path: root/1040/CH10/EX10.2.b/Chapter10_Ex2_b.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '1040/CH10/EX10.2.b/Chapter10_Ex2_b.sce')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1040/CH10/EX10.2.b/Chapter10_Ex2_b.sce b/1040/CH10/EX10.2.b/Chapter10_Ex2_b.sce
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+//Harriot P.,2003,Chemical Reactor Design (I-Edition) Marcel Dekker,Inc. USA,pp 436.
+//Chapter-10 Ex10.2.b Pg No. 414
+//Title:Yield as function of No. of Gauzes
+M_NH3 = 17;//Molecular weight NH3
+M_air = 29;//Molecular weight air
+f_air = 0.9;//Fraction of air in feed
+f_NH3 = (1-f_air);//Fraction of NH3 in feed
+myu_air = 0.0435*(10^-2);//Viscosity of air (Poise)
+P_atm = (100+14.7)/14.7;//Pressure of the system
+P_ref = 1;//Reference Pressure
+T_ref = 273;//Reference temperature
+T_inlet = 300+T_ref;//Inlet Temperature
+V_ref = 22400;
+T_surf = 700+T_ref;//Surface Temperature
+u0 = 1.8;//Velocity at 300 °C (m/sec)
+d = 0.076*(10^-1);//Size of wire (cm)
+D_NH3_N2 = 0.23;//Diffusivity at 298 K 1 atm(cm2/s)
+N = 32;//Gauzes (wires/cm)
+frac_N2 = 0.25*(10^(-2));//Fraction of NH3 fed into N2 (Byproduct reaction)
+n = [1 2 5 10 15 20];//No. of Gauzes
+M_ave = f_air*M_air+f_NH3*M_NH3;
+rho = (M_ave*T_ref*P_atm)/(V_ref*T_surf*P_ref);
+u0_surf = u0*(T_surf/T_inlet);
+Re = rho*u0_surf*100*d/myu_air;
+Gamma = [1-32*(d)]^2;//From equation 10.5
+Re_Gamma = Re/Gamma;
+D_NH3 = 0.23*(T_surf/298)^(1.7)*(1/7.8);// at 7.8 atm 700 °C
+Sc = (myu_air*P_ref)/(rho*D_NH3);
+j_D = 0.644*(Re_Gamma)^(-0.57);//Refer equation 10.14
+k_c = j_D*(u0_surf*100/Gamma)*(1/(Sc)^(2/3));
+a_dash = 2*(%pi)*(d)*N
+k_c_a_dash_u0 =(k_c*a_dash)/(u0_surf*100);
+m = length(n)
+for i = 1:m
+ X(i) = (1-exp(-k_c_a_dash_u0*n(i)));
+ Yield(i) = X(i)-frac_N2*n(i);
+//File Output
+fid=mopen('.\Chapter10_Ex2_b_Output.txt', 'w');
+mfprintf(fid,'\n \tThe Ammonia Yield');
+mfprintf(fid,'\n\t Gauzes Yield');
+mfprintf(fid,'\n\t (n) (X-%fn)',frac_N2);
+for i=1:m
+ mfprintf(fid,'\n\t %.0f \t \t %.3f',n(i),Yield(i));
+//Console Output
+mprintf('\n \tThe Ammonia Yield');
+mprintf('\n\t Gauzes Yield');
+mprintf('\n\t (n) (X-%fn)',frac_N2);
+for i=1:m
+ mprintf('\n\t %.0f \t \t %.3f',n(i),Yield(i));
+//====================================================END OF PROGRAM====================================================