path: root/1052/CH13/EX13.6
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Diffstat (limited to '1052/CH13/EX13.6')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1052/CH13/EX13.6/136.sce b/1052/CH13/EX13.6/136.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bede02cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1052/CH13/EX13.6/136.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ clc;
+//Example 13.6
+//page no 140
+printf(" Example 13.6 page no 140\n\n");
+//liquid glycerin flows in a tube
+//to obtain the properties of glycerine use table A.2 in the appendix
+neu=meu/rho//kinematic viscosity,m^2/s
+R=0.02//by no slip condition radius of tube,m
+q=32*%pi*integrate('r-2500*r^3','r',0,R);//volumatric flow rate from the given parabolic velocity distribution
+printf("vol. flow rate q=%f m^3/s",q);
+r=0//for average velocity for laminar flow
+v_av=16*(1-2500*r^2)/2//average velocity
+m_dot=q*rho//mass flow rate
+G=rho*v_av//mass flux
+M_dot=m_dot*v_av//inear momentum flux
+printf("\n av. velocity v_av=%f m/s\n mass flow rate m_dot=%f kg/s\n mass flux G=%f kg/m^2.s\n linear mometum flux M_dot=%f N ",v_av,m_dot,G,M_dot);