path: root/1040/CH4/EX4.1/Chapter4_Ex1.sce
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+//Harriot P.,2003,Chemical Reactor Design (I-Edition) Marcel Dekker,Inc.,USA,pp 436.
+//Chapter-4 Ex4.1 Pg No. 135
+//Title:Diffusivity of Chlorine and tortuosity in catalyst pellet
+S_g=235;//Total surface per gram (m2/g)
+V_g=0.29E-6;//Pore volume per gram (cm3/g)
+rho_p=1.41;//Density of particle (g/cm3)
+D_He=0.0065;//Effective diffusivity of He (cm2/sec)
+D_AB=0.73;// at 1atm and 298K
+M_He=4;//Molecular weight of He
+M_Cl2=70.09;//Molecular weight of Cl2
+T_ref=293;//Reference temperature
+T_01=T_degC+273;//Reaction temperature(K) (Ex4.1.a)
+T_02=298;//Operating temperature (Ex4.1.b)
+T_03=573;//operating temperature (Ex4.1.c)
+P_ref=1;//Reference pressure
+D_Cl2_CH4=0.15;//at 1atm 273K
+P=15;//operating pressure
+//tau=1.25;//From value calculated in Ex4.1.b Pg. No. 136
+//CALCULATION (Ex4.1.a)
+r_bar=2*V_g/S_g;//Mean Pore radius
+D_Cl2_Ex_a=D_He*((M_He/M_Cl2)*(T_01/T_ref))^(0.5);//Assuming Knudsen flow at 573K
+//CALCULATION (Ex4.1.b)
+r_bar=2*V_g*(10^6)/(S_g *(10^4));
+D_K=9700*(r_bar)*(T_ref/M_He)^(0.5);//Knudsen flow
+D_AB1=D_AB*(293/298)^(1.7)// at 1.5 atm and 293K
+D_pore=1/((1/D_K)+(1/D_AB1));//pore diffusion
+//CALCULATION (Ex4.1.c)
+mprintf('\n OUTPUT Ex4.1.a');
+mprintf('\nThe predicted diffusivity of Chlorine is %0.2e cm2/s ',D_Cl2_Ex_a);
+mprintf('\n\n OUTPUT Ex4.1.b');
+mprintf('\nThe tortusity value = %0.2f',tau);
+mprintf('\n\n OUTPUT Ex4.1.b');
+mprintf('\nThe Effective diffusivity of Chlorine at %g K and %g atm = %0.2e cm2/sec ',T_03, P, D_Cl2_Ex_c);
+fid= mopen('.\Chapter4-Ex1-Output.txt','w');
+mfprintf(fid,'\n OUTPUT Ex4.1.a');
+mfprintf(fid,'\nThe predicted diffusivity of Chlorine is %0.2e cm2/s ',D_Cl2_Ex_a);
+mfprintf(fid,'\n\n OUTPUT Ex4.1.b');
+mfprintf(fid,'\nThe tortusity value = %0.2f',tau);
+mfprintf(fid,'\n\n OUTPUT Ex4.1.b');
+mfprintf(fid,'\nThe Effective diffusivity of Chlorine at %g K and %g atm = %0.2e cm2/sec ',T_03, P, D_Cl2_Ex_c);
+//============================================END OF PROGRAM=================================================