(CostOfAbnormalWastageA,"Process A: Cost Of Abnormal Wastage in Rs.");
+disp(CostOfAbnormalWastageB,"Process B: Cost Of Abnormal Wastage in Rs.");
+disp(CostOfAbnormalWastageC,"Process C: Cost Of Abnormal Wastage in Rs.");
+disp("Abnormal wastage account");
+disp("Dr. Cr.");
+disp(" Units Amount Units Amount");
+disp("To Process A 200 350 By sales of wasted units: 200");
+disp("To Process C 272 1156 Units of A @ 25 paisa/unit 50");
+disp(" 272 units of Process C @ Rs. 1/unit 272 322");
+disp(" By Costing Profit & Loss Account 1184");
+disp(" 1506 1506");
+disp("Abnormal Gain Account");
+disp(" Units Amount Units Amount");
+disp("To shortfall in normal wastage of 75 38 By Process A 75 225");
+disp("units @ 50 Paisa/each");
+disp("To Costing Proit and Loss Account 187");
+disp(" 225 225"); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.8/Exa8.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.8/Exa8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ab0cb55fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.8/Exa8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+disp("1. Statement of production units for June 2010:");
+disp(" Units");
+disp("Completed Units 2500");
+disp("(+)Closing work-in-process 500");
+disp(" 3000");
+disp("(-)Opening work-in-process 400");
+disp("New Units (Input) 2600");
+disp("2. Computation of equivalent");
+disp(" Units Incomplete % Materials Labour Overhead");
+disp("W.I.P Inventory on 1st June(40% complete)");
+disp(" 400 60% 240 240 240");
+disp("Add:Input 2600 2600 2600 2600");
+disp(" 3000 20% 2840 2840 2840");
+disp("Less: W.I.P Inventory on 30th June 500 40% 100 200 200");
+disp(" 2500 2740 2640 2640");
+disp("Statement of cost per unit");
+disp(" Total Amoount Equivalents Cost per");
+disp(" (Rs.) Units Unit Rs.")
+disp("Materials 68500 2740 25.00");
+disp("Labour 79800 2640 30.23");
+disp("Overhead 21280 2640 8.06");
+disp(" 169580 63.29")
+disp("3. Process cost for the month of June 2010");
+disp(" Amount per unit");
+disp("Materials(160 units i.e.,40% of 400 units) 3600 22.50");
+disp("Labour(160 units i.e.,40% of 400 units) 3400 21.25");
+disp("Overhead(160 units i.e.,40% of 400 units) 1000 6.25")
+disp(" 8000 50.00");
+disp("Put in process");
+disp("Materials(2740 units) 68500 25.00");
+disp("Wages(2640 units) 79800 30.23")
+disp("Overheads(2640 units) 21240 8.06");
+disp(" 169580 63.29");
+disp(" Total 177580");
+disp("Analysis of Cost sheet (FIFO)");
+disp("Cost of Units Completed and transfered Units Rate Amount");
+disp(" Equivalent Rs. Rs.")
+disp("Work-in-progress-1st June(400 units) 160 50.00 8000");
+disp("Materials for completing 240 25.00 6000");
+disp("Labour for completing 240 30.23 7252");
+disp("Overhead for completing 240 8.06 1934");
+disp("Cost of 400 units 23186");
+disp("Put in process and completed (2100 units) 6329 132909");
+disp("Cost of 2500 units 156095");
+disp("Valuation of work in process- 30th june(500 units)");
+disp("Materials 400 25.00 10000");
+disp("Labour 300 30.23 9068");
+disp("Overhead 300 8.06 2417 ")
+disp("Cost of 500 units(W.I.P) 21485");
+disp(" Total Process cost Rs. 177580")
+disp("Process Cost Account");
+disp(" Units Cost per Amount Units Cost per Amount");
+disp(" unit unit");
+disp(" Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. ");
+disp("To W.I.P 1st June 400 50.00 8000 By finished 2500 62.44 156095");
+disp("Materials 2600 25.00 68500 By stock Account");
+disp("Labour 30.23 79800 By W.I.P 30th June 500 42.97 21485");
+disp("Overheads 8.06 21280");
+disp(" 3000 177580 3000 177580 "); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1208/CH8/EX8.9/Exa9.sce b/1208/CH8/EX8.9/Exa9.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4958e116e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1208/CH8/EX8.9/Exa9.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+disp(" Amount Units");
+disp("Production Units % Equivalent % Equivalent");
+disp(" Completion Units Completion Units");
+disp("Finished & Transfered 8000 100% 8000 100% 8000 ");
+disp("Closing work-in-progress 2000 100% 2000 50% 1000");
+disp("Total Production 10000 10000 9000");
+disp("Statement of cost");
+disp(" Material Labour Overhead Total");
+disp(" Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.");
+disp("Cost of opening work-in-progress 7500 3000 1500 12000");
+disp("Cost in and during the process 100000 78000 39000 217000");
+disp(" Total cost 107500 81000 40500 229000");
+disp("Eqivalent units 10000 9000 9000");
+disp("Cost per unit 10.75 9.00 4.50 24.25");
+disp(8000*24.25,"(a) Value of output transfered : 8000 units @ Rs. 24.25 is ");
+disp("(b) Value of Closing work-in-progress");
+disp(2000*10.75,"Material 2000 units @ 10.75 :");
+disp(1000*9.00,"Labour 1000 units @ 9.00 :");
+disp(1000*4.50,"Overhead 1000 units @ 4.50:");
+disp(194000+35000,"Total Rs. = "); \ No newline at end of file