path: root/1073/CH5/EX5.24
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Diffstat (limited to '1073/CH5/EX5.24')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1073/CH5/EX5.24/5_24.sce b/1073/CH5/EX5.24/5_24.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9edcdea6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1073/CH5/EX5.24/5_24.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+//Example 5.24
+ho=200; //[W/sq m.K]
+hi=1500; //[W/sq m.K]
+Cpw=4.2; //Sp heat of Water in [kJ/(kg.K)]
+Cpo=2.1; //Sp heat of Oil in [kJ/(kg.K)]
+E=0.8; //Effectiveness
+k=46; //[W/m.K]
+m_dot=0.167; //[kg/s]
+mCp_oil=2*m_dot*Cpo*1000 //For oil [W/K]
+//mCp_oil is wrongly calculated as 710.4
+mCp_water=m_dot*Cpw*1000 //For water [W/K]
+//mCp_oil is wrongly calculated as 710.4
+//NOTE:The above two values are wrongly calculated in book as 710.4
+//so we take here:
+mCp_small=710.4 //[W/K]
+//Since both mCp_water and mCp_oil are equal ,therefore:
+id=20; //Internal diameter in [mm]
+od=25; //External diameter in [mm]
+hio=hi*id/od //[W/sq m.K]
+Dw=(od-id)/log(od/id) //[mm]
+Dw=Dw/1000 //[m]
+x=(od-id)/2 //[mm]
+x=x/1000 //[m]
+Do=0.025 //External dia in [m]
+L=2.5; //Length of tube in [m]
+Uo=1/(1/ho+1/hio+(x/k)*(Dw/Do)) //[W/sq m.K]
+A=ntu*mCp_small/Uo //Heat transfer area in [sq m]
+n=A/(%pi*Do*L) //No of tubes
+printf("\nNo. of tubes required = %d",round(n+1));