path: root/1088/CH24/EX24.16/Example16.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '1088/CH24/EX24.16/Example16.sce')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1088/CH24/EX24.16/Example16.sce b/1088/CH24/EX24.16/Example16.sce
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/1088/CH24/EX24.16/Example16.sce
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+//Program for example 1 chapter 1
+printf("Current date is %s \n \nWelcome to the Textbook Companionship Project 2013 \n",date())
+disp("Book Edition : 4")
+disp("Book Author : Sumitabha Das")
+disp("Code Author : Pranav Bhat T")
+disp("Chapter Number : 24")
+disp("Chapter Title : Systems programming II- Files")
+printf("Example 16 : Show the method of using fork and exec to run a user-defined\n program and kill it in 5 seconds if not completed \n")
+disp("Answer : ")
+disp("INSTRUCTIONS : ")
+halt(' ')
+disp("1.These programs are part of systems programming PURELY in Unix and the commands have NO EQUIVALENT IN SCILAB")
+halt(' ')
+disp("2.However the .c files which are displayed here are also made into a seperate file.If you are a unix user then try compiling and running the programme with gcc or cc compiler")
+halt(' ')
+disp("3.The outputs displayed here are just MOCK OUTPUTS which are DISPLAYED IN THE TEXTBOOK")
+halt(' ')
+disp("4.The inconvenience is regretted.")
+halt('.............Press [ENTER] to continue.....')
+i=i+1;f(i)='/* Program: killprocess.c -- Uses fork and exec to run a user-defined program and kills it if it doesnt complete in 5 seconds */'
+i=i+1;f(i)='#include <stdio.h>'
+i=i+1;f(i)='#include <sys/types.h>'
+i=i+1;f(i)='#include <sys/wait.h>'
+i=i+1;f(i)='#include <signal.h>'
+i=i+1;f(i)='pid_t pid;'
+i=i+1;f(i)='int main(int argc, char **argv) {'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' int i,status;'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' void death_handler(int signo); /* A common signal handler this time */'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' '
+i=i+1;f(i)=' signal(SIGCHLD, death_handler); /* death_handler is invoked when a */'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' signal(SIGALRM, death_handler); /* child dies or an alarm is recieved */'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' '
+i=i+1;f(i)=' switch (pid = fork()) {'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' case -1: printf('+ascii(34)+'Fork error\n'+ascii(34)+');'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' case 0: execvp(argv[1],&argv[1]); /* Execute command */'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' perror('+ascii(34)+'exec'+ascii(34)+');'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' break;'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' default: alarm(5); /* Will send SIGALRM after 5 seconds */'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' pause(); /* Will return when SIGCHILD signal is received */'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' printf('+ascii(34)+'Parent dies\n'+ascii(34)+');'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' }'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' exit(0);'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' }'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' '
+i=i+1;f(i)=' void death_handler(int signo) { /* This common handler pics up the */'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' int status; /* exit status for normal termination */'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' signal(signo, death_handler); /* but sends the SIGTERM signal if */'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' switch(signo) { /* command doesnt complete in 5 seconds */'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' case SIGCHLD: waitpid(-1, &status, 0); /* Same as wait(&status); */'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' printf('+ascii(34)+'Child dies; exit status: %d\n'+ascii(34)+',WEXITSTATUS(status));'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' break;'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' case SIGALRM: if (kill(pid, SIGTERM) == 0)'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' fprintf(stderr, '+ascii(34)+'5 seconds over,child killed\n'+ascii(34)+');'
+i=i+1;f(i)=' }'
+printf("\n\n$ cat killprocess.c # to open the file emp.lst")
+halt(' ')
+for i=1:n
+ mfprintf(u,"%s\n",f(i))
+ printf("%s\n",f(i))
+halt(' ')
+ printf("$ cc killprocess.c")
+ halt(' ')
+ printf("$ a.out date")
+ halt(' ')
+ printf("Sat Jun 20 22:29:27 IST 2013\nChild dies: exit status: 0\nParent dies")
+halt(' ')
+printf("$ a.out find /home -name a.out -print")
+halt(' ')
+printf("/home /sumit/personal/project8/a.out\n/home/sumit/personal/books_code/glass_ables/12/a.out\n/home/sumit/personal/books_code/stevens_c/ch08/a.out")
+printf(" ..after 5 second time interval ...")
+printf("\n5 seconds over, child killed\nParent dies\n")
+halt(' ')
+printf("\n\n\n$ exit #To exit the current simulation terminal and return to Scilab console\n\n")
+halt("........# (hit [ENTER] for result)")
+printf("\n\n\t\t\tBACK TO SCILAB CONSOLE...\nLoading initial environment')