path: root/1004/CH2/EX2.32
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Diffstat (limited to '1004/CH2/EX2.32')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1004/CH2/EX2.32/Ch02Ex32.sci b/1004/CH2/EX2.32/Ch02Ex32.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..98ed1617b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1004/CH2/EX2.32/Ch02Ex32.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Scilab Code Ex2.32 Mu-mesonic atom subjected to Bohr orbit: Pg:65 (2008)
+Z = 3; // Atomic number of Mu-mesonic atom
+m_e = 9.1e-031; // Mass of the electron, kg
+e = 1.6e-019; // Charge on an electron, coulomb
+h = 6.624e-034; // Planck's Constant, Js
+epsilon_0 = 8.85e-012; // Absolute electrical permittivity of free space, coulomb square per newton per metre square
+m = 200*m_e; // Mass of a muon, kg
+// As r_H = epsilon_0*^h^2/(%pi*m*(e^2) and r = epsilon_0*n^2*h^2/(%pi*m*Z*(e^2)
+// r = r_H gives
+n = sqrt(m/m_e*Z); // Value of n for which r = r_H
+n1 = 1, n2 = 2; // Principal quantum numbers corresponding to first excitation
+U = m*e^4*Z^2/(8*epsilon_0^2*h^2*1.6e-019)*(1/n1^2-1/n2^2); // First excitation potential of the atom, eV
+printf("\nThe value of n for which radius of orbit is equal to Bohr radius = %2d", round(n));
+printf("\nThe first excitation potential of the atom = %4.2e eV", U);
+// Result
+// The value of n for which radius of orbit is equal to Bohr radius = 24
+// The first excitation potential of the atom = 1.83e+004 eV \ No newline at end of file